The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional body 0440, take away the time machine

"After two years, I finally built a time machine. I didn't expect that it took more than 8 months to replenish energy. Now you can finally go back to 20 years ago. Although it has not been tested, I I think you should be able to come back alive." In front of the circular machine like a rocket, a green-haired forty-something woman squatted there rubbing the time machine she made.

Bouma is really a genius. She has created a machine that can travel through space and time based on her own mind.Therefore, Nie Kong is eager to get the help of the time machine to break through the dimensional barriers of the current world.

Trunks tensed his face and said nothing, his fists clenched.After three years of training, he was confident that he could defeat the cyborg and avenge Gohan with his own strength, so how could he be willing to escape from the arrogant man.

Just as Trunks was trying to say something to refuse his mother, the iron door in front of the house suddenly broke open with a bang.

"Is the time machine finally ready? It made me wait for three years." A hearty voice came, and a young black-haired youth appeared in front of Trunks mother and son.Nie Kong looked at the time machine in front of him, his face showed unprecedented joy.Fortunately, I showed up early, otherwise the cooked duck would definitely fly.

"Who are you... why did you break into our home?" Trunks first stood in front of Boomer and protected his mother.He looked at Nie Kong vigilantly, he didn't even notice Nie Kong's anger.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that the time machine is now mine." Watching Nie Kong walk towards his three years of hard work, Boomer said anxiously, "Tranks, leave me alone, don't worry. Stop him from taking our time machine."

She didn't expect that the time machine she had made had just been completed, and it immediately attracted the covetousness of the enemy.But it is about the destruction of the world, she swears to protect the safety of the time machine.Creating this time machine has consumed all her resources, and there is no chance to recreate it.

"Yes, Mom!" Surrounded by a terrifying milky white gas source, Trunks rushed towards Nie Kong without directly transforming into a Super Saiyan.

"Go away!" Nie Kong formed a hand knife with one hand, and slashed at Trunks without seeing it.The faint fluctuations spread out, as if swept away an invisible sharp blade.The sturdy house split in half, and the Dimensional Sword's power did not weaken at all, and it directly knocked Trunks out.

"Asshole...Don't touch my time machine." Bouma rushed over and hugged Nie Kong's thigh, her face filled with determination.

Nie Kong sighed as he looked at the forty-something woman in front of him.Ignoring Bouma, Nie Kong pressed one hand on the cold metal casing of the time machine.As Nie Kong's spiritual consciousness opened the space of Dingtian Ring, the time machine screamed strangely and disappeared in front of Bouma's eyes.

"Quickly leave my mother." Trunks, surrounded by golden aura, rushed towards Nie Kong like a lion roar.

"Don't worry, I am not interested in her now. Now that my goal has been achieved, then I should leave." If it was Bouma 30 years ago, it would be almost the same.

Nie Kong exploded with energy that surpassed Trunks, and turned into a Super Saiyan in front of Trunks.After Nie Kong's energy burst, Bouma floated out for several meters.

"Why... how could there be other Saiyans? Gohan clearly said that it was only me." Trunks was stupid on the spot.

"I'm sorry to take away your time machine, as compensation I will help you kill the cyborgs."

"How could you believe you and give me the time machine." The golden light flickered, and Trunks appeared in front of Nie Kong in the blink of an eye.

"Go away..."

Nie Kong easily caught Trunks' fist with his left hand, and slapped Trunks in front of him with his right hand.His energy is very strong, but his application is far behind.

With a bang, Trunks knocked down the solid wall in front.When he rushed out of the ruins, Nie Kong's figure had already disappeared in front of them.

"Tranks, are you okay," Boomer said worriedly.

"I'm fine, but the time machine..." Seeing that he hadn't blocked the stranger who appeared, Trunks gritted his teeth.

"What can I do if he is snatched away..." Boomer smiled wryly.The loss of the time machine meant that the world would change dramatically, and she could only pray that Nie Kong would not use the time machine to do anything that would mess up the world.

The cyborgs were not dispatched, but the number of nearby humans was inexplicably decreasing.Within ten days, the earth, which had recovered its popularity, once again suffered a terrorist attack from a strange enemy.According to the information given by witnesses, the murderer was a dark green monster.He couldn't tell the specific appearance, but it killed humans in more than a dozen cities!

And the dark-green monster with a tail like a bee-needle appeared in the bustling urban street just like a stroll in the garden.On both sides of the lively street, there are dead bodies with terrifying looks as if they were drained.There is no vitality in the city, it is as silent as a ghost town.

"Haha..." Sharu sneered with a harsh sneer. He, who had ingested tens of millions of human vital energy, was growing at a rapid pace.The original body was thin and he looked much stronger at this moment, and the annoying breath gradually rose.

He had already shed his skin twice, but the qi he radiated was weaker than that of human beings.He has the ability to control the size of his own qi, and it is difficult to find him hidden behind the earth.

After Sharu gained more life power, his own power was directly terrifying.

"Are you?" Just as Sharu was seeking more life energy in the village, a voice rang in his ear.

Sharu looked at the source of the sound and found a floating car appeared in front of him.After seeing the two people appearing in the car, his vague face showed a surprised expression.

"No. 17, No. 18!" Shalu squinted his eyes, and a hot light radiated from his orange pupils.There was a hey sneer in his mouth, it was like a snare.

After absorbing tens of millions of humans, his own power can finally reach the level that can absorb artificial humans.Now they were appearing in front of him, and Sharu was overjoyed.I looked at the corpses in the city in surprise, and then at this monster that felt very evil.

"So you are robbing us of our fun, everyone killed you all, then what are we playing!" No.17 looked at the monster angrily, and he wanted to tear the Sharu in front of him to pieces.

Sharu clenched his fists, ready to absorb the two androids.

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