The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0442, against Sharu

The terrifying explosion swept every corner of the world, even Nie Kong, who had just won the time machine from a long distance, could detect it.And after the terrifying explosion, a powerful and evil aura burst out.It is so powerful that it is several times that of Nie Kong after he turned into a super game!

Nie Kong's joy of getting the time machine disappeared without a trace. He didn't know that there would be such a terrifying guy in the world.The source of Qi was moving at a high speed, rushing towards him a few hundred miles to the right.

Although they are far apart, their speed should be able to approach quickly.He has been training hard for decades before he has his current strength. Who will he be?With an unbalanced mind, Nie Kong faced the source of the terrifying aura.

Following the trail left by that breath, bypassing the sight barrier of the mountains.What appeared in Nie Kong's eyes after a few tens of seconds was a dark green monster covered in spots.

His face tends to be human, but his appearance is a little fuzzy.The green skin is like Bianke, but it exudes more evil than any bad guy Nie Kong has experienced.

The monster is chasing the beautiful No. 18 in mid-air, a needle-shaped thing like something wretched to a woman, rushing past.While flashing its assault on the 18th, she speeded up her escape in a panic.The last energy bomb of the number had little effect, and Sharu was not hindered by any obstacles and absorbed him cleanly.

Originally there were only more than 500 million points of combat power, but after absorbing the number 17, it soared.And this form is just his second level, and he hasn't really recovered to its full form.If Sharu absorbs No. 18, it is estimated that his power will increase several times again!

After seeing his appearance, Nie Kong finally understood who the strong man who appeared inexplicably was.Due to his disturbance, Trunks failed to go back to practice twenty years ago and came back to kill the robots.

After Sharu wakes up, of course he will try his best to absorb the artificial humans who have not died to improve himself.No.'s situation is getting more and more dangerous, she doesn't have any resistance in front of the tough Sharu.She jumped out of Sharu a kilometer away, and gently pressed her jade hand on her snow-white neck.

She had no choice but to detonate the bomb installed in her body.Rather than being absorbed by the ugly monster in front of her, No.18 would rather die by herself.

"Stop making fearless resistance, I can knock you down in the time you hesitate to detonate the bomb. What are you hesitating about 18th, I am 17th... Can you hear my voice, I will talk to you now? Sharu is integrated, it feels great..." While speaking, Sharu's voice changed to the familiar voice of No. 18.After absorbing No. 17, Sharu was able to use No. 17's voice.

After hearing the voice of No. 17, the right hand of No. 18 slowly dropped.She opened her eyes wide and looked at Sharu closely.While the 18th was bewildered, Sharu's mouth flashed a cold smile.

Suddenly, Sharu rushed towards her unexpectedly on the 18th.The pin-shaped tail immediately expanded and went straight to the 18th hood.

" have no chance to blew yourself up, obediently become my strength." 18th looked at Sharu who appeared in horror, and she had no way to avoid monsters beyond her.

"Bengyue Dimensional Knife!" The icy voice spread, and Sharu's tail, who struck No. 18 in an instant, had been smoothly cut in two sections with his right hand.Feeling the substantive look in his eyes, the monster Sharu turned his head, his orange eyes burst out with a greedy killing intent, and evil aura suddenly rushed toward his face.After being saved, No. 4 escaped from Sharu as quickly as possible.After escaping the danger, she breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the human being who had saved her.

"It turns out that it was him, did he come here to save me? But Sharu's power is so terrifying, it is almost to death by him to deal with Sharu." Seeing his familiar figure come out to save himself, No. 18 eyes flashed Surprise.

Sharu licked the corner of his mouth, shaking his tail and staring at Nie Kong.Originally, Dr. Gallo should fuse the world's strongest martial arts cells into his body.There will be humans whom I don't have information in the world. He is a little unexpected.

"Do you want to absorb the 18th? I didn't agree!" Nie Kong focused on Sharu, he felt an inexplicable threat.The power in front of him was terrifying, three times his own.

The rescue of the 18th was because Nie Kong couldn't watch Sharu as the beauty he cared about.

"Hey...very good, come out a human being sent to death. In that case, I will swallow you and then absorb the number 18..." Sharu shook his green-spotted tail and rushed towards Nie Kong without any hesitation.

"Nie Kong, he was already very good, but now he is even more terrifying after absorbing No. 17. You are not his opponent, accompany... and escape with me." No. 18 exclaimed, his tone full of worry.

Nie Kong tense his heartstrings, and the Saiyan blood all over his body began to riot.He did not listen to the opinions of No. 18, but tried to leapfrog and challenge Sharu in the second form.

Escape is very simple for him, not to mention that he can escape to another dimension after having a time machine.Even if Sharu were to find him, it was impossible.

"Wait until I've tried it, I'll accompany you to escape if it doesn't work." Nie Kong's spiritual sense stared at Sharu all the time. After seeing him rushing towards him, Nie Kong immediately used his full power.

If he broke out with all his strength, Nie Kong could barely defeat half of his strength.

The two collided for the first time in the air, and Sharu's limbs shot at Nie Kong like a machine gun.Every hit contains the power of terror.Nie Kong knew that as long as he hits one of his moves, he would definitely be seriously injured.

Thanks to the help of spiritual sense, Nie Kong barely caught up with Sharu's speed.After seeing that his attack had no effect, Sharu hit Nie Kong with his tail.Compared with Nie Kong, he had another attack method, and Nie Kong retreated steadily.

It used to be less offense and more defense, but now it seems to be a completely defensive situation.Seeing Nie Kong's crisis, No.18 bit his lower lip.She forcibly resisted the fear of Sharu and rushed directly to help Nie Kong fight against Sharu.

Sharu didn't expect that the 18th would come out for a while, and gave her a full kick on the back.With a bang, Sharu fell directly into the deep mud layer from mid-air.

"I...I'll help you fight against Sharu, but you don't want to be crooked, I'm just saving yourself by the way..." The jade back of No. 18 is close to Nie Kong, and the two are close to each other, as if trusting. Partner.

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