The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0473, ready to merge

Bumara got up and Nie Kong brushed his teeth, washed his face and had breakfast. The time was already close to 10 noon.It was fixed to get up at seven, but Bouma was stuck in the wonderful world of H Bliss.

Knowing that he would face a tragic parting in the future, Bouma was more anxious than Nie Kong.She hurriedly pulled Nie Kong into the research room and started the research on blood fusion.On the 18th, looking at the hugely changing Bouma, a series of question marks popped up in his head.Why didn't I see her all night, she became more flavorful and more attractive than before.On the 18th, I wanted to ask Bouma about the secret of becoming beautiful and strong in one night, but in the blink of an eye she disappeared at the table with Nie Kong.

"By the way, Nie Jun, you said last night that you would use a girl to help activate the blood in your body. I was already prepared, but you... you did something like that to me." Bouma said and said. , Qiao Lian blushed first.

"Now let's continue with the topic of last night, what should I do to really make it lively?" The conversation between the two returning to the research room seemed to be back to the original point of last night.It's just that now things are different, Bouma lost the purity of the girl.The two officially confirmed their relationship and became the lover relationship that Boomer hoped.

"In fact, what we did last night was another cause of my blood boiling. You can now check the information collected last night to see if there is any gain." Nie Kong smirked.

Bouma's face that had already recovered turned red into a lantern again. She was sly and lively and had no way to face the person she liked.Buma gave Nie Kong a white glance and tapped her fingers on the keyboard.

A few minutes later, what happened in the sealed cabin last night appeared on the screen.Bouma looked at herself catering to Nie Kong, very ashamed.

"What do you think, business matters." Nie Kong tapped Buma's head lightly, and said with a little amusement.

Buma was ashamed, the genius girl quickly resisted the ripples in her heart and noticed the blood in Nie Kong's body.In their observations, Nie Kong's vampire essence and blood were most active when the two became one.Compared with the tyrannical tyranny of the sub-human, this blood boil is calm, and contains plenty of vitality.Vitality and destruction are really two extremes.

She typed the keyboard and desperately switched various pictures.A lot of data jumps on the electronic screen very quickly.Needless to say, Nie Kong knew that Bouma was collecting information about the blood of vampires, calculating and practicing how they merged.

Believe that there is a super brain of Bouma, it is only a matter of time before they understand their characteristics.Even the time machine that is against the sky can make her, such small things are fine.Although his age is very young, his mind is still very flexible.

After two or three hours of tapping, the data filled the screen time and time again, interspersed with various data graphs.

"Da da..." After pressing the space bar twice, Bouma's whole body slumped in the soft office chair as if it was exhausted.High-load mental work is more terrifying than any physical work.

"How is the situation? Have you figured out the best option for integration?" Nie Kong couldn't wait to ask after Bouma took a break for ten minutes.

"It is theoretically feasible, but if you control the two strands of blood at the same time when the activity is highest, it should be very likely to succeed. Wait for me to perform a few more simulations to see the results." Bouma's eyes sparkled, filled with The brilliance of confidence.

"That's right, it will take a few more experiments to be more sure of the success rate." After hope, Nie Kong finally breathed a sigh of relief.His cultivation almost broke through to the second level of the Goddess Cultivation Technique, the primordial spirit. Although it can support two strands of blood, the scientific fusion is many times stronger than his unpredictable refining.Refining is like a refiner, with many unpredictable results.Without any experience, who would have expected the blood that appeared after refining and fusion would have any power.Perhaps the best is the coexistence of the two, the medium is only showing the characteristics of a kind of blood, and the worst is that it is refined and does not retain any genetic information.So Nie Kong had no choice but to rely on Bouma to help him integrate.

"It's just..." Bouma hesitated, her pretty face suddenly smiled bitterly, as if there was something unspeakable.

"Is there any problem?" Nie Kong asked.

"No, it's nothing." Bouma returned to her usual expression, but there was a little jealousy in her heart.Fusion needs to stimulate two streams of blood. Saiyan blood can be resolved, as long as the experiment is done on the night of the full moon.And the essence and blood belonging to Nie Kong's origin needs the help of a girl to activate it.

It's strange that Bouma thought that her Nie Kong would do something H to the other girls.But for the future world to be saved by Jun Nie, big things matter.Boomer pressed her jealousy, and could only beg Nie Kong not to abandon herself in abusive manner.Her innocence has been dedicated to Nie Kong, and the beauty of her first experience is branded in the deepest part of her memory. Buma can't forget Nie Kong.

Last night, Nie Kong said that he would call in on the 18th to help. It seems that the 18th will dedicate himself to Nie Kong when the integration begins.Look at the appearance of the 18th, I would be very willing.

Thinking that the 18th can enjoy Nie Kong's love and enjoy Nie Kong's unique tenderness, Buma made a decision with her teeth and cruelty.She prefers Nie Kong to being jealous.Moreover, after more than a year of getting along with each other, she understood Nie Kong's meaning for the 18th.

If Nie Kong is lost, she will lose the meaning of survival.Her strength is very strong, anyway, there is no way to chase her away, maybe Bouma had already expected such results.

"Don't worry about Bouma, I will always bring you a happy life." Nie Kong hugged Bouma's head from behind, Bouma gently leaned his head in his arms, and the two enjoyed a moment of warmth. .

With Nie Kong's assurance, Bouma felt much better.As long as he stayed by his side, he didn't dare to expect more.

"I see, just call in when you start to merge. As long as you have her help, you can wake up two strands of blood at the same time..." Bouma's tolerance made Nie Kongkai happy.

In the original book, Bumak saw Leping and abandoned Leping and chose Vegeta.Now I got Bouma, but he is gentler and more tolerant than the original.

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