The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0453, little girl Qiqi

Not long after leaving the hot Frying Pan Mountain, Nie Kong glanced around at will, but did not find Qiqi, the daughter of the Cow Demon King.Nie Kong felt a pity not to see the cute Qiqi.

"I haven't found it. Which direction is our next goal Bouma?" Nie Kong asked Bouma who was sitting in the back seat of the car casually.

"Let me see, the nearest dragon ball is 600 kilometers south of us. It is estimated that it should be near the sea. According to the current road, go straight and you should be able to arrive in three hours." Bouma pressed the top of the radar. Button to speak out the information presented inside.

"I hope to collect the sixth dragon ball today. I really want to see if they can realize their wishes..." No. 18's pretty face had an expression of expectation.

" are done, I want to speed up." Nie Kong stepped on the accelerator, and the car expelled thick smoke and the speed rose to three hundred per hour.Bu Ma was accustomed to the speed at which Nie Kong drove, but he didn't feel scared.With Nie Kong here, Bouma is full of security.

After the car drove at full speed for about an hour and a half, they finally stepped out of the barren desert, and a green forest appeared nearby.On the clear road, Nie Kong strangely appeared a petite figure.

Nie Kong's Spiritual Consciousness inspected the past carefully and found that the cheerful girl in front of him was the daughter of the Bull Demon King Qiqi.It may be because the frying pan is very hot on the mountain and the little girl wears less.The clothes on her body are only the key parts that wrap the girl.The most weird thing is the clothes, which are actually made of metal.

After nearly ten hours, Qiqi actually appeared three hundred kilometers away from Frying Pan Mountain. The speed of the little girl Qiqi was quite fast.

Nie Kong left a black tail, and the car quickly appeared in front of the little girl named Qiqi.Kiki looked at the car that suddenly appeared in front of her, and was stunned.When she saw Nie Kong inside, she was even more stunned.

"Hey...Are you Qiqi, the daughter of the Bull Demon King?" Nie Kong opened the door of the car and asked the little girl who looked at him blankly.

"Who are you, how do you know my name?" Qiqi clasped her hands and asked curiously.

"Your father wants me to tell you that the flames of Frying Pan Mountain have been extinguished. So you don't need to go to Teacher Wu Tian, ​​he tells you to go back quickly." Nie Kong handed the picture of the Bull Demon King to him in her palm.

"Really, to be honest, I really don't have the confidence to find Teacher Wu Tian." Qiqi looked at the photo in her hand in surprise, apparently believing what Nie Kong said.

"It should be said that I have already said, and if there is nothing wrong, we will leave." Nie Kong looked at Qiqi's pure jewel-like eyes and found that she was staring at herself.The fleshy little hand gripped Nie Kong's wrist tightly and prevented him from leaving.

"Do you have anything you want us to help?" Bouma asked kindly.

"Um...that I forgot the way back, can you..." Qiqi's face showed a faint blush, and she looked embarrassed.It is normal for the eleven-year-old Qiqi to get lost due to leaving the range of Frying Pan Mountain.

"You walk straight along the north side for seven or eight hours, and you should be able to see Frying Pan Mountain smoothly." Bouma pointed to the back and said to Kiki.

"It takes... seven or eight hours, isn't it too late? But... but I'm afraid of the darkness..." Qiqi whispered.She meant it was obvious that she wanted Nie Kong and the others to send it back.

"What does Nie Kong think?" No.18 frowned and asked, seeming to hate the humans who caused them trouble.

"Take her together, and arrange for her after collecting the sixth dragon ball." Nie Kong thought after a moment of silence, and finally made up his mind to nod.

"Then it's okay." Qiqi cheered, and tried to get into the car door opened by Nie Kong with her hands and feet, trying to climb from the other side of the cockpit to the position of the co-pilot.But the cockpit was very narrow, and it was already very difficult to accommodate Nie Kong.

Kiki pulled her hand and wanted to find something to borrow from.It's hot, a bit soft, and a bit hard, just like cooked sausage.

The curious Qiqi looked over and saw her shameful scene. She actually grabbed her brother's place, which was really ashamed.She seemed to grasp the outline of the five fingers clearly printed in confirmation, and then let go of her hand cutely scared as she thought of something, and let out a soft cry.

It was the first time that she had come into contact with the opposite sex. At the age of eleven, she was also a little curious about the opposite sex.

"Don't hurry over?" Nie Kong said helplessly. He didn't expect that he would be ruined by Lori one day.Now she was even more flustered, her cheeks were like ripe red apples.

What to do, I touched the part of the boy, according to the book, can Kiki marry in the future.

Compared with Qiqi in the original book, when young Wukong curiously kicked and wrapped her crotch, Qiqi could only accept her fate and marry Wukong, which shows that while she is conservative, she is somewhat precocious.

She hurriedly crawled over, her petite body gave Nie Kong a strange experience.

Seeing that Qiqi was done, Nie Kong started the car and set off again.But Nie Kong's driving speed was so fast that he almost scared the cute Qiqi to death.

"Hey, what's your name, big brother? How old are you?" Qiqi asked curiously on the way.

"My name is Nie Kong, I am 20 years old!" Nie Kong simply replied, shamelessly lowering his age for nearly several decades.

"That's 9 years older than me, but unfortunately my age is much worse. I don't know..." Qiqi whispered, her pretty face a bit regretful.But before long, she regained her spirit.

"What a pity," Nie Kong said in confusion.

"Nothing." Qiqi whispered.

"Twenty years old, twenty years old, four years older than himself, just right, hehe..." Boomer's mouth was drooling, and she was smirking behind her.

The car passed through the forest at a very fast speed and appeared in front of the coast.But the Dragon Ball radar shows a position gap of more than 100 kilometers, and the car has no room to play.Boomer put it in the capsule and then threw it out of the motorboat.

"Dragon Ball seems to be in the depths of the ocean floor. We are ready to dive and salvage. Fortunately, I have prepared a motorboat and a submarine, otherwise it would be really difficult to find it." Bouma chuckled.

"Don't worry, the position of the Dragon Ball is not sinking in the bottom of the sea!" Nie Kong, who had anticipated the position of the Dragon Ball, said confidently.

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