The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0476, the soul of the body

The blood in the body seemed to be ignited, boiling violently.

The speed of the ascent is too terrifying, the breath of the two kinds of blood has become more and more diluted, and it seems that Buma's invisible power can be attracted.Every time the Qi machine pulls, the two strands of blood get closer to each other, and the process of their fusion becomes faster.Obviously, Bouma's judgment is absolutely correct.When the blood is most active, they will resonate.

Under the special energy effect of Boomer restraint, two different blood streams are fusing in the direction of Boomer weaving.In the beginning, they were still resisting.But soon discovered that they are active without any hostility, that is just the instinct exuded by consciousness.

Fusion is definitely the most wonderful feeling in the world, relying on the bridge communication made by Bouma.This is a special kind of communication, silent communication.The fusion is ten times faster than the previous time, but obviously it cannot be completed in a short time.

The boiling blood was mixed together, with a little bright red in the golden color.The two strands of blood that were originally distinct are now mottled and coquettish poisonous snakes.It's just that the mutation is not over, and the mixed blood makes a sound of sizzling.

Simply put, the blood now is like the purified wine in the wine shop.The two boiling blood volatilize into gas, then merge to form new blood, and then volatilize... Every time it volatilizes, the boundary between the two will get closer and closer.

Bouma didn't slack anymore, she struck hard on the mechanical keyboard.The whole night passed, but Bouma still did not stop.Because of the strength that double repairs brought her, she was able to work all night.

The morning sun shines from the patio into the research room, and the comfortable No.18 wakes up from her beautiful sleep.Realizing that she was lying in Nie Kong's arms, she closed her eyes tightly again and pretended to sleep.

Only one hour passed, two hours passed, Nie Kong didn't mean to wake up.Under the weird situation, the 18th suddenly had a bad feeling.She opened her eyes again and found that Nie Kong was fast asleep without any signs of waking up.

"Hey... Nie Kong, get up!" No. 18 sat on Nie Kong's lower abdomen, shaking his shoulders with both hands.

"Don't scare me, will you wake up." After calling for more than ten minutes, No.18's eyes flashed with a panic expression.

"It's useless, Nie Jun's body is in a dormant state, and he can't wake up." Looking at the familiar voice, No. 18 saw Bu Ma rubbing his forehead and pushing away the airtight chamber.

No. 18 doesn't care about how Bouma will appear here.All her concerns are now tied to Nie Kong's safety.

"Buma...Do you know what happened to Nie Kong? What happened to him, when will he wake up?" No.18 eagerly took Buma's hands, eyes full of anxiety.

Did the things he did with Nie Kong last night made him unconscious?The 18th was full of self-blame, and she regretted why she hadn't cruelly rejected Nie Kong.

"You should understand that there are two different blood in Nie Jun's body. They just started to merge last night. As long as they merge successfully, I guess Nie Kong will wake up." Buma stretched out her right hand, carrying My thoughts gently stroked Nie Kong's cheek.

"Then... how long will it take?" No.18 said anxiously.

"According to the data progress shown by the machine, the perfect fusion requires hundreds of volatilization reactions. If you calculate it carefully, it will take five or six years." Bouma said desolately.To separate Nie Kong for a few years is more uncomfortable than killing Bouma.

"Huhu, as long as he's okay..." Five or six years is a short period of time for the number 18 of the android.

Because of Nie Kong's accident, the two women accommodated each other's existence.They carefully scrubbed Nie Kong's skin and took care of Nie Kong who was in a coma.Originally with the idea of ​​waiting for Nie Kong for a few years, Nie Kong suddenly appeared in front of the two girls of Buma after the evening of the next day.

His appearance shocked Buma and No.18.After the shock, it was accompanied by an unprecedented surprise.Nie Kong in front of him glowed with pale golden light, his physique was only a few inches in size.

He is the incarnation of Nie Kong's soul, the soul of the product after the breakthrough of the Imperial Girl's Cultivation Technique.After practicing for a day or two, Nie Kong finally mastered the method for the soul to get out of his body.

The only drawback was that he could not leave Nie Kong's body for a long time.After being out of the body for a few hours, you must return to your body to ensure the vitality of your body.After resting for the same amount of time, he can get out of the body again.

"How come there are two Nie Jun, I...I didn't look at it." Bouma stretched out her trembling little hand and felt Nie Kong stupidly.

"To be precise, I'm just the soul leaving the dormant body. I'm afraid you are worried, come out and see you." Nie Kong said gently.

"Can Nie Kong's soul leave the body freely, but will it have any bad effect on you?" No.18 breathed a sigh of relief, but then said something worried.

"No, as long as you return to your own body occasionally, you should be fine. Moreover, doing H has no effect..." The substantive soul is almost no different from a real human.

"Nie Kong...don't...don't, Bouma is here." Staying in place, don't know what to do.

"Hey... Bouma can't escape today, you two must take good care of me tonight." Nie Kong grabbed Bouma's little hand and hugged the two girls at the same time.

The two women lying in Nie Kong's arms glanced at each other, and they couldn't help closing their eyes shyly.While Nie Kong's skilled hands flicked, the white bodies of the two women lay horizontally on the bed in the research room.

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