The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0439, Sharu was born

Followed behind Trunks along the way, and finally reached the destination-Bouma's home after half an hour's journey.Perhaps because of avoiding the artificial people, Bouma built it like an air-raid shelter.

Such a deserted village, no wonder the artificial people are not interested in visiting here.And deep in the dark room, women with long green hair are doing something in front of the screen.The data and codes are beating in her hands, and the setting diagram on the screen is gradually improving.

"Mom, I'm back." Trunks' emotionless voice interrupted Boomer's movements. She turned her chair and looked at the boy who appeared in the room.

"What happened? Why do you look dejected?" Bouma asked with a smile.

"Mom... Gohan... Gohan, he died in the hands of an artificial man. I was really useless, I didn't help him at all..." Trunks gritted his teeth, his expression full of remorse.

If he could transform into a Super Saiyan sooner, perhaps the battle situation could be reversed.However, when he succeeded when he lost Gohan, it was too late!!

After Boomer heard the news of Trunks, she was dull.For Bouma, Gohan and the others are her life's most important friends.Now that they left herself one by one, she felt an unimaginable sadness emerging in her heart.The wrinkles that were originally covering the corners of the eyes were added a few more at this moment.

Gohan is only twenty-four years old. He hasn't really enjoyed a good life. He has been fighting to protect the earth all his life.Goku is such a person, and Gohan has inherited their spirit.

She wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and rejoiced: "Tranks, you can survive. The luck of our mother and son is really good! If it's like what happened to Kiki, mother really can't hold on. Robot Too great, it seems that only Wukong can beat them. I have designed the time machine, I hope I can build it soon! I believe that after a while, you can go back to twenty years ago and change the tragic future... …" It's a pity that the research fortress has been destroyed, or it should be easy to build it.

"Mom! I think with my current strength, if I have been practicing for a few years, I should defeat the cyborgs. I don't need to go back and do research, I think...I want to avenge Gohan and Dad!" Trunks gritted his teeth. .

"You are too naive to think, Gohan's power is much stronger than you, but it is still in their hands. In any case, I am not allowed to do stupid things without my permission!" Buma was scared and Huarong paled. Her scolding stopped Trunks' impulse.

"Ok, I see." Saiyans are always proud and too arrogant, Trunks is no exception.Although Boomer stopped Trunks, it was difficult to say whether it worked.

Nie Kong, who was investigating their actions, sighed with disappointment. He didn't expect Bouma's time machine to be incomplete.Thinking of waiting here for a long time, Nie Kong felt a headache.

But if he leaves, it may be troublesome when Trunks drives away the newly built time machine.But what Nie Kong did not expect was that it took nearly three years for Bouma to build the time machine.

The two cyborgs were as crazy as ever, they drove the levitating car around the world.As long as it was a fun place, they finally killed all the humans there and took it for themselves.In the three years, the two cyborgs kept a low profile a lot, probably because of Nie Kong’s pressure on the field.After three years of recuperation, mankind began to recuperate.

Trunks is practicing assiduously, he wants to practice defeating the cyborgs and revenge.In three years, his fighting power was close to that of Gohan before he died.But in the use of Qi, he is very tender.

After all, no one taught him to practice, and Gohan had the teachings of Goku and Piccolo from childhood.Even if he has Gohan's fighting power, there is no way to fully use it.

As for Nie Kong, he released Vidili from the ring, and the two once again lived a happy married life like living in seclusion.In three years, Vidili has been beautifully shaped, she has the unique charm of young women and is very charming.

While Nie Kong was waiting for Buma to build a time machine, the liquid in the cultivation tank in the middle of the earth was boiling.What is nurtured inside is a colorful egg.

Suddenly, a clicking sound rang.The egg shell broke open, and the green monster broke open the solid egg shell, showing an evil edge!

"Ah..." A scalp-tingling voice sounded, followed by a spray of green slurry.The eggshell was broken in half, and the evil texture filled the air.The locust-like monster crawled out of the eggshell.Those orange and terrifying eyes gleamed and made people feel fear.

In the dim light, it showed a strange green all over, and its skin was inlaid with strange spots.He has a slender tail and an irregular face. The whole person is like an insect-like monster, and his grin is very harsh, even a little chilly sneer.

After it appears, the first thing it does is eat its own eggshell.But it is not satisfied, it patted his stomach.

"On the 17th and 18th, you two wait, I Sharu will soon become the strongest warrior in the universe after absorbing you! The doctor's aspirations will be achieved by me." The green monster drags its long tail, unscrupulously With a loud sneer, the evil atmosphere stirred the surrounding air.

The monster licked the corners of his mouth: "It seems that before absorbing the artificial human, I have to find some food to increase my strength!" After he finished speaking, he floated in the air with his feet, his eyes swept around, and he looked for it. After the direction, finally rushed towards the city with the densest human population.

First of all, the bee-shaped small robot made by Dr. Gallo collected the cells of many powerful warriors.Then he used his computer to analyze the data of these cells and created Sharu.So Sharu has the cells of Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo... Frieza and King Kurd.It should be a complete body in itself, but during the manufacturing process, Dr. Gallo used part of the important materials for making Sharu to make No. 17 and No. 18.So Sharu must absorb both to become a perfect body.When he returned to the modern age from the future, he was in the form of an egg.This is because the time machine that Trunks needs to ride is too small, so he must degenerate into an egg to sit in.

The Sharu in the original book had not had time to absorb the cyborgs. Trunks killed them after returning from the future.And because Trunks went back to change history, four different futures were separated.

There is a future when Trunks returns, Sharu ambushes Trunks to take away the time machine, and go back twenty years ago again.As a result, in the real dragon ball world, Sharu can successfully absorb two artificial people.

In the future, after Trunks defeated the cyborgs, he went back to ambush and killed Sharu who wanted to take away the time machine.

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