The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element body 048, kill

"Very simple, your strength is too bad! Let me clean up your trash, blood whip of sin!" Nie Kong condensed a scarlet whip with his right hand, which was thrown before the steel sea dragon beast had time to react. On his steel body.

The two Digimons, Steel Sea Dragon Beast and Steel Wukong Beast, are all wrapped in superalloy, and ordinary attacks are completely ineffective against them.But Nie Kong's sinful blood whip can break the defense of the Iron Goku Beast, and the Iron Sea Dragon Beast is naturally no exception.

With a bang, the explosive force knocked the huge body of the steel sea dragon beast away, and even the place where it was attacked by the blood whip appeared a crack the size of a bowl.

"Puppet puppet line!" Seeing Nie Kong's terrifying strength, the puppet beast next to him did not dare to hold it big, and directly used his proud stunt.Countless thin transparent threads have been wrapped around various parts of Nie Kong's body at some time.

"Infinite Cannon!" With two brushing sounds, two huge cannons on the shoulders of the mechanical evil dragon beast sprayed out two energy rays, and they appeared in front of Nie Kong in the blink of an eye.

Nie Kong opened his body forcefully, making a few crisp noises, and saw that the invisible threads bound by the puppet beast were broken!

"Night Demon Attack!"

Countless black bats appeared in front of Nie Kong, not only blocking the infinite cannon fired by the mechanical evil dragon beast, but also swallowed the mechanical evil dragon beast's unique trick and pushed back towards him.

"Infinite Cannon!" The mechanical evil dragon beast can continuously fire energy balls on its shoulders, so all the bats that fly in at once are all wiped out by his cannon.That was the case, he was also taken aback by the bat released by Nie Kong.

"Night Demon Flying Attack? Is that the ability of Vampire Beasts? No, the skills of Vampire Beasts are not so powerful at all!" The clown emperor who was still watching the battle finally couldn't stand it and began to take action!

"Ace Flying Sword!" Suddenly, four flying swords appeared from the surrounding void, splitting into four different directions and shooting at Nie Kong.Not only did these flying swords have different speeds, but they also attacked from different directions. Even Nie Kong looked troublesome.

"Explosive hammer!" The hammer in the hands of the puppet beast sprayed countless energy light spots. These energy light spots were not powerful, but could absorb the energy of the enemy.

"Infinite Cannon!"

"Research grade wave cannon!"

Boom, following the King of Clown’s ace Flying Sword, the other three Ultra Digimon suddenly performed their stunts.It is estimated that even if it is a big mountain, if it is blocked in front, I believe it will be blasted into powder.

"Now, no matter how powerful he is, he can't stop the combined force of the four dark kings." The steel sea dragon beast couldn't help shrinking where it was hit by Nie Kong, and said with a strong smile.

"Really, haha!" A harsh laugh came from the sky, and the four heavenly kings looked up. Nie Kong, who was supposed to be in the explosion, did not know when he appeared in the sky.

After two double repairs, Nie Kong's ability after successfully evolving is not comparable to the previous Vampire Beasts.Not only are there fewer restrictions on use, but even the scope is expanded a lot.Just now, he even moved himself into the sky by using the transfer of moves.

However, this trick is used for itself, so it consumes a lot of mental energy, almost ten times as much as the original move!This shows that if you want to use super powers to teleport long distances in the future, the difficulty is not ordinary.


Amid the deafening roar, Nie Kong's voice reached the ears of the Dark Four Heavenly Kings without any hindrance.

At the same time, suddenly turned into countless bat shadows in front of Nie Kong.The silent gray bat danced in the air as if it had a life, roaring towards the four dark kings below.

The deadly screaming attack was so fast, the huge steel sea dragon beast and the mechanical evil dragon beast had no time to escape, so they were submerged in the gray bat shadow.In an instant, their shiny steel bodies all turned into lifeless gray.Even the agile puppet beast's agile body can't escape its life-threatening, crushing cover attack.

The only one who can escape this trick is the clown emperor who was lucky enough to hide behind the mechanical evil dragon beast.But he never expected that besides their master, Apocalypse Beast, there should be such a powerful Digimon.Not to mention the Ultimate Beast that appeared two days ago, even the unknown Digimon in front of me is so terrifying.

"It's not over yet!" Nie Kong's body flashed quickly and rushed towards the clown emperor.

"Magic handkerchief!" The clown king's expression changed, and a white handkerchief was quickly thrown out from his right hand.After leaving the clown emperor's palm, the white handkerchief suddenly expanded in the air like a white cloud and pressed against Nie Kong.

Nie Kong's blood whip on his right hand cracked the clown emperor's curse skills that could turn people into dolls.You know, his evolved body is immune to curses.

"Destroy the Aurora!" Only when Nie Kong just broke the handkerchief, the clown emperor's trick followed.A terrifying shock wave of throbbing lightning appeared at the speed of light in front of Nie Kong who had just cut the white cloth on his head.

Even Nie Kong didn't expect to encounter this situation after breaking the white cloth. Before he could escape, the shockwave of the King of Clown hit Nie Kong's stomach.

"Haha! No matter how strong you are, you can't escape my trick." The clown emperor finally showed a smile on his face, but the moment he looked at Nie Kong, the smile on his face immediately stiffened. on.

"Really, but so what, your attack is useless to me at all!"

Nie Kong's stomach hit by his energy wave only suffered a small burn, and even no blood flowed out.After Nie Kong's immortal body recovered, he recovered in the blink of an eye.

"I admit that I was really careless just now, and the combat experience is not very rich. But thanks to your reminder, I will never make these mistakes from now on! Blood whip of sin!" In the unbelievable eyes of the clown king, Nie The blood whip of sin on the right hand was like a sharp axe, slashing fiercely on the head of the clown king.

Fortunately, this is the Digimon World, otherwise there will be a bloody headshot scene.In such a case, the clown king's body also turned into bits of data, floating in the sky.

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