The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0451, Bouma's evil thoughts

According to the plot analysis he knew, Nie Kong certainly knew the location of the last three dragon balls.One is in the hands of the Bull Demon on Frying Pan Mountain, one is in the hands of the Turtle Immortal, and the last one is in Pilaf’s castle.

The three rushed in the direction of the next dragon ball again. Every night, Bouma would throw the capsule out and transform into a small apartment to provide shelter.Unfortunately, looking at the two beauties, Nie Kong was not proud to taste them.

After crossing a big river, they came to a vast desert.In the next moment, Dragon Ball was on the other side of the desert-Frying Pan Mountain.

"After crossing the desert, we should find the fifth dragon ball. But the weather is so hot, I really can't stand it..." Bouma wore a cool short skirt with suspenders, and the collar on her chest was wide open. Opening.She pulled her collar and fanned the wind inside.

Nie Kong lowered his head slightly, and he could see the white waves of flesh wrapped in bra through his collar.Although the little girl is only sixteen years old, her development is awesome.The short skirt did not cover her thighs, revealing two-thirds.If it is shorter, it really becomes a Qiqi skirt.Thanks to the air conditioning system in the car, otherwise Bouma would have become a suckling pig.

And Nie Kong's cultivation has broken through to the first level of the Queen's Cultivation Technique, and it has long since passed away.As for No. 18, an artificial human made by Dr. Gallo, there is no concept of hot or cold.

It seemed that he had noticed Nie Kong's bold gaze, Buma's pretty face had two blushes.She stretched out her fingers to press her collar, and whispered: "Lat. Wolf, have you seen enough?"

Seeing that Nie Kong was attracted by her dress, Buma was a little more proud of her besides being shy.

"Huh..." No.18 pulled her collar and looked in, and found that her own was bigger and more beautiful than Bouma's!But why didn't Nie Kong look at himself? Is it really because his clothes are too conservative?

She regretted not choosing a few more revealing clothes, so she could only stare at Bouma and scold her as a vixen in her heart.

"Nie Kong... you need to know that you are driving now, don't look around. Besides, you have seen it all, what's so good about her." No.18 snorted.

"Yes..." Nie Kong finally retracted his gaze on Bouma, and he concentrated on driving the car through the barren desert.The desert is sparsely populated, and there is only one car sailing.There is no shadow of anyone around, all of it is an endless desert.

When he was about to cross most of the desert, a figure suddenly stood in front of the car, blocking their way, causing Nie Kong to brake the car urgently.Take a closer look, a man with a kitten was standing in a dilapidated car at this time, and he deliberately stopped them from going.Just one sentence is I drive this road, and I planted this tree.

"Huh ha ha... I am Leping who dominates this desert. If I want to survive, I will hand over all the omnipotent capsules and money on my body." The figure slowly turned around, revealing a handsome face. , But a slightly childish boy.

The young man held a knife in both hands and carried a blue kitten on his shoulder.And the kitten actually said, "My name is Paru."

It turned out to be Leping, no wonder he dared to intercept himself.Nie Kong narrowed his eyes and carefully observed his situation.I found that Leping in front of him, although stronger than the average person, was worse than Wukong a few days ago.

"You stay in the car and clean him up for a few seconds..." If you want Leping to see the exposed Bouma, then Nie Kong is really at a loss.What's more, Leping now has a strong femininity. If he just scares him off, he might harass himself again.

Nie Kong opened the door of the car and appeared lazily in front of Leping.

"Damn, dare to look down on me. Since you don't know what is good or bad, then I will teach you a little lesson..." Immediately, like a hungry wolf, he rushed towards Nie Kong.Bouma hiding in the car also saw Leping's face and was surprised at his handsomeness.Only after comparing with Nie Kong, it seemed to lose any flavor.

"Are all the best men in the world dead? How come I have traveled around the world for more than ten days? I haven't seen any man more handsome than Nie Kong... In that case, it's decided. Nie Air Conditioning teaches him to be his perfect lover." A little body fluid came out of the corner of Bouma's mouth, yelling about a beautiful and happy life in the future.

"Look at my Spike Fengfeng Fist!" Le Ping's hands turned into two wolf claws, tearing at Nie Kong with extremely fast movements.Incorporating the ferocity of wolves, Leping created a unique trick!

"The action is too slow." Although the action is fast for ordinary people, it is still too slow for Nie Kong.Nie Kong shook his head, his body did not move on the spot, but Leping's wolf claws did not even touch the corner of his clothes.

The whirring wind sounded like Le Ping guessed staggering Nie Kong in the air.

Nie Kong's right-handed attack was so fast that even Leping did not react, and instantly grabbed his attacking left hand.Le Ping used the power of his whole body to break free, but that hand did not move at all.

Nie Kong shook his head, and simply threw it to the sky.In Leping's horrified expression, his body rushed straight into the sky.

Seeing her rising higher and higher, Ya Mucha was shocked: "How can there be such a powerful person in this world."

Seeing Master Leping who was about to disappear into a star, Palu was also very surprised, perhaps the first time he saw someone more powerful than his master.

"Master Leping, wait, Parlu will come to save you." The blue kitten floating in the air turned into a high-speed rocket with a bang, and then rushed into the sky at Leping at high speed.

"Nie Kong...Where did you throw him?" Buma asked curiously.

"Who knows, I just used a small amount of power, I guess I will fly hundreds of kilometers high."

Throwing people into the air hundreds of miles away, dare you say that you only used a small amount of power.Buma looked at Nie Kong speechlessly, and she seemed to be getting used to his amazing performance.

After passing through the desert, in front of the three of Nie Kong, a mountain range burning with fire appeared.

Bouma couldn't help but startled as he watched the fire ahead, and couldn't believe that the flame-filled mountain in front was the purpose of this trip.

"No wonder it's so hot, it turns out that there is such a big flame burning here. But looking at the display in the Dragon Ball Radar, the fifth dragon ball is inside..." Boomer murmured, maybe some way to take it out.

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