The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element body 049, destroy the beast of the apocalypse!

"Huh, I'm so worried. Dad doesn't know, you almost scared Jia'er to death just now." Jia'er finally couldn't help but pounced into Nie Kong's arms, staring at Nie Kong with worried eyes.

"Don't worry, Jia'er, that clown can't kill me." Feeling Jia'er's fleshy little hands carelessly touching his stomach, Nie Kong's heart became hot, and he quickly grabbed Jia'er's little hands, comfortingly.

If Jia'er is allowed to continue groping, even if Nie Kong doesn't have any evil intentions towards Jia'er, it is estimated that his lower body will rise from the ground.Nie Kong's body has no resistance to these two-dimensional loli.

"Akong, if we don't leave as soon as possible, something will happen soon." As soon as Hua Xian Beast's words fell, the Dark Tornado Mountain shook violently.The support erected to represent the four attributes of the Dark Four Heavenly Kings disappeared with the death of the Dark Four Heavenly Kings, that is to say, the current Dark Tornado Mountain has truly become an island in the sky!

"Master, help!" The Dark Spiral Mountain had no support point, and coupled with everyone's fighting, it finally collapsed!The Dark Tornado Mountain made a bang and completely disintegrated in an instant.A twisted dark crack appeared below, and the flightless Suna and Mimi were swallowed in!As the darkness expanded, even Nie Kong and the others were not immune from being swallowed into this twisted dark space.

"Have it finally appeared, the apocalyptic beast behind the Dark Four Heavenly Kings!" Nie Kong didn't panic in this strange space in the depths.Because he is familiar with the plot, he had long expected this scene to appear.

The Apocalypse Beast was originally a Digimon made from the negative thinking of human beings and the grievances of Digimon who perished without evolution!Do not!Whether this unknown object is a Digimon is still unknown.The true face is completely surrounded by darkness, the mastermind behind the four dark kings, all the power of the dark forces comes from him.

His purpose is to reset the world with the big bang prepared in advance in his body, and then he will create a new world by himself, which is to become the god of Digimon.Denying evolution and growth, just like his own concept, become the god of a stagnant and dead new world.

"Woo...what is this place, master!" After seeing Nie Kong, Suna and Meimei finally couldn't help but hugged his thigh with fear in their hearts.

"Dad, we won't be in the dark zone again, right?" Jia'er, who was tightly nestled in Nie Kong's arms, asked.

"It's a rich dark power, but this is not a dark area, because my power has not been suppressed!" The celestial beast looked at the twisted dark space around it with surprise, and didn't know what was going on.

"Be careful, this space was created by a guy who is stronger than the Dark Four Heavenly Kings! Flower Fairy Beast, why didn't you see her, where did that crazy girl go?" Nie Kong told them carefully. However, it was discovered that there was still a mischievous flower fairy missing.

"Hehe, I thought Akong, you could catch me!" The Flower Fairy flew down from Nie Kong, then smiled at Nie Air Conditioner.

This flower fairy beast's character is really crazy enough.

At this moment, a large three-dimensional metal object emerged from the dark void and appeared in front of Nie Kong and the others.After the appearance of the three-dimensional metal, it is like the Transformers starting its transformation.

More than a dozen huge iron claws protruded from the metal block, their hideous appearance looked terrifying.On the elevated platform, standing the human figure in the black cloak is the so-called beast of the Apocalypse!

Under the cloak, its body finally appeared in front of Nie Kong.The shape of the body is similar to that of the evil beast, but the lower body is like a tree root, absorbing some nourishment, and there is a strange sucking sound.

"It looks terrifying, Dad, I'm a little scared." Jia'er, who was hiding in Nie Kong's arms, couldn't help shrinking.

"Haha... Do you think I am ugly and disgusting, but I am a creature formed from the resentment of all Digimons that can't evolve successfully, yes, I am jealous of you Digimons that can evolve successfully! I want to destroy this Digimon? The world will evolve and grow! I have been waiting for this moment for a long time." The scarlet eyes under the mask of the Apocalypse beast stared at Nie Kong and the others.

"Why, do you also want to stop my action."

"Hmph, how could I agree to your absurd plan?" Nie Kong replied immediately.If the Apocalypse beast is allowed to destroy this world, even he will probably be destroyed.

The only way is to leave the Digimon world with Ding Tian Ji before it is destroyed.

"Really, then you will disappear with the light! The ultimate wave!" An iron claw protruding from the beast of the Apocalypse suddenly formed the appearance of a steel sea dragon beast, and released the steel sea dragon beast to the people of Nie Kong. The trick.

"Jia'er, you hide in my ring first. When I solve it, I will only let you out again." Nie Kong didn't dare to care about it. Before Jia'er and the others agreed, he directly threw a few women into his ring. Space.

"Resolve the move!" As soon as the Ultimate Wave Cannon appeared in front of Nie Kong, it disappeared.

"Hmph, I will do more than that. Infinite cannon! Devil's claw! Devil's blood whip!" The three iron claws of the Apocalypse beast turned into mechanical evil dragon beasts, evil beasts and blood-sucking beasts, releasing three of them. The trick of a Digimon.

"Let me break your claws first, blood whip of sin!" A blood whip appeared in each of Nie Kong's hands, and he shook it at the three iron claws.

"Boom!" As soon as the three iron claws formed the appearance of other Digimon, they were exploded by Nie Kong.

"Block the bombs!" Looking at Nie Kong approaching, the body of the Apocalypse beast sprayed countless dense small bombs in all directions, trying to prevent Nie Kong from approaching.

"Night Demon Flying Attack!" Nie Kong didn't even look at it, and directly summoned countless bats, drowning all the sprayed bats.

"Degenerate Claws!" Seeing that this trick was useless, countless iron claws grabbed Nie Kong.If caught, it is estimated that all Digimon will cause degradation.Although Nie Kong had mutated, he did not dare to take any risks.

"Movement transfer!" Using the transfer of superpowers, the iron claws that attacked were changed directions.

"You are done with the beast of the Apocalypse, blood whip of sin!!" The blood whip in Nie Kong's right hand condensed all the power in his body, like a red lightning that smashed the exposed body of the beast.

"Haha, even if I die, I will take the Digimon world to bury it together! Self-detonate!" After being defeated by Nie Kong's sinful blood scourge, the Apocalypse Beast laughed.

The metal block began to twist, and countless darkness was absorbed into his body.In the darkness, a dazzling light burst out from the center of the Apocalypse beast.

"Oops, that guy actually wants to explode! No, you must stop him." Nie Kong, who thought he had already killed the Apocalypse Beast, looked at the face of the energy ball that was about to explode.

"Blade of Soul Break for me!"

All the mental power in Nie Kong's body began to condense toward his eyes, and an invisible blade burst out of his eyes and tangent toward the extremely unstable energy ball.If the consciousness in the beast of the Apocalypse can be shredded, it is estimated that he can prevent his self-destruction.

"Boom!" The wave that even space can shake burst out from the energy ball, and this dark space was shaken a few times.It's just that after the shock, the space began to slowly return to calm.

It's just that Nie Kong's head was about to explode at this time, and he felt that his soul was about to shatter.This time the mental power is still over-used compared to the last time, there is no way because this time it is a desperate fight.

"It hurts!" Nie Kong, whose eyes were already bloodied, couldn't help holding his hair and rolling in a ball.

"It seems that I can only rely on them! I hope the double repair can ease my pain."

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