The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0460, the world's first martial arts conference begins

Papaya Island, as the place where the world’s number one martial arts club has been held, is very lively today. Countless people flock to this deserted island surrounded by the sea.There is no other reason. Today is the registration time for the 21st Budokai in the world.

Countless warriors came from all over the world to compete for the highest glory that day, and of course, there was a high bonus of 500,000.

Nie Kong, who had just got off the plane, looked at the crowd in front of them, and they couldn't help being a little bit stunned, because it was really crowded.Some are watching the excitement, and some are preparing to register for the competition.

The registration office was held at a large temple on Papaya Island.Two staff members were sitting at the eye-catching door, and there was a long line in front of them. The people who came to register for the competition were crowded. At least a few hundred people were waiting to register.

After waiting for nearly half an hour, it was finally Nie Kong's turn.

"Please fill in this form," the staff member said in a pattern, then took a piece of paper from the drawer and handed it to Nie Kong.He was familiar with this kind of thing, simply wrote his own history, and handed it to the staff.

Suddenly Nie Kong felt a hostile gaze enveloping him, and his spiritual consciousness automatically probed towards the source.

I saw a boy with shaggy black hair, wearing a red robes with a tortoise inscription, and a tail in the middle of his ass staring at him with teeth.Raising hands and feet exudes a refined taste, and the breath exuding from the whole body is stronger than before.Nie Kong quickly recognized him, it was Wukong who robbed him of Dragon Ball.

The Turtle Immortal, who was also standing near him, showed a cautious look after seeing Nie Kong and the others.It seems that he still has deep memories of Nie Kong's power at that time.After seeing that there are mountains outside the mountains, and there are people outside the people, Guixianren finally stopped slack and accompanied Wukong to practice together.

In a year's time, he finally recovered the strength of his heyday, and slightly improved.If he used to have a combat power of one hundred, now it is about one hundred and thirty.

The last one was the dwarf and Shan Klin, who appeared cringed, which seemed to be very nervous.

Unexpectedly, he could not change the plot of Wukong's worship of Immortal Turtle, both unexpectedly and unexpectedly.After all, Wukong's grandfather is the chief disciple of Guixianren, and Guixianren will of course take Wukong into his own sect.

In addition to Wukong and the others paying attention to Nie Kong, they also had hostile eyes.Nie Kong squinted his eyes, only to see an uncle who had lived in the mountains for several years, looking at him with high spirits.

Although the changes were great, Nie Kong recognized it at a glance. He was the Leping classmate who threw himself into the sky a year ago.Nie Kong did not expect that he would be so fateful that he did not die when he fell from a high altitude.After a year, his strength has nearly doubled.

The reason for the fluke survival is probably Paru, he can transform into various props to save his master.

"It seems that this martial arts club has not lost its original taste." Nie Kong was full of smiles, and he wanted to use his own strength to beat Wukong and the others.

After a few hours of the process, the registered martial artists gathered in the Budokai Hall.And Qiqi and the three women could only wait outside for the end of the preliminary round, watching the scene of Nie Kong showing off.

Bouma even brought the highest-definition camera to capture Nie Kong's chic fighting posture.

The interior hall of the Budokai is very spacious, about a few hundred meters in area.The players who come to participate in the Budo Club are really strange and varied.There are foreigners wearing boxing gloves, there are tall and muscular men, and even dinosaurs come to participate in the competition.

The most surprising thing is that the turtle fairy really dressed up as a Jackie Chan contestant and signed up for the competition.Unexpectedly, after tasting the horror of Nie Kong, he dared to challenge Nie Kong again.

Klin pulled Wukong aside, pointed at Nie Kong and whispered, "Is that guy the very powerful expert Wu Tian said?"

"En... he is a very powerful villain, he stole my grandpa's belongings." Monkey King recalled Nie Kong's methods and replied affirmatively.However, after a year of training, he looked at Nie Kong with determination.

It is worthy of the blood of Saiyans, combative and not afraid of the challenges of the strong.

Klin looked at the strange and handsome face in front of him curiously, and he didn't believe it. It seemed that he was also in his teens and 20s, and he was not like a particularly powerful person.But Teacher Wu Tian confessed that when he met him, he must immediately use his greatest strength, otherwise he would not even have a chance to shoot.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, the world's No. 1 martial arts conference officially began.There are more than 130 players from all over the country, but only 8 players can enter the finals.First, the preliminary rounds were held, and everyone began to draw lots to prepare for the preliminary rounds.

The preliminaries are divided into four regions. Each region selects two players to enter the final, and the draw is to select their opponents.

Nie Kong drew No. 40, poor No. 70, Wukong was No. 130, and Guixian Ren was No. 8.Fortunately, the four people were divided into different areas, eliminating the embarrassment encountered in the preliminary round.

During the fiery preliminary round, there were loud cheers and fierce fighting. In this atmosphere, many contestants geared up to observe the next opponent's combat intelligence.

"Contestant No. 70, go to the No. 3 ring to participate in the preliminary round!" The staff in the hall echoed, Klin clenched his fist, looked back at Wu Kong, and found that he was looking at him encouragingly.

Because it was the first time to participate in such a competition, Klin was a little unsure of his own strength.Because he has no combat experience at all.During the practice with the Guixian, they didn't learn any powerful moves at all. Some of them were just arduous delivery of milk, digging the ground, swimming and so on.Taking a deep breath, Klin relieved the tension in his heart and said to Wukong beside him: "Wukong, I'm going to the game first!"

As he climbed the ring, when his poor eyes touched his opponent for the first time, he was even more flustered.Because his opponent is actually a fellow brother of Shaolin Temple, and he often bullies him.

Those who were watching watched the match between the two monks with interest, expecting something interesting to happen.Sure enough, Klin was nervous and frightened.

After only a few minutes, Klin saw that the opponent was so slow, and his confidence began to regain.With just a light leap, Klin kicked his opponent away with a simple kick.

Seeing his speed and strength, Klin was full of excitement.That's right, his strength has really increased several times.

Then it was Wu Kong's turn to perform, and he easily threw the strong man a few meters high.After the two of them had gone through the exercises of the Guixianren, they had undergone a reborn transformation.

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