The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0426, Dragon Ball Warriors Qi Xian

Sure enough, as the news reported, two humanoids appeared in the city where Satan was in a super high-speed car.When the surrounding crowd saw the two artificial humans strolling along the street, they were all frightened.

"The cyborg is coming, hurry...hurry up and inform Mr. Satan!" Now they only hope that Satan, the world fighting champion, can defeat the cyborg and redeem them in the city.

The news soon reached the dojo, and at this time Satan finally wore a majestic cloak and walked towards the man-made people among the crowd.Seeing the people around him as the savior, he secretly took pleasure in.

Robots, you two become the stepping stones to my Satan's fame.Half an hour later, Satan's arrogant figure finally appeared in front of the cyborg.He has his hands on his hips and his back to the two artificial humans.

Satan slowly turned around and stretched out his right finger to the man on the opposite side, his expression very serious.

"You are humanoids who do sabotage all day, right? Get out of my turf if you know..." After seeing Satan's fighting power, No.18 and No.18 almost had a stomach cramp with a smile.They didn't expect that Satan would dare to challenge them, it was really looking for death.

"No. 17, it's too funny to find out who he is." No. 18 wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes and asked with a smile.

"According to Dr. Gallo's information, he is the champion of the 22nd World's No. 1 Budo Tournament. No wonder he is so arrogant..." No.17 stopped smiling and replied in a cold voice.No. slowly nodded his head and said: "You can shoot on the 17th, I don't want to play any fighting game with him..."

"Okay, okay, let me ruin their hope... No one can stop us from moving forward. Let's ruin it again when we get tired of it." 17th took a few steps and watched the game. Almost half of the people fell in fright.

"Didn't you listen to my uncle's advice? You are unlucky by opposing Satan... I won't be fooled by your tricks, just let me go."

Satan was ready to fight when the two appeared in front of him.He threw off his cloak "chily", and then revealed his muscular upper body.

But what he didn't expect was that the strength of these two cyborgs exceeded him too much.Among them, No. 17 attacked silently, his speed was very fast, so fast that Satan disappeared before his eyes in the blink of an eye.

He rubbed his eyes, trying to see through the enemy's tricks.What Satan didn't expect was that the 17th had already appeared behind Satan.As he looked around, No. 17's fist was completely open to Satan's back and slammed into it.

As if hundreds of tons were weighed on his body, Satan's face was pale.Setsuna was like being hit by a train running at a speed of hundreds of hours, and he felt the internal organs in his chest as if they had moved, completely upside down.

With the sound of the bombing, Satan was hit and flew hundreds of meters, and crashed the building in front.He resisted the tormenting pain and slowly crawled out of the ruined wall... The number flashed in surprise, he did not expect that Satan's vitality would be so powerful.Although he didn't use all his strength, his attack could not be sustained by ordinary humans.The number chuckles, it seems that canceling the number 17 can't even kill ordinary humans.The horn turned into anger, palms aimed at Satan's body.With a sudden force, the blue terrorist energy bomb rushed towards Mr. Satan on the opposite side.

"Ah..." Satan screamed, but was quickly covered up by the violent explosion.I saw a large deep pit within a few hundred meters.In the smoke, they lost the figure of Satan.

Mr. Satan, the world champion, lost, and the humans who saw the facts in front of them fled in panic and hated to have a few legs.The hope that supported them collapsed, and they only hoped to escape early in the city where they appeared.In the blink of an eye, the dense streets were empty.

At the moment the explosion came out, the Dragon Ball Warrior who was looking for the cyborg finally sensed where the two cyborgs were.After receiving this signal, everyone rushed towards here almost immediately.

Piccolo and Gohan were the first to arrive, and when they saw the robot, they showed solemn expressions.The two of them had no air flow and looked like ordinary people.

No wonder they can't find them quickly, so they will hide their anger.They can't judge the power of the enemy in front of them, but they don't underestimate the cyborgs.

Piccolo looked at the figures of the two humanoids coldly, and slowly fell to the ground: "It seems that these two guys are destroying the earth." Just as Piccolo and the others arrived, Klin and the others People appeared one after another.

The gazes of the two cyborgs swept over everyone who rushed to them, and on the 17th, the final line of sight was fixed on the Gohan who looked like Wukong: "We have been waiting for you for a long time, Monkey King!"

It seems that they did not know the information that Goku died of a heart attack, and they regarded the 13-year-old Gohan as a young Goku.No wonder it was like this. The instructions they entered in their minds were Goku's age.

"Are you looking for my dad? My dad died of a heart attack six months ago!" Gohan answered the questions of the two robots sincerely.

"Is Sun Wukong dead? It's a pity that you didn't get rid of him by your own hands. In that case, kill you all of Monkey King's relatives!" No.17 showed a regretful expression.

"Asshole." Vegeta gritted his teeth at the unassuming android. He hated the opponent's arrogant tone of despising his existence.He originally came to see what kind of characters are the so-called enemies who destroy the world guarded by Kakarot, but he didn't expect that they would underestimate himself as a Saiyan prince.

"I will make you regret it..." The impulsive Vegeta took the lead, which fits his arrogant character.At this time, Vegeta had gone through three years of gravity training, and her combat power had already exceeded 40 million.Of course, he can't transform into a Super Saiyan now, and he can't catch up with his lifelong opponent Kakarot.

"Vegeta wait..." Piccolo wanted to know the situation of his opponent, but Vegeta suddenly disrupted their plan.

"I don't have his information, but it seems that the energy contained in the body is very strong..." No.17 showed an indifferent expression, and it seemed that Vegeta's combat effectiveness was not in the eyes.

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