The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0425, the appearance of artificial people

With a leisurely and peaceful life, the humans on earth may have forgotten the crisis brought to them by the Saiyans three or four years ago.While they were enjoying peace, a young man and a woman suddenly appeared in a city in the south.

The male's hair is ear-length black short hair, and the female is beautiful golden shawl.Although the hair is different, the handsome faces are somewhat similar.Their eyes were filled with indifference, and there was no expression on their faces.The whole body exudes the temperament that no one is close, and it looks like a cold killer.People passing by did not dare to approach them, or even look at them, for fear that they might be offended.

"Dr. Gallo wants to use it to control us, it is wishful thinking. Although we have a bomb buried in our body, we can kill him the moment he presses the button." There was a loud sound, and the black remote control was in his hand. When the man said so, the remote control was crushed by him.

"Dr. Gallo is dead, but he entered a certain order when he made us. He wants to kill the human named Monkey King, it's really boring..." said the delicate girl like a doll.

"It's easy to kill him with our current strength anyway. When we have the chance to meet him and kill him easily, it can be regarded as fulfilling his last wish for the doctor." The words on the 17th killed people like slaughtering chickens.

"Now, where are we going?" The beautiful girl's eyes showed a moment of confusion, but instantly returned to her indifference.

"It's really a beautiful city, but it's a waste of enjoyment for those people. some damage, let them taste the taste of pain..." Looking at the peaceful city in front of him, the man showed a cold-blooded smile.

"Your idea is a good pastime, but don't ruin the clothes shop on the 17th. The clothes sold there look beautiful." The woman turned her eyes to the specialty shop opposite, and the capital was exposed. The expression that a girl should have.At this moment, she finally had a little more human breath.

"I know about No. 18, and I'll give it to you over there." The man on No. 18 is like getting a novel toy, and the energy gathered in his hand is launched toward the opposite playground.

White light flashed, and suddenly a muddy yellow mushroom cloud appeared.A terrifying explosion sounded, blasting the playground a few kilometers in front to pieces.The sound of human panic calling for help, the sound of car horns, and the aftermath of explosions rendered the peaceful city a sad scene.

It turns out that they are artificial humans created by Dr. Gallo, with unlimited energy in their bodies.They can simply destroy hundreds of miles of cities with their random attacks.

After the two cyborgs passed by, the city was like an atomic bomb. No one could survive.The ruin-like city immediately attracted the attention of the whole world.

Finally, after the two man-mades successfully destroyed the second city, the truth of the matter finally emerged.The appearances of the two artificial humans are posted on corners of the world to remind people to pay attention to them.

When they headed to the next city, the king of the earth finally sent an elite army to intercept their advance.Advanced fighter jets, sturdy tanks, and neat soldiers have long been waiting for their arrival.

However, the enemy in front of them was out of their horror. They just waved it easily, and they killed the king's elite troops.It is said that no one went back alive, and even the reporters who covered news dozens of miles away died on the spot.

The human beings in the world were in panic. They looked at the two artificial humans broadcast in the news with frightened eyes, for fear that the artificial humans would appear in the city where they lived in the next moment.

"Warning...Warning, the next goal of the cyborgs is XX city, please be prepared to take precautions..." Following the road to the south, the two cyborgs are finally going to the city where Satan lives.

Since Satan did not save the world from Sharu, the city was not named after him.But everyone knows the reputation of Satan in the city, after all, he is the glory of winning the world championship.

Not long after the announcement of World News, countless crowds crowded in front of the gymnasium opened by Satan, begging Mr. Satan to save the world.The army has no effect. They can only put their hope on Satan, the champion of the world's number one martial arts conference.

Satan shiningly appeared on the high platform in a black cloak, and then said some arrogant words, seeing his appearance completely did not put the humanoid in his eyes.Perhaps it was Satan's stupid self-confidence that infected the people in the city, and they finally returned to their homes with peace of mind, hoping that Satan would defeat the cyborgs.

Among them, a few shrewd humans did not have much hope for Satan. They went home early to pack up and leave the city.

Although Satan's strength is very bad, he has a strong ability to brag and deceive people. He has practiced a good mouth to escape.After returning to the dojo, Satan sat comfortably in his chair, seeming to be intoxicated by the good feelings of everyone's praise and trust.

But several of his apprentices were clearly more mind-conscious than him, so a classmate with a very strong personality asked: "Master Satan, the other party is a powerful master who can destroy the army, can you deal with those two monster-like enemies? "

Although they believe that the master Satan is very powerful, they are obviously more afraid of the two demon kings who will destroy the city...

"You are really boring. You have to know that the world fighting champion Mr. Satan sitting in front of you is a piece of cake. Don't be fooled, they are just tricks... tricks, how many times do I have to tell you before? Understand? If they dare to appear in front of me, I will definitely kill them all...Wow ha ha ha..." Satan laughed arrogantly with his hands on his hips.

He seemed to think of the scene when he became a hero of the world after defeating the cyborgs.At that time, countless money would flow into my own pockets and be respected by the people of the world...

Satan does not have the teaching of a good teacher, and of course he does not know how to use qi.If the daughter Bidili is there, after seeing the power of the two, I am afraid that he will stop his father from challenging the two artificial people.

After half a year, the fierce cyborg finally appeared in the human world.After seeing the enemy appearing, the Dragon Ball Warriors gathered together and prepared to go to kill the enemy in the news.

It's a pity that among the few people, Wukong is missing as their backbone...

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