The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 051, Sona and Mimi

Suna, who is weak in strength, can't resist the celestial beast who is a complete Digimon.In Meimei's sad eyes, Suna's delicate body was exposed to the air.

"No, no!" Suna screamed out in horror, and she didn't know where the power came from, pushing away the body of the celestial beast, and ran out into the distance.

"Damn human beings, there is no sympathy at all! If it weren't for the master's kindness to save your life, you would have died at the hands of the demon beast. Now the master is in trouble, would you not even help with this little help?" The celestial beast made a good posture, and Jade shot in arms.I saw a dazzling arrow pierced the air and pierced Suna's calf with a scream!

Suna lost strength under her feet and fell to the ground with a wailing cry.She felt the wound on her leg shot by the celestial beast, and looked at the approaching celestial beast with infinite horror in her eyes.She knew that the celestial beast was really not a joke, it would really kill her.

As for Meimei, she had been scared to the ground for a long time, she didn't dare to escape at all, and was unable to escape.In the distorted space created by the beast of the Apocalypse, she could not run out of it with a weak woman alone.

"Do you dare to run?" The celestial beast gazed at Suna gently, and this contrasting tenderness almost made Suna's heart collapse.The celestial beast sighed and gently picked up Suna who fell on the ground with both hands, but Suna really did not dare to resist staying in the arms of the celestial beast this time, and closed her tear-stained eyes in despair.

The celestial beast did not dare to waste time, holding Suna instantly returned to Nie Kong's front, gently placing Suna in Nie Kong's broad chest.

But Suna knew what to do, so she still lay motionless in Nie Kong's arms, just hugging Nie Kong's waist.

"Sona, you can come down, now it's Meimei's turn."

"Thanks to you, the celestial beast has worked hard for you." Nie Kong moved and looked at the celestial beast with satisfaction.No matter how stupid he was, he knew that he was able to wake up so quickly, all of which was due to the beast.Otherwise, these two chicks who have just been collected and have not been tamed, it would be good if they didn't take advantage of his injury to escape.

Thinking of this, Nie Kong's heart was moved beyond words.It is worth coming to Digimon World to find such a girl who does this kind of thing for him.

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