The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0447, the whereabouts of Dragon Ball

After a slender sound, Bouma kicked open the bathroom door and appeared in front of Nie Kong again.But at this moment, Bouma has already transformed itself.She was already wearing a bathrobe, not to mention, in her hands, she did not know where to get a submachine gun.

After the transformation, Bouma's combat power changed from 1 to 5. After seeing Nie Kong outside, she went crazy and shot at him.

"Da da..." Countless fire snakes emerged from the machine gun, and they flew towards Nie Kong at an extremely fast speed.It's just that these bullets are of no use to Nie Kong.His hands were dancing quickly, and countless bullets floated in front of Nie Kong.

After all the bullets were burnt out, the fear in Bouma's heart finally faded. For Nie Kong who suddenly appeared, she had long thought that the robber was first-rate.But when the gunpowder dissipated and Bouma saw the situation in front of her, her mouth couldn't help but grow into an O shape.

But because of this, Bouma has time to look at the man who just looked at her.The lazy expression did not affect Nie Kong's handsomeness, but added a bit of popularity to him.Coupled with the coquettish temperament, Bouma shines.

"Who the hell is this man, how could he suddenly appear in my house. But it looks really good-looking. Could it be that I made a wish to Dragon Ball last night, and the wish was fulfilled? Pooh, how could it be possible that Dragon Ball will gather Only seven can make a wish. I only collected one yesterday." Bouma thought wildly in her heart.

"Oh, how come the young couple suddenly started fighting. You are really too little Buma, such a handsome boyfriend, don't give it to your mother." Suddenly, the woman who brought Nie Kong just now had a cup in her hand. The hot coffee seemed to be attracted by the sound just now.

"Mom, who are they? How come they suddenly appeared in our house." Seeing her mother's arrival, Bu Ma hurriedly hid behind her mother and pointed to the Nie Kong who appeared.

"You’re all teenagers. What's shy about having a boyfriend. He came to play with you, so I brought it in. I thought you guys would have been out on dates a long time ago, but I didn’t expect to be still at home. "Buma's mother said.

"Mom, are you confused? Did... Have a girl come to see me for a date?" Bouma was so angry that she wanted to pinch her mother's neck, but Bouma's mother looked really confused.

"Oh, is it like this. You young people really like to mess around, I seem to be really old. Three people...Three people play together..." Bouma's mother babbled as she walked towards the door. .Seeing her sighing expression, it's not that she thought of something wrong, right?

"Is it clear, we were brought in by your mother. If I had known that you were taking a bath inside, I wouldn't have walked in." After seeing the girl all, Nie Kong actually said coldly.

"Looking at you, I don't want to be a good person, I think you are deliberately peeping at this lady's bath!" Bouma said viciously.

"Didn't I tell you, it was your mother who took me there. I didn't even know you were taking a bath!" Nie Kong held his hands and said that there was no way. Should he take it off and show her.

"Hmph, no quibble, you are a slutty...wolf!" Bouma shouted again, blushing, facing the handsome Nie Kong in front of her, she couldn't think of angry at all when she was a little idiot.The young Bouma contains many shortcomings-such as nympho.

"That's right, Nie Kong is a pervert...wolf." Number 18 echoed, seemingly dissatisfied with Nie Kong's performance just now.

"I'll talk about these things in the future. I'm here to find you with important things. Have you heard about Dragon Ball? It's a collection of 7 golden beads that can realize any wish."

"You... how do you know..." Bouma covered her small mouth, but still exclaimed.

I just got the Dragon Ball the day before yesterday, and after consulting a lot of information, I knew its secret.Originally, she had a small calculation in her heart to take an adventure journey around the world and raise Dragon Ball by the way.But she didn't expect that the man in front of her would actually know her secret, it seemed that she had never told anyone.Hao Qiao's face showed a surprised expression. She had never thought that the world would have such powerful props.

"I want to collect 7 dragon balls, so I want your help. You should have invented the instrument for finding them with your genius, please lend it to me." Nie Kong said.

From what just happened, Bu Ma knew about Nie Kong's strength. With his help, I believe it would not be difficult to gather the Dragon Balls.If you can make a wish to Shenlong, I hope you can get a perfect lover as handsome as him.Hey, hey, he is a hundred times handsomer than him.

"It's not that you can't give you what you want, but..." After alleviating the heat in her heart, Bouma's eyes turned around.

"But what." Nie Kong frowned and asked.

"Wait a minute, I'll change my clothes and tell you." Bouma turned her head and went into her room. After a while, Bouma walked in wearing a refreshing summer gown, but there was something more in her hands—— Beads containing golden stars.

She was a little more ghostly and weird in front of her, and she looked like a beautiful young girl.

"I am researching the radar for finding Dragon Balls, but it is estimated that it will take a while. But... After raising the Dragon Balls, I did not promise to give you my wish." Bouma snorted while holding a golden planet.

"Your wish, in my opinion, is really ideal, too simple, and my ability should be able to help you achieve it. So if there is no problem, give us the opportunity. Besides, Dragon Ball will appear again in a year. At that time we can collect them again." Nie Kong said.

I want a perfect lover, can you help me realize it too.Buma hummed in her heart and glanced at Nie Kong.However, it is really possible.It's a pity, why did he have a girlfriend so soon.

For Bouma, the desire to collect dragon balls is so absurd, which is really unique to young girls.

Boomer said: "Hmph, let's talk about it then, if I don't have any urgent desires at that time, I will give you the opportunity, but it is a very small possibility."

Young Bouma, it's nice to be able to meet her.

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