The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0456, make a wish (on)

In the scorching sun, the galloping car suddenly stopped in front of a huge khaki castle in the sun. Three women and a man jumped out of the car and walked to the door of the castle.That's right, they are Nie Kong who came here following the instructions of Dragon Ball Radar.

The last Dragon Ball position returned to the desert, a cone-shaped relationship from the Guixian House and Frying Pan Mountain.

Yesterday, when they took away Guixianren's sixth dragon ball, they left the Guixian house in a motorboat.Before leaving, Nie Kong naturally did not worry about leaving Qiqi in the Guixian House.After collecting the last dragon ball simply, send Kiki back.For the young and lovely Qiqi, Nie Kong has quite a good impression.

"Nie Kong, according to the Dragon Ball Radar, the remaining Dragon Balls are in this castle. It seems that there is no one. Are we going to sneak in." Bouma asked when he saw the closed gate of the castle.No. Leng hummed back: "This is too much trouble, just break in!" After that, she stretched out her right hand and pressed it in front of the huge iron gate in front of the castle, and the energy in the running body gathered in front of the gate.

Boom!After the loud noise, the steel gate was blasted out of a large hole more than ten meters in diameter by the energy bomb of No. 18, and No. 18 leaped lightly and broke into the castle first.Nie Kong followed without any consideration, Buma laughed bitterly, and there was some tragedy in her heart, how could she feel like a band of robbers.

The young Qiqi was ignorant, and she didn't think so much when she was pure.She only knows

Going forward along the door, a few people have been walking along the dark corridor.What Nie Kong didn't know was that their every move was transmitted to Pilav's sight through a high-tech camera.

"Master Pilaf, alert! Someone has broken into our base, please give instructions!" The dog in a ninja suit saw the picture from the surveillance equipment and hurriedly reported to the dwarf who was still drooling and watching Dragon Ball. .

The name Pilav glanced lightly at the few people in the picture. After seeing that they didn't have any powerful weapons, his face flashed with disdain: "A few people in a small area want to invade my well-defended base. They don't know whether they live or die. Xiao Wu activated the defense system and gave them a bit of color."

The girl who was there again responded and pressed a big red button next to the front computer.

At the same time, in the gloomy corridor, Nie Kong walked in front, followed by number 18.Some two girls, Bouma and Kiki, who were afraid of the horrible atmosphere in the corridor, hid behind.

"According to Dragon Ball Radar, Dragon Ball is still a kilometer away from us. However, it seems that the corridor has no end, so I really want to leave this place soon." Bouma saw that the end of the corridor was almost invisible, and said pity.

Qiqi also followed with fear and said: "I think we should leave here. Generally speaking, this kind of large castle is equipped with institutions, and my father's castle is also..." Qiqi's words were halfway through, and suddenly ended, because At this time, there was a slight vibration.However, the vibration became louder and louder. Before a few people knew what was going on, they saw a huge round stone rolling from a distance.

The big stone was almost full of small corridors. They couldn't avoid it at all. Apart from breaking the stone forcibly, they had to run backward.

"Run!" Bouma anxiously saw the stone approaching them.Standing in front of a few people, at the moment when the boulder was approaching, he saw that the entire stone hit the soft hands of No. 18, and the speed slowly slowed down.

"Guru Guru!" The huge stone seemed to have intelligence. After a dozen steps back, it actually accelerated again and hit it.The number sent a gas bomb at the stone, and hit the rushing stone forward.The explosion made the castle tremble.

The stone was suddenly topped by a wishful stick, and immediately turned into several pieces and fell on the ground.It's just that the mechanism didn't end. The rumbling sound rang out quickly again, and several stone pillars whistling out from the wall, trying to sandwich them into a big pie.

Nie Kong and No. 18 smashed all the stone pillars easily.In front of them, the agency has no effect at all.

"Fateful guys, you can't kill them," Pilaf said dissatisfied.

"But we have tried our best. These mechanisms are all designed by you, Lord Pilaf." Xiao Wu said carefully.

Pilaf flushed, "Hmph, of course I know, but I let them go on purpose, and we start the second set of plans."

With a sound of Xiu Yingnuo, the dog's paw was pressed on the green button. After pressing that button, the wall in the corridor actually started to move and turned into a maze.

Nie Kong and the others walked along the corridor for ten minutes, but they didn't get to the Dragon Ball position, and there was a dead end at the end.When Nie Kong was about to blast out a road with energy impatiently, the back retreat was also tightly sealed by the moving wall.

"No wonder you can't get out of this corridor, the original wall can be moved." Bouma suddenly realized.

At this time, an abrupt voice sounded: "Welcome, I am the master here, the great King Pilaf!"

Nie Kong and several people looked at the sound-producing wall, and a clear picture immediately appeared, and a small figure was reflected on the picture.This person was wearing a mandarin jacket with the words "Fried Rice", with a short figure and green skin. Pilaf looked a bit bad in front of him.

Pilaf arrogantly said: "You dare to break into my King Pilaf's castle. What are you trying to do? If you don't tell me, you will wait to be locked there for a lifetime. The walls of the room are not made of ordinary materials. Times aluminum alloy, even a cannonball may not be able to destroy it!"

Nie Kong's gaze swept across the small room, and his fist hit the alloy wall of the room directly.

Without the loud noise and collapse as imagined, a terrible shock came out of the castle, and then Pilaf's proud solid wall broke through a two or three-meter hole.

Pilaf's smiling face immediately stiffened. He couldn't believe that Nie Kong who appeared in front of him was really an original human.Without flowers in his own eyes, he really violently shattered his strongest metal.

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