The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0454, the lesson of the turtle fairy

While Nie Kong was talking about Qiqi's inexplicable words, Bouma drove an advanced motorboat from another direction and finally saw the target location shown by the radar-a narrow island.

I saw a house standing on a small island in the sea, which looked so outstanding.The island looks small, it can only accommodate that room.It is a miracle that the typhoon rain did not flood the houses on the island.

"It should be the opposite island, number 18?" asked Boomer, who was driving the motorboat.

"According to the radar's display, the sixth dragon ball is definitely inside. Let's land on the beach. Not being on the sea floor saves us a lot of time." No. 18 used the radar expertly and said to Bouma.

With the Dragon Ball Radar, Nie Kong and the others, it was relatively simple to find the seven tiny dragon balls scattered around the world.Without Bouma's invention, it would be a wishful thinking to collect Dragon Balls.

Boomer nodded and saw the destination, and started to slide on the sea in the motorboat.Floating in the sea instantly, slowly approaching the island.Looking at the room with a strong sense of vision right in front of him, Nie Kong knew that it was the turtle fairy house where the turtle fairy was.

Nie Kong rushed out of the motorboat first and rushed to the Guixian House.The three beauties in the back also followed him.

Only when they came to the door, they found a wretched old man sitting on a rocking chair, enjoying the sun.Behind the old man was carrying a tortoise shell, and his head was as bright as a mirror to reflect light.

His eyes wear sunglasses, and the corners of his mouth are covered with a thick white beard.

After seeing the old man, the three girls were obviously taken aback.However, as her gaze shifted downward, the 18th finally saw what she had dreamed of, a golden bead hanging on the old man's neck.

"Nie Kong, look at you, we found the three-star dragon ball." Bouma said in surprise.

However, Bouma's cries woke up the turtle fairy who was still sleeping.The old man jumped up and looked around with sunglasses.

"Where is it, I seem to hear the voice of a cute girl."

"You fool, look to wake him up." Road 18.

"I'm sorry..." Bouma spit out her own fragrant tongue and apologized.

Immortal Turtle saw four unexpected visitors, and his gaze stayed on the 18th and Buma.

"Hey... old man, give us the beads on your neck, otherwise don't blame me for being impolite." Number 18 said coldly.

"Oh... you originally wanted this bead. I found this bead from the bottom of the sea a hundred years ago. If you want it, I can give it to you, but..." The sunglasses on his eyes flashed with a dazzling light, and a wretched smile flashed in his mouth.

"Very well, even if you are acquainted, I don't want to kill people in front of Nie Kong." No.18's cold expression slightly reduced.

"You must show me your panties...pants. If the cute young lady next to me is willing to replace it, that's okay." Immortal Turtle made her request nervously to No. 18, and she was absolutely nothing to say.

"In...under...pants?!" No.18 was obviously taken aback for a moment, and after reacting, her eyes launched a terrible rage.

"What a nasty old man, Nie Kong, you have to teach him a lesson." For the wretched old man in front of him, the Dragon Ball Bouma who robbed him did not feel any guilt.

"You don't need to say that I will do it too. If you step back on the 18th, I will do it myself." Nie Kong said coldly.

Seeing Nie Kong come forward for himself again, the pretty face on the 18th flashed with joy.

"Haha...what are you talking about, young man, dare to challenge me! Do you know who I am? I am Teacher Wu Tian, ​​the world's most powerful martial arts master." Immortal turtle looked at Nie Kong in front of him, and said haha laughing out loud.

The current Tortoise Immortal has a fighting power close to 130 with full force, and can indeed dominate the current Dragon Ball world at the early stage.There are no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys are king.

"What... he claims to be Teacher Wu Tian, ​​right? How could the lascivious old man be Teacher Wu Tian, ​​the master of my father, and he doesn't seem to be great at all." Qiqi looked at Guixian with suspicious eyes. Obviously did not believe his nonsense.

"Death!" A cold light suddenly appeared in Nie Kong's eyes, and with the rapid flashing of the figure, he appeared in front of Immortal Turtle in an instant.With a flick of his palm, he slammed Guixianren's stunned face severely.

Boom...The Guixian who was uttering a lot of words did not have time to react, and was attacked by Nie Kong and knocked out more than ten meters.The blood in his mouth spouted out mixed with several front teeth.

"Although I'm not vigilant, how could... how could I not see his speed!" At this moment, the turtle immortal still looked like he had just put on a mighty look, lying on the ground extremely embarrassed.

After Nie Kong's blow, his bones seemed to fall apart.It's just that Nie Kong's attack did not end, and his fingers shone with milky white light.With a bang, the energy and light speed shot towards the turtle fairy.

A terrifying arrogance exudes, and the eyes of the turtle fairy who can detect qi in his sunglasses are full of panic.He had never thought that there would be such a strong human in the world, and his horrible aura was stronger than the Demon King Bik hundreds of years ago!!

There was a lot of sweat coming out of his forehead, but he couldn't escape the speed of energy.Just as he was about to wait for death, the energy bomb slid across his scalp and pierced the blue ocean.

There was a loud bang, and a super explosion occurred a few kilometers ahead.The turbulent sea provoked a tsunami hundreds of meters high and swept out in all directions.If it hadn't been for Nie Kong to be afraid of his energy smashing the dragon ball, he would have shot the turtle immortal on the spot.For his luck, tie the dragon ball around his neck.

The Turtle Immortal who was lucky enough to survive fell to the ground, facing the strange super power that appeared, he finally lost his wretched look.

"I...I lost. This is the bead you want. Young man, use your power on the right path." Immortal Turtle reluctantly got up and threw the dragon ball on his neck to Nie Kong.

" are not qualified to teach me, you are lucky and not dead." Nie Kong took the Dragon Ball, and they finally collected six.

"Nie Kong, let's go quickly. Goose bumps popped up all over my body when I saw the lustful eyes. It was very uncomfortable," Bouma said.

"Well, I don't want to stay here for a long time." After collecting the dragon balls, Nie Kong took the three daughters out of the turtle fairy house.

At the same time, the young Wukong appeared on the shore with a huge turtle on his back.It seems like the original book, Wukong, who did not catch up with Nie Kong, helped Immortal Turtle’s pet turtle to the ocean.

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