The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0432, absorb Saiyan blood

After taking Vidili away from XX City, Nie Kong and the others came to a strange southern island.

Thanks to the existence of Ding Tianjie, Nie Kong directly moved out of the house, and an unfamiliar apartment appeared on the deserted island in an instant.

Originally intending to carry out his own plan in the dojo, how could he know that the cyborg suddenly returned to a city that had already destroyed most of it.It turns out that the so-called crater principle is deceiving, Nie Kong spit out.

Although the island is very backward, it means that the artificial people will ignore it.After all, the earth is huge, and it is difficult for them to search every corner of the huge earth without a sense of breath or spiritual consciousness.He wants to experiment here to see if he can change the potential of his true ancestor of vampires.

"Take you to live in the island, do you regret Vidili?" Nie Kong asked in a low voice, touching Vidili's hair.

"No problem, as long as there is a master..." After Bidili lost her father, she finally regarded Nie Kong as her most important support.The key is that she saw her future in Kalinta, so she secretly liked her master.The two have been together for a few years, and the foundation of the relationship is quite solid.

"But we have to live here for a long time, can you hold on?"

The human blood mixed with Saiyan blood has a terrible potential, even Goku said that Gohan had surpassed himself.In the later stage, due to Gohan's negligence in training, Wukong eventually surpassed him.But as for his own vampire blood, what will happen after fusing the pure blood of Saiyans.

His purpose of capturing Vegeta alive was to study how to break through his limits, but Nie Kong couldn't budget for the time it would take.

"I'm used to it in the Spiritual Time Room. When I'm bored, I will practice as hard as a teacher." Bidili's head is lightened. Anyway, the outside world is very dangerous. She can be with her master compared to other human beings. Very happy.

She usually pretends to be an adult, but Bidili is actually twelve years old.I just lost my father, and the only relatives are Nie Kong.

Nie Kong originally thought that Satan would come back to life, but he miscalculated.It's incredible that Piccolo would die in the hands of an artificial man.He still hasn't figured out whether the Dragon Ball World is swollen.

The only source of intelligence seems to be Vegeta. He just wanted to absorb Vegeta's pure Saiyan blood.

Vampire is the instinct of a vampire, and Nie Kong suppressed his instinct because he broke through the true ancestor.Blood is their source of energy, comparable to the existence of life.

Nie Kong's bloodsucking level is higher, he can use his fangs to suck up the blood and soul of humans, and he can also release bats to swallow.After settled down like Dili, Nie Kong finally prepared to suck up Vegeta.

After absorbing his soul, Nie Kong was able to obtain the information of the current world in Vegeta's soul memory by the way, which was considered to kill two birds with one stone.

Explaining that it is like Dilly's own practice, Nie Kong locked himself in the room, and then ordered Angelika to transport himself to the vicinity of Vegeta.How good is Vegeta of the human stick, but at this time, let Nie Kong kill him.

After seeing Nie Kong appear, he gritted his teeth and roared into a super game and rushed towards Nie Kong, using his head to slam into Nie Kong.Without legs, Vegeta still uses Qi instead of forward props, and the speed is quite fast!

But the injury did not recover, and his combat effectiveness dropped to about 40 million after losing his limbs.Compared to Nie Kong, he was nearly several times weaker. Nie Kong's movements faster than Vegeta pinched his neck.

"It's useless, you can't escape from the palm of my hand. Come on, let me suck you clean!" Nie Kong's teeth pierced Vegeta's neck, and the blood flowed into Nie Kong like a fountain Of the body.

With the loss of a lot of blood, Vegeta's hideous face was pale as snow.His eyes lost their spirit, as if they had lost the support of their soul!

The blood of the Super Saiyan was like a very corrosive acid, which instantly smashed the blood of the vampire in front of him.The blood was boiling, and he felt Vegeta's blood burning his internal organs like flames.

"It's really the blood of a Super Saiyan, and it's actually overbearing to this point!" Nie Kong didn't dare to be careless, speeding up the process of smoking while he could persist.

The more his blood was absorbed, Nie Kong felt the stronger the burning sensation from his body!After tens of seconds, Nie Kong finally sucked up Vegeta's blood and soul.

The bright red blood flowed like a tiger in the mountain, pushing the blood of Nie Kong's golden vampire ancestor into the corner.His blood could not refine the Saiyan bloodline, but Nie Kong felt that the Saiyan blood was refining his vampire blood.

If the refining is completed, it is estimated that Nie Kong will become a pure Saiyan, but he will lose the ability of a vampire.Saiyan blood is simply poison, and Nie's emptiness can't help it.

Doesn't he have the ability to refine Saiyan blood? Nie Kong's expression is faintly painful.The intense burning sensation in the body is very painful, more painful than cutting his limbs.Compared to ordinary humans, it is more difficult for him to fuse Saiyan blood!!

Because the two energies of blood are mutually exclusive, compared to their own vital energy, the blood of Saiyans contains golden destructive energy.Legend has it that Saiyans are evil, and most of them will be violent in their bodies and become violent to destroy the world.

When the Saiyan blood refining two-thirds of Nie Kong's blood, Nie Kong suddenly roared.The two fangs of the vampire had disappeared, and thick black hair grew all over.

Oops, are you going to be a gorilla?Nie Kong resisted the pain of Bone Chewing, he resorted to his last resort!

The scorching soul transformed into a lotus-like flame, fused with the blood of the vampire to resist its erosion.It's just that even with the help of the soul, the two will be evenly matched. Is it because my soul power is too weak.

Without breaking through the gods, it's no wonder that he couldn't help him refine Saiyan essence and blood that exceeded the level of gods.But with its help, the two split most of the battlefield.Moreover, after Nie Kong's soul flame burned, he refined Vegeta's soul from Saiyan blood.

Numerous unfamiliar images appeared in his mind, which were Vegeta's memories from childhood.After losing Vegeta's resentment, the Saiyan's blood became much gentler, and there was no active resistance.All they know is that they resist Nie Kong's refining with their own instincts.

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