The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional text 0445, True Dragon Ball

Thirty-three years ago was the time when the plot was ready to begin. The highest combat effectiveness in Dragon Ball was only two to three hundred.If the Trunks world in the future is beyond any lion, the original Dragon Ball is as safe as a white rabbit.

Inside the peaceful village, the air around today is extremely heavy.Thunder and lightning flickered in the sky, and there were a few thunderbolts in the sunny day...

Several farmers in the vicinity of the village stopped their hard work and were so scared that they were lying on the ground with their heads in their hands.At this moment, turbulent ripples appeared in the void, like ripples sweeping out.

The ripples from the space are getting stronger and stronger, and when it reaches the maximum, there is a crisp sound.The black hole flashed, and a circular mechanical monster jumped out from it in an instant.It has a rocket-like shape with the logo of the Magnum Capsule Group in the middle.

After seeing the strange machine appearing, several farmers gathered around it that emerged out of thin air.Among them, two middle-aged men are holding shotguns, and they seem to be worried about the danger in the past.

"What could it be?" Just as they were confused, the glass front compartment suddenly opened automatically, and two strangers floated out and appeared in front of them.When the girl among them saw the peaceful atmosphere around her, her bright eyes were full of surprises.

But the child that the girl hugged, grew up quickly beyond their imagination.In two seconds, he changed from an immature child to an adult youth, and he hugged the beautiful girl.

"You...who are you, hurry up...leave our village!" The middle-aged villagers in front pointed their guns at them, their hands trembling and they were locked in the gun safety.It seems that seeing Nie Kong's transfiguration shocked them.Perhaps in the eyes of the honest peasants, Nie Kong had long been treated as a monster.

The girl looked at the people around her as if she was looking at the slaughtered lamb.The faint murderous intent radiated, and the nearby residents shook their feet with fright.

"Don't come here, I... we will kill you." Seeing the girl approaching them, the villagers headed by trembled finally stopped the gun.Boom... Thick smoke came out of the muzzle, and the metal bullet rushed towards the girl.

The girl gently stopped her hand in front, and simply pinched the hitting bullet between her fingers.

"Huh... damn human!" With some bad habits, she seemed to dislike humans.She threw the bullet out at will, targeting the villagers who shot her.

"Stop No. 18, don't just kill anyone." The two people who appeared were Nie Kong who took a time machine. After a journey without the concept of time, Nie Kong appeared in a peaceful village after traveling through space and time.

The bullet made a strange turn and rushed directly into the sky.The transfer of moves easily resolved the 18th counterattack and saved the lives of the villagers in front of him.The surrounding villagers fled and disappeared in front of Nie Kong and the others.

"But... but I am used to killing in the original world, let alone I hate human beings..." No.18 said softly.

Since being transformed into a humanoid by Dr. Gallo, she may have fallen for herself.Originally, she really wanted to be a normal human being.But now it has become a semi-human, semi-mechanized No. 18, who wants to kill all humans.

"I have just probed, and we have really come to appear in a new world. There is no desolate destruction, no Sharu, only a peaceful world. Come to the new world, you can get rid of the old problems as soon as possible." Nie Kong used his soul cultivation base to break through the barriers of space and teleport, but it feels really okay!Nie Kong was ecstatic when he was finally able to regain his power to freely shuttle through the dimension.

The feeling of aura spread out, and Nie Kong did not find anyone exuding a strong aura.Nie Kong knew he was in the early stage of Dragon Ball, but he didn't know if it was before the plot started 33 years ago.

How could such a weak world withstand your bombardment on the 18th, so Nie Kong forbid her nonsense.

After hearing Nie Kong's words, No.18 pouted her small mouth with her hands around her chest.It was true that I did it when I was boring before, but I have changed a lot. It was clear that he wanted to bully himself first.

It used to be boring to accompany the 17th murderer, but now she feels full of joy with Nie Kong's company. How can there be any boring thoughts.

"Okay, well, if I have the opportunity, I will help No. 18 to regain the title of a real human." Just after Nie Kong's words, a dazzling smile appeared on the corner of No. 18's mouth, which was more eye-catching than her hair.

"I... can I really restore humanity? You didn't lie to me?" No.18 grabbed Nie Kong's hands and looked at him with gleaming eyes.Transformed into a machine-like creature may be the reason for the random murder on the 18th.

"If there is no accident, you can." If it is really the Dragon Ball World, after collecting the Dragon Balls, you should be able to call the Shenlong wish!It's easy to restore No. 18 to a human.Klin in the original book made the wish to restore the 18th to humanity.

"Well, I believe you!" No. 18 smiled sweetly.

"Of course, it will take a long time to realize it. Let's wait until we understand the background of the world. I really hope to come to the world before the plot begins..." Before the plot begins, it means that he can get the Boomer he likes and give her in the future. happy life.

After seeing Bouma in her forties in the world of Trunks in the future, Nie Kong vowed to redeem her beautiful and intelligent.Anyway, now that his Po Yuan array can be used again, there is no need to worry about leaving.

What he worries most is the fusion of his own blood, and now he has no clue.Nie Kong didn't know whether Shenlong could realize his wish.What he knew was that Shenlong couldn't achieve a wish beyond his ability. His blood level was so high, it seemed that hope was really hanging.If there is hope, he will try to see if he can succeed.

The Dragon Ball detection, of course, must use the Dragon Ball Radar developed by Boomer to have the opportunity to collect them.By the way, being able to meet Bouma when he was young was simply killing two birds with one stone.

Putting the time machine into his space for setting the ring, Nie Kong greeted the cheerful No. 18 and left the village.Because Nie Kong's qi was too strong, they did not directly use qi to fly.No. There is nothing to say, anyway, she feels very happy to stay by Nie Kong's side.

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