The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0446Meet the young Bouma

The city in front of you is called the West Capital, because the Wanneng Capsule Group is located here, and the technology here is more advanced than that of cities on the earth.In every corner of the city, gorgeous and majestic buildings stand in the city.In the sturdy streets, cars are moving fast.

Nie Kong remembered the map of the earth clearly in the world of Trunks in the future, so after two or three days of driving, they finally arrived at the famous West Capital.Compared to what we saw 30 years ago, the changes here are not much.For this huge western capital, the company that invented the universal capsule is very famous because it was an epoch-making invention.

When walking the streets, Nie Kong's handsome and somewhat demon-looking appearance naturally attracted the attention of many girls.Some mature women even flirted with him boldly, but Nie Kong ignored it.

Number 18, who was by Nie Kong's side, glared at the girl who looked at Nie Kong and almost turned into a human being that Shura slaughtered the city again. Fortunately, Nie Kong grabbed her hand in time.

Driving on a familiar street, Nie Kong finally brought No. 18 to the front of a mansion covering an area of ​​tens of acres.It is finally about to be revealed, whether they actually appeared in Dragon Ball World 33 years ago!

The time machine hadn't been tested, and Nie Kong was really not sure that he could actually shuttle successfully.After adjusting his mentality, Nie Kong stood in front of the door and rang the doorbell a few times.Without Vegeta, he could visit Bouma without restraint.

"Hello, this is Bulma's house, who is this handsome guy looking for? Is it because he wants to come to me for a date?" A mature woman's face appeared in front of the doorbell, and there was an advanced small display. There.She looked at Nie Kong with a smile. Her golden hair and mature body were very beautiful.

Nie Kong was a little bit dumbfounded at her, and said, "No, I want to find..."

"Oh, since you didn't find me on a date, it was for Bouma. Come in first, and I'll call her first, that little girl is too smart, and she wouldn't introduce Mommy to such a handsome boyfriend. Before Nie Kong finished speaking, the mature woman on the other side of the screen interrupted him.

Before Nie Kong had time to explain, the video at the door had been closed.Nie Kong was a little speechless, this woman was too centered on her own thoughts.

After waiting for a while, the big iron door in front of me finally opened, revealing the mature woman who had just been displayed on the electronic display.

"You guys, come in, I'll take you to Bouma's." She smiled slightly, and couldn't help but put Nie Kong's arm around her, the plumpness on her chest pressed against his arm.

"This woman, there is nothing wrong with her brain!" No. 18 tried to pull her arm around Nie Kong hard, but her right hand became tighter and tighter.Watching Nie Kong's arm sink into her chest until it was buried in the softness of the two.Completely ignoring the existence of No. 18, she suddenly aroused strange anger.

After walking for more than ten minutes, passing a huge park and seeing many strange animals, the three finally walked into the place where they really lived.

Passing through a gorgeous high-tech hall, the three of them came to a small door. She took Nie Kong's hand and let go, and said, "Bouma is waiting for you inside. You can go in by yourself." Twisting the big ass under the waist, walked out slowly.

"It's troublesome, what are we going to do here after all." No.18 said in a dissatisfied tone.

"I need to find Bouma for very important things." Nie Kong did not hesitate to unlock the door and pushed in.

"La la..." A sound of water reached Nie Kong's ears. In addition to the sound of water, there was also a cheerful sound. It seemed that someone was humming a sweet song.However, when Nie Kong saw the situation in front of him, his eyes opened wide, and he looked at the front with some speechlessness.

A few meters in front of him, a fifteen-year-old girl was sitting in a bathtub that was several meters in size.While humming a tune happily, she lay in the bathtub overflowing with hot water, rubbing white foam with her hands on her white skin without a strand.Half of her body and chest are hidden in the foam, which is a little fuzzy, which makes people really want to break the white layer and see the situation clearly.It was also because of the half-hidden appearance and the sweet innocence of the girl, even Nie Kong, who had a stable mind, was almost impulsive.

At this time, Bouma may have already washed almost, and suddenly stood up, picked up the nozzle to wash the foam on the body.At this moment, Bu Mana's youthful body was completely exposed to his gaze.

Under the green hair, there are a pair of big eyes, the look is very cute and beautiful.Nie Kong's gaze moved from her face to the bottom, her eyes squeezed under her belly, nothing was hidden.

Nie Kong was stunned, and the 18th was stunned.

Bouma also noticed that the atmosphere was a little abnormal at this time, turned her head and looked over, and immediately ran into Nie Kong's straight eyes.Time seemed to have stopped, and Bouma finally reacted after ten seconds.

"Ah...color...wolf!" Bouma squatted down hastily, screaming in her mouth.He picked up the objects around him with both hands and threw them crazy towards Nie Kong.Bouma couldn't believe that a man would appear in her house.Otherwise, she wouldn't be like that, she would dare to take a bath without locking the door.

"Crackling..." Nie Kong flashed out of the room quickly, a little embarrassed.But it was great to be able to see the young and beautiful little Buma... Nie Kong suddenly felt very happy.

"What is important to hate? Nie Kong is going to peek at the girl taking a shower!" No.18 looked at Nie Kong fiercely and said.

"Please, it was her mother who brought us here. How would I know that she was taking a bath in it." Although Nie Kong said so, he kept thinking about the scene he just saw in his mind.

" my opinion, Nie Kong, you are a slutty...wolf!" No.18 hands on hips, as if teaching her husband who was stealing food outside.Sure enough, does Nie Kong like normal girls?

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