The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element body 0431, Bouma's plan

"According to the latest news, the cyborgs have left XX city. However, according to observations, the world-famous world champion Mr. Satan in XX city was killed in the fight against them. After the first two cities, XX city was destroyed. In the hands of the robots, let us give a silent tribute to the people in XX city.” In the TV news, the host took a helicopter to broadcast live in XX city.

They didn't dare to get too close to XX City, but took a tragic picture of XX City with a camera at high altitude.

"Wow..." Bouma, who was watching the TV, suddenly heard the baby's cry, she sighed and turned and hugged Trunks in the cradle.

"Tranks be good, dad will be back soon after he beats the bad guys." Boomer shook Trunks and softly coaxed the waking child.He is less than two years old, but his face looks healthy.

He is destined to be extraordinary, with the blood of Super Saiyans, but Boomer didn't plan to ask Trunks to follow the dangerous martial art path of Goku and the others.She hoped that Trunks would learn from herself and be a scientist.

What Boomer didn't expect was that the powerful enemy appeared beyond imagination.The Dragon Ball warriors without Wukong are completely unable to fight the cyborgs.

There was an aggressive knock on the door, and Boomer screamed and opened the door of the house.What appeared before her was not Vegeta's stinky face, but Gohan's cute cheeks.Gohan's expression was weird, and Bouma had a bad plan in her heart when she saw his silent expression.

"It's Gohan, why didn't Vegeta come back with you?" Boomer asked aloud.

"Buma...I came here to tell you that Vegeta is dead. I'm so sorry that we were defeated by the robots." Gohan raised his head, tears in his eyes.

"He... he's dead... is he dead!" After hearing Gohan's confirmation, Buma's bright eyes lost consciousness.She would like Vegeta, but his perseverance to chase Goku moved her.

So she gave up the fascinating Leping and liked Vegeta instead.

"But... but we have Dragon Ball, right? I can make a wish to resurrect him!" Bouma didn't know that Vegeta had already died in Namek, and the Earth's Dragon Ball could only resurrect people who had not been resurrected.

"There is no chance, Uncle Klin is dead, Uncle Piccolo is dead, Tianjin Fan is dead...If there is no god, Dragon Ball will turn into a stone. Only me is the living person, and Uncle Piccolo is desperate to save Yes, I'm really useless." Gohan cried.

Bouma hurriedly found Dragon Ball Radar, but as Gohan expected, Dragon Ball Radar did not respond.She slumped on the floor, tears in her bright eyes.She grieves that Vegeta left herself, and the partners who accompanied her to grow up grief to die...

"Bouma, please take good care of Trunks. For example... if one day I die in the hands of an artificial man, the only hope to save the earth is him of Saiyan blood..." After accompanying Bouma wept bitterly for half an hour , Gohan left Bouma's research institute.

"Do you... want Trunks to deal with them? What a joke. Even if you work together, there is no chance to win, let alone my Trunks... I really miss Goku when he is here, his smile always brings himself Confidence. Maybe only Wukong can beat them." She thought silently, looking sadly at the door...

But not long after the time passed, news of the cyborg attack reached the West Capital.Boomer packed her luggage and prepared to take Trunks away, but her parents insisted on staying in the institute.There is no doubt that the West Capital was destroyed in their hands...

After personally experiencing the destruction of his family, Bouma was full of anger towards the cyborgs, but how could he fight them?And why would I be willing to ask Trunks to deal with them, I hope Gohan can beat them.

Things are getting worse and worse. After the cyborgs have traveled through each city, they will always destroy the city when they are tired of it.!

After destroying the West Capital, No. 18 showed a pity.

"Except for the little ghost who occasionally came out to resist us, the guy who bullied you some time ago didn't dare to show up." No.17 chuckled softly.

"Hmph, even if I look around the corners of the world, I have to pull him out." No. 18 snorted with her arms around her chest.

"Anyway, there are only two or three people in the world who can bring us some fun, whatever you want. If you are bullied by him in the future, don't ask me to help you..." No.17 replied with a smile.

"Because he wants to beat me, dream." While saying this, No.18 gave his brother a stern look.

But what they didn't expect was that when they passed by the city XX that destroyed most of the time before, they unexpectedly discovered the shadow of Nie Kong.On the 18th, he appeared in front of Nie Kong rushingly, making Nie Kong jump in shock.

The two fought again with more than a dozen moves, and finally Nie Kong rolled up Vidili and disappeared in front of them using the power of faith.He was under pressure just to deal with two artificial people.

Moreover, before Nie Kong's potential enhancement plan was not successful, his own combat effectiveness was temporarily unable to defeat them.

"Damn it, he runs very fast." No.18 stomped his feet, as angry as a teenage girl.Faced with Nie Kong, who had escaped her twice, she finally found the joy of existence on the 18th—her purpose was to catch Nie Kong personally and dispose of Nie Kong herself...

"Hey...It's almost instantaneous. It might be difficult for you to kill him. But if I help you, you are very likely to kill him. If we join hands, we can leave him without teleporting. Kill him before." No.17 said with his head resting on his hands and lazily appearing in front of her.

" always underestimate me, but you will also run away for the blond kid." No. 18, who said so, looked at No. 17 with contempt.No. Heng laughed awkwardly and said: "That kid is really troublesome. Although the power is not my opponent after the transformation, I can't use him to escape! Wait and see, I will kill him and set you as an example first. "

After Gohan turned into a super game, he was able to block No. 17 for a while, but he was absolutely unable to deal with him with unlimited energy.So every time he stopped them, Gohan would always run away.

Like a cat catching a mouse, Gohan's unbridled efforts have brought hope to the people on earth...

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