The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element body 0450, kill the oolong

"Nie Kong, hurry up, the kid just came after him, and the speed is so abnormal..." Sitting in the passenger seat, Bouma shook Nie Kong's arm vigorously, she did not expect a child who looked like eleven or twelve years old. Will be able to run as fast as your own car.Is he a human, but how can humans have tails and run so fast?

"An Xin, how could he have chased us. Where is the location shown by the Dragon Ball radar, I'm about to start accelerating." Nie Kong smiled and looked at Wukong who was grinning behind him, without worry.

"Let me see, the Dragon Ball closest to us is in the northeast direction." Bouma pressed the radar button and told Nie Kong what was displayed inside.

Nie Kong stepped on the accelerator violently, the car screamed thick black smoke, and the speed reached three hundred hours in the blink of an eye.Goku behind coughed a few times and shouted the monster not to run.

The distance between the two became wider and wider, and after a few minutes Nie Kong finally threw Wukong away.Did not kill Wukong personally, after all, the Three Emperors had warned him.If it is too high-profile, he has just escaped from the blockade of the Japanese gods, it is estimated that they will attack them again after they find some trace.And because Nie Kong changed the world of Trunks in the future, Wukong would die of his own heart disease sooner or later.

The three of them talked and laughed, and in the evening they finally came to a small town near the location of the fourth dragon ball.But the town is not as lively as they imagined, but a lifeless look.Although there were many houses, no one appeared.

Nie Kong and the others came to the wooden door of the nearest house and knocked hard on the door for a long time.But it was strange that no one opened the door at all. He clearly noticed that there was someone inside.

As a last resort, Nie Kong used a little force, and saw the door click and was completely pushed to the ground.Before he could reflect, I saw a black shadow smashing over with the momentum of breaking through the air.

In Nie Kong's spiritual sense, it turned out that it was a middle-aged man who used an axe for chopping wood in his hand to hack his head.Nie Kong raised his hand and gently grasped the sharp axe, and the axe shattered with a few clicks.The guy's eyes widened, and his face was unbelievable.

"Sure enough, isn't it?" The middle-aged man's eyes were full of sadness.

"What are you doing? Is this the courtesy you should have to treat guests? Nie Kong, are you okay?" Bouma looked at the man in front of him with anger, and then asked in a worried tone.

"Huh... how can a mere human injure Nie Kong." No.18 looked at the human in front of him coldly, really thinking about killing.Nie Kong sweats, it seems that No. 18 is really better at killing people than himself.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry... Oolong King, you can have as much food and money as you want. Only my daughter, please let her go." The man knelt in front of Nie Kong and issued the most sincere request.

"Oolong? What are you talking about, who is Oolong?" Nie Kong was surprised.

At this time, a small head was also sticking out of the box, and his eyes looked at the three of Nie Kong in front of them curiously.The surrounding villagers also found that the situation was not right, and surrounded them.

"Haha, it turned out to be a misunderstanding. I'm sorry, little brother." The middle-aged man who smashed Wukong with an ax just now apologized in a naive voice.

The room is not very spacious, because there are many people, it is slightly crowded.There are old people, women, and even children.Near the window, I saw a petite and lovely girl making tea for Nie Kong and the others.

Hearing the explanation from the villagers, Nie Kong finally understood why the people in the village were afraid to go out.It turned out that he was in Oolong's territory, and it often came to the village to snatch the little Lolita from the villagers.It looks terrifying and has various transformation techniques. The villagers dare not face this monster, dare not to speak.What a beast, dare to be such a cute loli.

"By the way, have you seen this kind of bead in your village?" Nie Kong's heart moved and suddenly asked Buma to take out a dragon ball.While all the villagers are here at this moment, he wants to find the Dragon Ball hidden in this village.

The villagers surrounded in front looked at each other and shook their heads to indicate that they did not know.

"I have, and I have a bead like this in my house. It was picked up from outside by my grandma a long time ago." At this time, an elderly grandma stood out from the crowd and took out a shining one. Dragon Ball with six stars.

Bouma was very excited, and finally found four dragon balls, believed to be very close to the day when the dragon balls were collected.No. 5 stared at the Dragon Ball and said: "We are discussing what to do. If you give us this bead, we will help you defeat the monster called Oolong."

All the villagers looked at the three people who appeared, and there was hope in their hearts.

"Great, if you can help us, take this bead." The old woman shivered and slowly placed the dragon ball in No. 18's small hand.It is now not only a bead, but also filled with the hope of all the villagers.

Suddenly, there was a slight tremor on the ground.All the villagers' faces became scared.

"Did something happen?" Boomer asked.

"The Oolong King has come, it will ask you. If possible, please let him return our daughter." Everyone bowed towards the 18th.

"Look at my performance, I am going to kill him now." The 18th stepped out of the house.

Just stepping out of the house, No.18 saw a scary monster with red body and horns on his head, slowly walking towards him.As its huge footsteps landed, the ground shook slightly.

The monster in front of him may be the first time he saw such a beautiful girl, he was taken aback for a moment, and then turned to look like Brother Pig.

"Miss, you are so beautiful, am I fortunate enough to invite you to dinner?" Oolong slammed into a middle-aged man in a suit with a few roses in his hand.

"What a disgusting guy, you are worthy of dating me?" The strong killing intent radiated, causing the entire body of Oolong to tremble.He looked at the girl in front of him in amazement, and suddenly inexplicable fear arose.

A lot of sweat came out of Oolong's forehead, and he hadn't waited for it to leave.No. 18's fingers lightly shone brightly, and the energy gathered quickly and shot towards the Oolong in front of him.

With a scream, the Oolong in front of him instantly evaporated into the sky, leaving no residue.Poor Oolong became a vent of murderous intent on the 18th for more than ten days.

Seeing that No. 18 has eliminated the monster so easily, Boomer sighed.She has studied the structure of No. 18 and knows that she contains an energy furnace in it, indicating that she has unlimited energy.

The saddest thing is that there is a dangerous bomb buried in his body, threatening his life at any time.She pityed No. 18, so she promised Nie Kong to help her realize her wish.

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