The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0427, the death of Satan

When he hurried back to the dojo, Nie Kong suddenly noticed that several powerful auras gathered in the city where the Dao place was.But the stay time was very short, and several powerful qi suddenly and strangely left the city.

Except for Dragon Ball Warrior Earth, who has such a strong combat power, Nie Kong smiled.Finally ready to meet, the Dragon Ball Warrior who guards the earth!Ignoring the astonished Vidili, Nie Kong expelled a super strong gas instantly and disappeared into the sky at the fastest speed.

Originally, Nie Kong wanted to arrange Vidili to stay in the dojo, but when he returned, he found that it was empty as if there was no one.With Nie Kong's spiritual detection, he found no trace of Satan, but found two apprentices hiding in the dojo.

Through their words, Nie Kong understood that Satan had challenged the artificial man.But with his 8 combat power, can Nie Kong count on him to win the battle? Whether he can survive is a question.Nie Kong, who knows that cyborgs are powerful, has no chance of winning even if he shoots himself, let alone him.

After hearing what they said, Vidili showed a worried expression.Knowing her father's character, she secretly scolded her father as an idiot, how could she be arrogant and stupid enough to challenge a powerful opponent that destroys the city.

Vidili showed a pleading expression to Nie Kong, and Nie Kong had to take Vidili to the battlefield.

The horrible explosion destroyed most of the city. Human corpses, ruined walls were everywhere... Nie Kong appeared in the battlefield and found that their anger had left for ten minutes.

And did not find the Dragon Ball Warrior in time, but accidentally found Satan covered in blood.He did not die, but his vitality was severely overdrawn, wriggling along the street like a piece of meat.

Satan, who was so badly injured, can exist and live to this day, already very powerful.After seeing the appearance of the two of Nie Kong, his eyes seemed to be relieved.

"Dad...Dad..." Although Vidili had a bad plan, she did not expect her father to be so badly injured.She took out her pocket and found that the fairy beans had already been eaten.

Bidelli looked at her master with tearful eyes, begging for his help.

"Sorry, my fairy beans have been eaten a long time ago." Nie Kong's fairy beans were cleaned up decades ago, and there was no time to ask the cat fairy.What was most surprising to him was that Satan would die, and the change in the plot was beyond his knowledge.

Originally, Satan should be the most comfortable person to live in the end, gaining money, fame... and his daughter married the strongest Saiyan, and took over the super-powerful Buu.

Vidiri was crying loudly, her shiny eyes full of sadness.

"Are you... Are you Vidili? I haven't seen you in three months and you have grown so big. It's a pity... It's a pity that Dad can't wait until you get married..." Satan finally recognized the girl in front of him. The fuzzy face showed a loving look.

He vomited a lot of blood, but he was very satisfied to see his daughter before he died.

" won't die." Vidili cried bitterly, but Satan's breath became weaker and weaker.

Satan ignored Vidili, but turned his gaze to Nie Kong.He finally knew at this moment that the strength of Nie Kong in front of him was really stronger than him. That was not a trick.

"I...I have something to ask you, Nie Kong...Although I didn't accept you as an apprentice, I regarded you as my apprentice. Wait...After I die, Vidili will take care of you. Up."

"I promise you that I will take good care of Vidili." Nie Kong nodded and agreed to Satan's request.

"Then...then I'm relieved..." Satan, who was relieved, slowly closed his eyes.Just as Nie Kong wanted to hold Vidili tightly in his arms for comfort, suddenly Satan opened his eyes like a corpse and stared at Nie Kong.

"If I dare to bully my daughter in the future, I won't be able to forgive you as a ghost..." After speaking out loud, Satan fell to the ground again.

"Mom left me, do you want to leave Vidili, Dad?" Vidili sobbed sadly, and she shook Satan's shoulder hard.However, Satan did not cheat the corpse any more, and his body temperature became cold.

"Dad..." Vidili was in pain, her pretty face full of tears.Nie Kong held Vidili in his arms lovingly, comforting her who had lost a loved one.

"Don't be sad, there is a master with you! And if there are no accidents, your father will have the possibility of resurrection." If they defeat Sharu, Wukong and the others will collect dragon balls and wish to revive the disaster-stricken earth people.

"Really..." Vidili sniffed, looked at Nie Kong pitifully, and Nie Kong nodded heavily.

Accompanying Nie Kong through a lot of unthinkable things, made Vidili believe in Nie Kong's return from the dead.She was emotionally stable, hiding in Nie Kong's arms with peace of mind.With a beloved master, he will take care of what happened to him.

After comforting Bi Di Li, Nie Kong was ready to go to the battlefield, where Nie Kong's most passionate powerhouse was waiting for his challenge.Although Nie Kong's combat effectiveness is much lower than them, but with his strange skills, Nie Kong believes that he will have the ability to protect himself.

Wukong and the others are kind, and if they don't do anything harmful to the earth, they won't care about themselves at all.Even they will be happy, there will be a strong person waiting for their challenge.Sharu is the greatest danger, and his goal is to destroy the world.He doesn't have the ability to leave, so Nie Kong wants to change the plot...

Explaining that Vidili had settled Satan's body, Nie Kong rushed towards the sensed Qi.Wukongshu exerted its maximum power, and he disappeared in front of Vidili like breaking through the shackles of space.

Vidili wiped the tears from her pretty face and silently looked at Nie Kong who was leaving.

"Master...Master, you must be careful. Now Bidili has nothing but you." As early as in the Spiritual Time House, Nie Kong's position in Bidili's heart was more important than Satan. Up.

In fact, Nie Kong didn't know that the current Dragon Ball world was not the Dragon Ball he knew.So when he went to the deserted battlefield and did not find the most memorable figure of Wukong, he was stunned on the spot...

How come there is no protagonist Goku, God, what are you kidding?

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