The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 050, the goddess is forced to be a prostitute?

No wonder the Ultimate Beast will reach an agreement with the Apocalypse Beast, and it turns out that it is also very afraid of the most terrible trick of the Apocalypse Beast-self-destruction!Moreover, this self-destruction, if all of the distorted world created by the Apocalypse beasts broke out, the dark distortion will spread throughout the Digimon world, achieving his goal of destroying the Digimon world!

Nie Kong exhausted the last bit of mental power in his body and put it into the Dingtian Ring, wanting to release the women.It's just that in his consciousness, the Flower Fairy Beast and Jia Er are happily flying kites to the Wicked Girl Beast.

Of course it will not be like the punishment in ancient China, which is to insert a blunt knife into the belly button of the demon beast, then stir to pull the intestines out, and then pull the end of the intestine at a high place to push the demon beast down! The situation is that Jia'er tied the legs of the demon beast with a devil's blood whip, hung the demon beast and sat on the flower fairy beast in the air, pulling her to fly everywhere.

Seeing them, they are still playing pretty H.At this time, Nie Kong's consciousness really couldn't catch Jia'er and three daughters who were flying everywhere.Helpless Nie Kong could only target the Celestial Beast, Suna and Meimei, who were sitting quietly watching.

After finishing this step, uncontrollable blood rolled out of Nie Kong's eyes, like two tears of blood.The mental power in the body was completely consumed by him.

"Why can't I hold on to it anymore? I finally let go of what they said." Nie Kong reluctantly glanced at the three women in front of him, and lost consciousness before Shuangxiu and entered a state of self-recovery.

"Master, what's the matter with you?" When the celestial beast returned to the digital world, seeing Nie Kong's miserable appearance, Hua Rong was already scared.She eagerly picked up the unconscious Nie Kong and carefully observed his body.

"The celestial beast, what is the physical condition of the master?" A ray of hope rose in Suna's heart, a ray of hope to escape from Nie Kong's claws.Perhaps it was because of Jia'er's intimidation that she endured the humiliation and succumbed to Nie Kong as a slave.

"Huh, fortunately there is nothing wrong. It's just that the master passed out in a coma because the body consumed too much energy. Perhaps the master came out to cultivate and restore energy." The Celestial Beast found that Nie Kong just lost consciousness, and finally relaxed. Tone.

"That's it." A look of disappointment flashed across Suna's face.

"It's great!" Pure beauty is not as complicated as Sona.

"Okay, now we are here to help the master regain her strength, so that the master can wake up as soon as possible." The celestial beast looked at Nie Kong, who was sleeping quietly in her arms, distressedly, and Qian Qianyu gently stripped off the clothes she was wearing with her hands.

In an instant, Nie Kong's sunny body was completely exposed in the eyes of the three women.Especially Suna and Mimi, who had never seen a man's body could not help but screamed, their faces turned red in an instant, and they turned around and dared not look again.

"What exactly does the celestial beast want to do when taking off her master's clothes?" Suna and Meimei looked at each other, both of them very curious.At this moment, there was a sound of sucking from behind.

The sound was not loud, but it got into Suna and Mi Mi's heart.The two of them heard these weird sounds unknowingly that their hearts were beating faster and faster, and finally couldn't help turning their heads curiously.

"Okay, now you can practice with the master." The celestial beast happily stood up and took off the white veil on her body.

The voice lasted for half an hour, and the white body of the goddess beast was softly lying on Nie Kong's body.

After the intense exercise, the celestial beast's face was covered with a layer of crimson, and it looked very beautiful.She resisted the weakness and got up, but found that Nie Kong showed no signs of waking up.

"Why doesn't the master wake up yet?"

Now the female beast was a little panicked. She didn’t know where the power came from and stood up, and said eagerly to Sona and Mimi: “You two should take off your clothes quickly. I’m the only one. I'm afraid I can't wake up the master."

"No, no! We're only eleven years old, and my mother told us that we can't do this kind of thing so early." Suna couldn't help but watch Nie Kong stand up like an arm-sized root, and her body kept receding.

Suna, who was unmanned, couldn't imagine how much pain it would cause her to put such a big thing in her body.

"The celestial beast, please bypass us, we are not suitable for this kind of thing when we are young," Meimei said pleadingly.

"You two guys, if the master has any accident, I must kill you personally! Is there anything more important than the safety of the master's life now?" The celestial beast's eyes became stunned, and her pretty face immediately became cold.She unexpectedly appeared in front of Suna, grabbing Suna's collar with one hand, and slamming Suna's face with the other.

The severe pain from her face swept through Suna's body, and she couldn't say a word in fear in her heart.She had never expected that the usually amiable celestial beast would show such a terrifying expression to her.

"You can't take it off, if you don't take it off, I'll help you take it off!" After the celestial beast slapped Suna powerfully, she finally became impatient, and grabbed Suna's clothes with her hands and tore it forcefully.

"Tear!" I saw that the clothes she wore on Suna were torn to pieces violently by the celestial beast.

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