The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0424, the end of practice

Sensing his anger in Bidili, when Nie Kong wanted to break through with mental power, he found that the barrier of space was stronger than he thought!The teleporting ability he was proud of was actually unusable.

He finally discovered that the space barriers in the Dragon Ball World were stronger than what he had experienced.Nie Kong's dual cultivation skills are stuck at the peak of the first layer, and he cannot break through the barriers of space without breaking through.

If the imperial female cultivating god technique breaks through to the second level, and the solid soul hatches from the soul, his soul power will not only increase tenfold.He doesn't care about the mere barriers.

But now that the problem lies in front of him, Nie Kong shows a bitter smile.Do you want to stay in the spiritual time house forever? How can you do it?In the original book, we want to break the spiritual time house, but we need the power of Super Saiyan III.

With his current strength, can't he break through with brute force? Nie Kong racked his brains to think about the countermeasures to leave.Without power, would he have to practice here for hundreds or even thousands of years before breaking through?

He can survive decades of painful cultivation, but he will be crazy after hundreds of years.

After thinking about it for two days, there was no countermeasure. When Nie Kong was anxiously preparing to return to his Dingtianjie space to accompany his girl, he saw that his eyes suddenly lit up after Dingtianjie.

Since there is no way for one's soul to break through, why not use the faith of the ring to break it.We must know that the power of faith can break the barrier between the two yuan, let alone the small space barrier in the world.

Silently sensing the qi remaining in Vidili's body, Nie Kong launched the Breaking Yuan Formation.The milky white faith urged the ring's formation to rotate, and then shot out two or three meters of light blades.

Light Blade jumped into the void, and the space revealed a half-meter crack.

However, the scene in front of him was beyond Nie Kong's surprise. With one-fifth of his usual belief in breaking the dimension, he could only break through such a small space trace?

Nie Kong increased the weight again, using half of the usual to activate the formation.The five-meter-large light blade tore the half-meter crack in front of him, exposing a six-meter-wide black hole.

After seeing what happened before him, Nie Kong knew that it might be very troublesome for him to break the barrier between two dimensions.A small space requires a lot of faith, not to mention the dimensional barrier between the two worlds.

With sweat on his forehead, he finally felt a sense of crisis.With no room to retreat, he can only move forward bravely.When he just jumped into the black hole, a black hole appeared in the void of the heavens.

In the heavens, Bidili sat on the edge of the high sky, swaying her little feet staring at the high sky in the distance.

She has been waiting for the master in the temple for more than seventy days, but the master hasn't appeared yet.Her heart was flustered, and she felt empty.At this moment, a six-meter black hole in the sky attracted her attention.The opening of the space even alarmed the gods in the temple.They hurried out, just to see Nie Kong jumping out of the spiritual time house.There was no change in Nie Kong in front of him, but it gave them a very dangerous feeling.

"It really broke the space of the Spiritual Time House. How strong is his power... How strong is it!" The god looked at Nie Kong in horror, unable to imagine how strong Nie Kong would be after decades of cultivation. Level.

Moreover, from Nie Kong's decades of unchanged age, he came to the conclusion that Nie Kong must have come to earth as a high-ranking god.

After Wukong died of a heart attack, is the earth about to prepare for something that will affect the cosmic world? The gods were slightly worried.When an unusual person appears, something unusual must happen.

"I'm back..." How much hardship is in the words, even after Bidili heard Nie Kong's words, there was a bitterness in her heart.She turned her head, her eyes burst into tears.

"Master bastard, you can stay in the spiritual time room forever..." Although she said so, her pretty face showed an unprecedented smile.The master is back, so good!

The Vidili in front of him has not fallen behind in his cultivation, and has reached 15,000.With her power now, she can simply destroy any city.Compared to her "world's first" father Satan, she is more than a thousand times stronger than Dili.

After experiencing so many things, Vidili finally understood his father's level.The figure she admired in her heart was announced to be broken, and Nie Kong's figure slowly filled her heart.

"I really want to die, my good disciple." After Nie Kong saw the familiar Vidili, he finally showed a look of nostalgia.He gently hugged Vidili into his arms, feeling her familiar but unfamiliar breath.

She has developed very well, and she exudes the charm of a young girl.Although after a long period of exercise, her skin is as smooth as milk.There are no strong muscles, only soft skin.

Suddenly being held in Nie Kong's arms, Vidili's eyes flashed a little panic.Smelling Nie Kong's breath, the strength of her body was dispersed cleanly.

"Hu...what nonsense, it's just a few dozen days..." Just after speaking, Vidili's pretty face was startled, and she suddenly remembered the characteristics of the Spiritual Time House.Silently buried her face in Nie Kong's arms, her eyes flashed a little softly, allowing Nie Kong to vent his thoughts about him.

After the two hugged each other for half an hour, Vidili finally left Nie Kong's embrace.Seeing the gods and them looking at him, Vidili blushed like a lantern.

"Master...Where are we going to continue our practice..." Vidili hurriedly put aside the subject and asked out loud.I'm going to study in junior high school, but is the master's journey over?

Compared to school, she prefers to accompany Nie Kong to travel around the world and gain more experience and knowledge that the school can’t learn... If the master’s practice is not over, Bidili plans to go back and tell her father to go again, so that her father will not worry. .

"Our practice is over, not to mention that you are ready to start school...Go back!" Nie Kong estimated the time, he knew that after half a year, the plot of the cyborg was about to begin.

How strong would he be in his cultivation? Nie Kong looked forward to the moment he met the Dragon Ball Warrior.There is no way back, he can only go forward and defeat the enemy in front of him...

Hearing that Nie Kong was going to accompany him back to the gym, Vidili showed a pleasant smile.After the practice, the master did not leave himself, but chose to accompany him back to the dojo. The master is so good...

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