The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0433, Vidili a few years later

Familiar scenes, Nie Kong knew from the memory that the plot from the beginning to the end of Namek, the world developed in the trajectory of Dragon Ball.But half a year ago, something began to change.

The Monkey King he was familiar with didn't get the help of Future Trunks, and died of a stubborn heart disease, and even Future Trunks did not appear.With such a visual plot, Nie Kong finally woke up after a moment.It is the world of Trunks in the future, he did not appear in the real world of Dragon Ball!!Several mysteries held in his heart were solved, Nie Kong kind of moved away from the dark clouds to see the bright moon.

After a few minutes, he finally sucked up Vegeta's soul.The last problem now is the two stalemate forces, they fought fiercely in Nie Kong's internal organs.

The Saiyan blood's instinct could not exert its power, and Nie Kong began to counterattack.He slowly pushed back the Saiyan blood

Nie Kong smiled happily, the Saiyan's special green pupils exuded a bit of tenderness.Has Bidili been waiting for herself for more than ten years.The female big eighteen has changed, she is much more beautiful!

Nie Kong was surging, and he hugged Vidili tightly.He didn't think about anything, he just wanted to hug Vidili and love her.

"'re grown up." After a thousand words, Nie Kong only spit out a few words.But Vidili was satisfied. She wrapped Nie Kong's waist and looked at her master with tears in her eyes.

"Master, you made Bidi Li so worried." Four years later, Bidi Lisi missed her master all the time.She stared at Nie Kong blankly, her eyes flashing slightly blurred.

"Master promises you that I will always be by your side in the future." Nie Kong held Vidili's pretty face with both hands, and kissed her thin lips in Vidili's eyes.

Vidili's eyes flashed in shock, then blurred.Master... Master kissed himself, it turns out that he really likes me.

The pure Vidiri was sore and weak, she opened her heart and let her master kiss herself.

When the two ended their kiss, Vidili showed a beautiful smile.Sure enough, like the reality in the future, she really wants to be a master's woman.

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