The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0443, fierce battle

"Help and return to help, but you have to be careful not to absorb it." With the help of the 18th, Nie Kong had a chance to resist against Sharu.

"Damn..." Sharu was startled by the arrogance of the two.He fired a few energy bombs in anger, and first rushed out of the mud layer covering several hundred meters around Nie Kong, trying to force the two of them to cooperate.

Almost at the same time, the two teamed up to launch a well-coordinated offensive and defensive battle.Nie Kong's originally green Saiyan pupils turned into golden yellow, looking like a majestic god.

"Resolve..." The moment the energy bomb rushed, it dissipated in the sky, and the strange scene almost scared Sharu.

"Whoo!" The stormy and violent sound of breaking through the air was intensively waved in the air, and the hundreds of black swords in front of Sharu's eyes were interlaced and radiated, and they shot at him at the bottom very fast.

The sharpness of each sword can cut off Sharu's body, which he is very certain.Unless it is to use his energy to open the defensive cover, he can be safe and sound in Jianshan.

Sharu retreated quickly, a large area of ​​dust and sand rose on the ground, and waves came after another.The figure constantly changes its footing position, leaving a trail of vague afterimages in the air.

"This monster hides so fast!" One sword after another failed, Nie Kong frowned coldly on the face under his blond hair.The spiritual sense was originally directly locked, but when the sword appeared in front of him, Sharu had already disappeared.No.’s eyes have always locked Sharu’s body to come and go, the whole person is as fast as the wind, and the energy bombs sent out are always maintained at a frequency, which limits Sharu’s chances to meet!

"Boom!" No. 18 threw an energy ball with a flash of light. The air in front of Sharu twitched, and then the explosion sounded, the latter dangerously avoided.

The black sword danced in a perfect arc in the sky and pierced Sharu's head in a blink of an eye.If he loses his head, Sharu should not be able to resurrect.

"Qiyuanzhan!" To Nie Kong's surprise, a circular air bomb floated out of Sharu's right hand.The gas bomb rotates at high speed and has an area of ​​ten meters.Such a terrifying gas bomb directly cut off the black sword that rushed forward, and faced Nie Kong and the others without losing any momentum.

"Go away!" Nie Kong regained his senses while breathing, and the energy that watched Sharu cut towards No.18, hurriedly shouted to her.

The two quickly separated, and the blue energy rotating blade was like an indestructible dragon, stirring the surrounding air, with an irresistible aura of destruction, and blasting everything.Fortunately, hiding quickly, Qi Yuan cut to nothing!

boom!The revolving gas bomb fell on the towering mountain hundreds of miles away, and the magnificent mountain was cut into two in an instant, and the sound of rumbling and rolling resounded through the sky and the ground.Lou Xin looked at the disappearing mountain with lingering fears, cold sweat on his forehead.Sure enough, he absorbed the cells of many Dragon Ball Warriors, and he was able to use any of their moves.

Shalu laughed out loud, and suddenly disappeared in place. When he appeared again, he had already appeared 100 meters above Nie Kong and the others.Then he put his hands on the left and right corners of his eyes and temples, and his fingers separated!

Sun Fist!Like the sun's violent sunlight, No. 18's eyes were shining temporarily blind.Without the presence of breath, No. 18 has now lost the ability to see.

Nie Kong closed his eyes tightly. He never expected that Tianjin Fan's super handsome Sun Fist in the original book would be used in his hands.

"Haha..." Sharu laughed arrogantly, his tail expanded a few meters and attacked again on the 18th.And No. 18 covered her eyes with her hands, and didn't even realize that Saru was close in front of her.

Seeing that he was about to absorb No. 18, he did not expect Nie Kong to appear behind him.Sharu's careless situation was directly hit by Nie Kong's right leg.His head is down, like a meteorite hitting the earth.

A huge explosion sounded, and a pit several kilometers wide appeared on the ground.That attack was Nie Kong exhausting all his strength, almost kicking Sharu's head to pieces.

Sharu absolutely did not expect that Nie Kong had relied on spiritual knowledge to fight, never relying on his own eyes.After all, the speed that the eyes can see is limited, and spiritual sense can better detect the enemy's movements.

"Asshole..." Sharu became angry from embarrassment, almost mad.The handy food was destroyed by Nie Kong over and over again, and he hated that he only wanted to tear Nie Kong into pieces.

The horrible qi exploded directly, and he emitted the energy of his maximum power.The light yellow air hovered around him, and the terrifying energy spread out, blowing a dozen hurricanes.

"My Saiyan's transformation time is almost over. He must not be allowed to continue to improve."

The air screamed, and Nie Kong's figure turned into lightning.In the process of moving at high speed, the palm of his hand blasted towards Sharu.With a "bang", Sharu sneered and stood in place, with no intention of dodge.

"Dimensional knife!"

Nie Kong's palm tears any weird waves, and hit Sharu's chest firmly.

The dimensional knife seemed to hit a solid space barrier without shaking Sharu's body at all.With the sound of Bo, the Dimensional Knife finally broke through Sharu's powerful energy defense.The weird wave hit his chest, tearing his body through a big scar.

But Sharu's expression did not change, and he didn't care about the wound in his skin.

"Huh... you can actually break my energy shield, your shell is really amazing!" Shalu's eyes were cold, and his anger exploded.

Shalu completely let go of his breath, and volleyed his leg to the side of Nie Kong's neck.A simple forward kick, an instant attack later kicked Nie Kong out several hundred meters.

The sound of clicking was the crisp sound of Nie Kong's neck bone breaking.

"Hey...Nie Kong, how are you doing, are you okay!" No. 18's beautiful pretty face was anxious, and she yelled to Nie Kong in a panic.

"His neck bone has been broken, and he has lost the ability to resist. Let's see how I can absorb you." Shalu showed a pale yellow arrogance, without any thought of wasting energy.

Stuck heavily in the mud, Nie Kong shook the dust from his clothes and slowly stood up from the ground.His golden hair has faded, turning back to black.

He shook his neck directly, making a crackling sound.Without any injury, Nie Kong met Shalu's cold eyes.Nie Kong, who has the immortal body of a vampire, can resurrect even the last drop of blood, let alone a mere broken neck bone.However, after recovering from his injury, Nie Kong's energy was reduced to its lowest level, and he fell out of the super Saiyan transformation.

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