The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0474, 18 dedicated to scientific research

After more than a dozen simulation experiments, Bouma has matured day by day, and finally started a real integration.She specially selected the night when the full moon appeared as the time of integration.The wave hertz emanating from the full moon is just enough to activate the Saiyan blood, and then take the 18th to the sealed cabin of the research room, and the conditions for fusion will be prepared.After receiving Bouma’s notification, Nie Kong made an appointment to take a shower on the 18th and come to his research room while eating dinner, saying that she would like her to help with important things.Hao didn't doubt, but was very happy that he could help Nie Kong.After taking a relaxing bath with a humming song, the 18th picked clothes for more than half an hour in the bedroom, and finally chose a light blue pajama dress.

Looking at herself exposed in the mirror, No. 18's pretty face blushed slightly.She didn't know what psychology she would use to dress up and meet Nie Kong in this shameful manner.But now he is a human being and is qualified to fight for his own happiness.Without the company of her brother, the meaning of life on the 18th is only Nie Kong, and it is Nie Kong who frees her from the sea of ​​suffering.So that after appearing in the past world, on the 18th, Nie Kongfu posted a post.No. 18, who used to slaughter humans coldly, became very feminine after falling into strange love emotions.

She quietly cracked the crack in the door, and after seeing that there was no one in the corridor outside, she blinked at a high speed and appeared in front of Nie Kong's research room.After she knocked on the door, Nie Kong's permission came from inside.No. pushed aside the research room, dazzled at the sophisticated instruments in the room.The indoor patio is very large, and on the 18th, you can see the full moon hanging in the sky.She glanced around the room, and found that there was no picture of Bouma, her pretty face bloomed with joy.

In the airtight chamber of the research room, Nie Kong was lying motionless with his eyes closed!As if perceiving the arrival of the 18th, he opened his eyes.After seeing No. 18's dress, Nie Kong's pupils dilated a little.

He didn't expect that the usually cold No. 18 would wear such a bold pajamas, it was simply to seduce himself.Had she guessed her intentions and cooperated especially with herself?

"Nie...Nie Kong, what can I do if you are looking for me so late?" She wanted to pretend to be normal, but instead showed a shy and cute side.

"You are here on the 18th, come over and talk about it." Nie Kong waved to the 18th without looking away from her body.No. obediently pushed open the glass door and appeared in the narrow sealed cabin.near

With a beautiful white face, thin lips are particularly moving.Although he is only about 1.6 meters tall, he is slender and well-proportioned.

Slender legs, plump body, beautiful and dignified.No wonder Klin would fall in love at first sight. She looked beautiful when she looked closely.Hao stood there shyly, looking uncomfortable under Nie Kong's fiery eyes.

"No...if nothing is going on, I...I'm leaving." On the 18th, she couldn't stand it anymore. She wanted to escape from Nie Kong's arms and sort out the mess in her mind.But Nie Kong hugged her tightly, her face lowered like a shy little daughter-in-law.

Before the 18th could finish speaking, Nie Kong made a bold move.

Her eyes widened, and the hands that had pushed Nie Kong's chest drew all her strength.Unexpectedly on the 18th, Nie Kong went further into her little mouth.

Perhaps when choosing pajamas, the 18th had already expected Nie Kong to be more intimate with her.She recognized Nie Kong and had long since made up her mind to accompany him forever.

"You are really beautiful. No. 18, can you give it to me tonight." Nie Kong stretched his upper body and said softly to No. 18 underneath.

"But... but I don't have the slightest preparation, can I be late." No.18 whispered.

"No! Who told you to wear such a beautiful dress, I can't control myself anymore." Nie Kong disfigured his clothes, and the two skins finally came close together without any barriers.

Feeling Nie Kong's body temperature, No. 18's body was limp in his arms like cotton.

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