The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0459The arrival of Qiqi

Often staying in the research room is hard to come by, Nie Kong drove around the West Capital..It was already evening when I returned, which happened to be the time when school was over.

Through the glass window, three picturesque, innocent girls are studying to feed animals in the botanical garden near the fortress.Nie Kong smiled slightly, and the two familiar back figures were Buma and No.18.

But the last young girl who accompanied them could not be recognized by Nie Kong's naked eyes alone. She was wearing a light blue knee-length student skirt with a pure and lovely white sailor suit.Just seeing her back, Nie Kong guessed that she would be a very cute girl.

Nie Kong clicked open the glass door, and the three girls looked towards the door.Nie Kong opened the door, and the probe got in.On the 18th, Nie Kong was first spotted, and his voice sounded as crisp as Huang Ying: "After playing secretly for a long time, you are finally willing to come back, Jun Nie."

Looking at the bulging face on the 18th, it is probably to blame Nie Kong for not calling her.Think about the future world, the 18th is a very crazy girl, especially the roller coaster who likes playgrounds.

Seeing Nie Kong disappeared for a long time, the 18th thought that Nie Kong secretly went out to play.

"Is Brother Nie Kong back? We were just discussing where you went." The girl in the blue sailor suit finally turned around, revealing Nie Kong's familiar but unfamiliar smile.

"You... are you Qiqi?" Nie Kong looked dumbfounded at the girl who appeared in front of him.Without the three-point revealing dress of a year ago, after changing into a junior high school student's sailor suit, Kiki is so cute.

Her big pure eyes gleamed and looked at Nie Kong, her black shawl draped softly behind her, and the bangs that touched her eyebrows made people notice her lovely big eyes.In a year's time, Qiqi's changes were really great, so big that Nie Kong almost couldn't recognize it.Compared with the original simple and cute, she now presents a green beauty.

"It's great, Brother Nie Kong didn't forget Qiqiye." Seeing the smiling figure rushing over, Nie Kong spread his hands and hugged gently.Wen Xiang Nuan Yu, Nie Kong didn't have any evil thoughts, just treated it as a child's intimacy.

"Why came here suddenly today, and I didn't say anything in advance." Nie Kong touched her head and found that Qiqi had grown a bit taller.The changes in Qiqi are really great, and Nie Kong hopes to never see Qiqi's old appearance in the future.

"Hehe... Kiki is pretty. I waited for a year and finally came to find you. And listen to me, I beg my father to bring myself to school. Now Kiki is a first-year student in West Capital Junior High. Please take care." Qiqi left Nie Kong's arms and bowed to Nie Kong.Her pretty face was reddened, she didn't know if she was excited or shy.

"Did you come by yourself? It's too dangerous," Bouma said in a thrilled voice.

"Qiqi is very useless. I didn't know the way to come. It was my father who brought Qiqi over. By the way, we decided to temporarily settle in the West Capital. Brother Nie Kong, the West Capital is so prosperous, compared to the village. Much more beautiful." Appearing in the bustling city for the first time, Kiki's eyes are almost blurred.

No one dared to laugh at Kiki when she first came to school, because her combat effectiveness was stronger than that of an adult man.Only she bullied others, others did not threaten her.

Nie Kong smiled softly: "I will take you out to play when I have time in the future. I am already familiar with the West Capital."

Qiqi looked forward to: "That's great. When we have enough of the noisy city, let's go out and venture out to find Dragon Ball."

It turned out that Qiqi basically missed the happy moments she experienced some time ago, and wanted to accompany Nie Kong and the others out on adventures.It's just that Nie Kong's wish cannot be realized for Shenlong, so there is no interest in collecting.

"Yes, one year has passed, we can already set off again." Bouma said suddenly.

"Let the collection of Dragon Balls aside first, we have more important things to do." Nie Kong said.

"What can be done? Anyway, I don't have a better exercise formula for the blood in your body for a short time. Maybe after going out on an adventure, what inspiration do you have." Bouma said unwillingly.

"I have decided. We will go to see the so-called No. 1 Budokai in the world in a few days." Nie Kong said suddenly as if thinking of something.When you come to the Dragon Ball World, it's vain not to see the most famous martial arts convention in the world.

"What... the world's number one martial arts club!!" Bouma's mouth was wide open, a little unbelievable, "the world's number one martial arts club is a competition for martial arts masters and fighters from all over the world. It is the world's attention. The large-scale competition, both in terms of participants and scale, is beyond the imagination of others. In addition to the title of No. 1 in the world, the winner of the championship also has a generous bonus! Nie... Nie Kong, do you want to win the championship? ?"

"Don't Buma have no confidence in me?"

Buma looked at Nie Kong's handsome face with a confident look, with no resistance at all, and nodded blankly.

"Nie Kong is of course the best in the world. Of course I believe you can win the game."

"Is it the world's number one martial arts conference? I don't know what impact will it have if I participate?" No.18's hands were wrapped around his chest, and his pretty face showed an intriguing smile.

"If you participate on the 18th, it will really cause serious consequences." Nie Kong had no choice but to ruthlessly refused the 18th request.No. showed a regretful expression, and it seemed that she hoped to compete with Nie Kong to see how much her practice had improved in a year.

"Okay, okay, Qiqi wants to accompany you to see the world's number one martial arts conference." Qiqi smiled happily, her face radiant and lovely.

A few people decided on the next half a month, specifically Nie Kong was responsible for taking them to play in the West Capital before departure.Could it be that Nie Kong felt very happy with Buma and the others.

The first is the playground, which attracted Qiqi and the 18th.The three actually played for two days, and Nie Kong finally left with the reluctant two girls.Movie theaters, zoos... places where appointments often appear, Nie Kong took a few girls to play thoroughly.

Finally, the day before registering for the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference, they got on the plane and disappeared into the prosperous West Capital.

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