The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0423, combat power exceeds 100 million

If ordinary people's qi is born from muscle cells, Nie Kong's qi is born from the blood flowing in the body.The stronger the energy contained in the blood, the stronger his Qi.

After two years of basic training, Nie Kong finally broke through two hundred times the gravity practice.But after reaching this level, the speed of gravity enhancement slowed down.Every time the gravity multiple of the gravity chamber is increased, Nie Kong will be super suppressed.

It broke through 300 times the gravity in two years, which was quite fast for Nie Kong.The hard work has been rewarded. His combat effectiveness has finally exceeded 3 million, which has been increased by more than a hundred times...

Nie Kong's combat power was 100,000 at 100 times the gravity, but he didn't expect that his combat power would be increased by a hundred times after 300 times.It only enhances gravity by two hundred times, but it is very effective.However, the time spent between 200 times and 300 times is several times longer than that of 0 to 200 times.It is estimated that after increasing to four hundred times in the future, his combat effectiveness will increase in a straight line.

However, it took a year and a half for two hundred to three hundred times. Nie Kong knew that the time spent three hundred to four hundred times was several times or even ten times that of two hundred to three hundred times.He does not have the Saiyan's cheating device and can only rely on his own efforts.

Originally, I thought that with the help of the armor of the true red dragon god emperor, 3 million, he could be as strong as 300 million in combat effectiveness, but unfortunately the armor could not enhance his power, can it be that the function of the armor can no longer help him.

Although the true red dragon god emperor is the strongest in DXD, it is scumbag to appear in the world of Dragon Ball.

After relaxing his tight body, Nie Kong adjusted the gravity zone to 0, and then walked out of the gravity room.Outside the Spiritual Time House, Vidili was accompanying Nie Kong's training of replicas made with props.

Since she is already familiar with using the qi in the body, she temporarily takes advantage in the confrontation.Compared to two years ago, Bidili’s combat effectiveness is dozens of times stronger, and its combat effectiveness has exceeded 10,000...

The biggest change is her body shape, which has increased from 130cm to 153cm.Due to regular practice, her figure is very slim.Twelve or thirteen-year-old girls now look like fifteen or sixteen.The unique female organs are well developed and exude the charm they deserve.

The young loli has become mature, and she grew up watching it.Such a cute girl, how could Nie Kong be willing to leave her to Gohan.

" finally came out." After seeing Nie Kong appear, Vidili's pretty face showed a surprised expression.Her whole body exploded with anger, and instantly killed the copy in front of her.

After practicing, she rushed to Nie Kong.

"The time is up, you have to leave the mental time house quickly." Nie Kong caressed her head, Bidili squinted without resisting.Only when she heard that Nie Kong was leaving Nie Kong suddenly, she had a somewhat reluctant expression.

Two years later, she has matured a lot, and she has already understood what the scenes mean by then.Bidelli did not expect that the girl lying under the master would be herself.

Whenever she thinks of that scene, her heart will hum.

"But...but..." Vidili wanted to say something, but Nie Kong stopped her for the reason he had said two years ago.

"Okay, I'll wait outside for the master to come out." Vidili murmured, packed her luggage and opened the door.At just this time, the gods, Bobo and the others rushed over, seeming to remind Nie Kong that the time is up.

"The time has come, please come out as soon as possible. Otherwise, the overtime exit will disappear and you will never be able to come back..." The god of heaven reminded loudly outside, but Nie Kong ignored his reminder.

"It's okay, I will be able to get out, you leave me alone..." Nie Kong didn't finish his words, the door slowly merged and disappeared in front of the gods and the others.It turned out that time has passed, and the exit of the Spiritual Time House has disappeared.

"Nie Kong...stupid master..." Vidili exclaimed, eyes full of worry.At this moment, she was not in the mood to experience the feeling of being as light as a Yan, she was afraid that Nie Kong would really disappear in front of her forever.

"The door is closed, even I can't open it. Hopefully, as he said, he will have a way to come out. Little girl rest assured, you have to trust your master..." Tianshen comforted.

"He...he said he would practice in it for decades, but is it really possible..." Bidili said in a low tone.

"That's it, it seems that as I expected he is really a higher god than me... It's just confused, why did he appear on the small earth?" The god whispered.

God is just a function, managing the creatures of the planet.For example, the gods of the planets are the realm kings who manage the galaxy at a higher level, and on the upper level are the realm kings of the entire galaxy, and then to the realm king gods, the highest being the realm king god exists.

When the door disappeared, Nie Kong finally started his own pleasant special training.If you have your own girls to accompany, the fatigue of training will disappear cleanly.

At the same time, he wants to build his harem into an existence with a combat power of more than 100,000.

I heard that the Spirit Time House can only accommodate two people, so Nie Kong will release each girl separately the next day.After all, there are decades, and there is plenty of time.

After 300 times the gravity, every time it is improved is a difficult hurdle.Although he ran out of fairy beans, his self-recovery might be a good thing for him.

It took Nie Kong more than ten years to break through three hundred times to four hundred times the gravity, which shows that his potential is really much worse than that of Saiyan.And the combat power increased from three million to 40 million, breaking through the huge hurdle of ten million.

The later improvement became more and more difficult. By the time Nie Kong exceeded 500 times, his combat effectiveness had increased to 160 million, and it took more than 60 years...

Of course, during this period of time, the combat effectiveness of the girls in Dingtian Ring has all been increased to more than 100,000.The strongest is Orpheus, who has reached three hundred thousand.

After spending so much time, Nie Kong knew that he had reached his limit.If you want to increase your combat effectiveness by several hundred million, is it estimated that more than one hundred years of time will be wasted?

There was a bottleneck in cultivation, Nie Kong sighed and stopped his stupid cultivation.Although his life span is eternal, he is not as powerful as a Saiyan for hundreds of years of cultivation. It is simply a blow.

Besides, the story of the cyborg is about to begin in more than ten days, so of course Nie Kong must be prepared.

He put the gravity room into the Dingtian Ring for the girl to practice, and then he finally planned to leave.

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