The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0430, Dragon Ball Warriors are wiped out?

The weird thing is that there is no blood coming out of the wounds, as if they were originally assembled.It turned out that Nie Kong kindly helped Vegeta to stop the blood, lest he shed his blood and die.

And Nie Kong didn't plan to kill him now, Nie Kong kept him for his own purposes.

"Asshole...Sooner or later, I will take revenge, you will wait for me!" Perhaps Vegeta thought that with the help of Dragon Ball, he could be resurrected after death, so he did not fear death, but stared at Nie Kong full of anger.

The arrogant him has fallen to this point, it is more uncomfortable than killing him.What can he do without legs and hands?The Saiyan’s second deficiency appeared, and he could not regenerate spontaneously after a broken limb.Wherever they look like Piccolo, as long as the head is still there, they can automatically regenerate various parts.

"Damn... actually broke my favorite clothes, you said how to be responsible!" No. 18 roared angrily, startling Nie Kong who was carrying Vegeta with a stick.

Has she already dealt with her own blood burst? The action is really fast.Nie Kong looked over, and the number 18, dressed as a beggar, appeared in front of him.Her eyes were about to burst into flames, staring at Nie Kong who was a few kilometers away.The 18th, who was originally dressed in conservative clothes, suffered a blood explosion from Nie Kong, and his clothes broke.

Thirty-six strategies are the best strategy.After Nie Kong experimented with his own power, he planned to slip away.If you wait for the number 17 in the battle to slow down, if the two cyborgs attack him together, there will definitely be no life.

"Haha...I'm really sorry for breaking your clothes. In that case, I kindly compensate you for a new one." Nie Kong opened the ring with his spiritual sense and threw a few at the number 18 who rushed over. A piece of clothing, that was the one worn by his girl in Nie Kong’s ring.Hao caught the clothes smoothly, but didn't mean to let Nie Kong go.Nie Kong had expected the little girl on the 18th to think that behind her clothes was an invisible blade that spread for several kilometers.

The Bengyue Dimensional Knife played in his hands to the fullest, increasing his attack power twice!

"What..." No gas bombs were seen, the 18th exuded terrifying energy and covered a defensive cover.With the creaking noise, No. 18 was directly pushed several kilometers away.

After the power of the Dimensional Sword ran out, she opened her eyes and saw that there was no shadow of Nie Kong in front of her.

"Damn, bastard, coward..." As a little girl loses her temper, Number 18 stomped her feet.After hesitating for a while, she finally accepted Nie Kong's kindness to cover her exposed skin with a pale yellow dress.

"What... Is Vegeta finished." Piccolo just saw the scene that just happened, their faces were covered with cold sweat.I originally thought that Nie Kong would be the one to help them, but he didn't expect that he brutally hurt Vegeta and immediately took him away.

They knew that Vegeta had no hope of survival, after all, Nie Kong just did that kind of cruel thing to him.Sure enough, after losing Goku, are we unable to fight the enemies that destroy the earth?

They desperately resisted the 17th, but the 17th obviously didn't really mean to move.

"No. 18 is so careless to let the enemy go. If so, then I have to learn her lesson! I'm tired of playing, now I should kill you all." No.17's energy burst out. In response to the six of them, Piccolo finally dispatched several hundred million of his fighting power.

More terrifying energy than Goku Super Saiyan made Piccolo's green face pale instantly.

" run away, I'll stop him!" Piccolo shouted at Gohan with a frightening expression, looking very worried about Gohan's safety.

"But... But what about you Uncle Piccolo, how can I leave Uncle Piccolo and you left alone..." Gohan was timid compared to the Saiyan attack, and now he is almost like two people.Especially after the death of Dad Goku, he became stronger.

"I want to run, it's too late." No.17's eyes were full of bloodthirsty, and his speed was several times faster than just before, and he instantly appeared behind Leping.Before Leping noticed it, his right hand smashed Leping's neck.

"Leping..." Klin's expression was full of fear, which was the fear of Cyborg 17.I'm so unwilling to do it, I'm going to die here before getting married.

"Don't you want to escape, I want to clean up all of you!" No. 17, who said so, threw Leping's body casually.Tianjin Fan rushed towards the 17th angrily, without fear at all.The spirit of the martial arts school, he showed vividly.

"Qigong Cannon..." The most life-consuming Qigong Cannon was launched, but No.17 was too lazy to avoid it.The powerful qigong hit his body without any effect at all.No.’s fingers shot two rays of light at him, piercing the heart of Tianjin Fan.

"Tianjin..." Before the dumplings had time to shout, his head exploded strangely.The power gap is huge, and their power can't fight against the artificial people at all.

"Asshole... Gohan, go quickly, the hope of defeating them in the future is only you..." Piccolo yelled at Gohan, expressing his own strong desire.

Klin wanted to say that Piccolo should leave with him. After all, he is the hope of resurrecting the world.But it is a pity that Piccolo is most worried about Gohan, even more worried than his own safety.

"Yes...Yes, Uncle Pic." Gohan's eyes were tearful, he turned around and looked at Pic and them one last time, then controlled his breath and rushed into the distance.Uncle Bick, Uncle Leping... I will practice hard and protect the earth.

"Want to run? It's not that simple!" No. 17 learned the lesson of No. 18, and just wanted to knock Gohan down with an energy bomb, but Klin hugged him tightly.

"I'm looking for death..." On the 17th, his energy exploded, directly blasting Klin who was holding him to pieces.However, Piccolo then grabbed his hands, his eyes showing determination.Horn became angry and grabbed Piccolo hard with his backhand.As he tore apart vigorously, Piccolo tore in half flat in front of him.

When Gohan, who was hundreds of miles away, noticed that Uncle Bick's anger disappeared instantly, he raised his eyes to the sky and let out an angry roar.With the anger of his report, Gohan successfully broke through the Super Saiyan!

But he was not happy, his heart was full of anger.He gritted his teeth and left here quickly, without the urge to trouble the robot.

Dragon Ball Warrior VS Cyborg, but Dragon Ball Warrior was annihilated by the whole army.

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