The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0477Kiss Kiki

When the blood was fused, Nie Kong's body had to stay in the airtight chamber in the research room.And his primordial spirit can leave the body, except that he can't stay away from the suffering of the flesh, it is no different from ordinary people.

Among them, when he is free, his soul will appear in his dingtian ring to accompany the girl inside.The two daughters of Jia'er, the angel beasts of Digimon World, Moexiang of Cross and Vampire, Jis of IS, Xiludi of Daddy World, Zhu Nai of DXD... Within a few years, He took a lot of time to exchange feelings.As for his half apprentice, Bidili, Nie Kong didn't release her from the Dragon Ball world, so let's talk about it when the cyborg plot begins.If she sees number 18, I am afraid there will be some sad emotions.

The air in the early morning was fresh and comfortable, and Dongshan showed half of the sunrise.Red glowing with soft light, everything that was born in the morning was covered with a thin layer of clear veil, exuding attractive luster.The tall buildings in the distance were faintly shrouded in mist, and they were illusory.

At the door of Bouma's house, standing a girl in a light blue sailor suit.Her long dark hair draped over her shoulders, and her bangs just couldn't cover her big eyes.He seems to be fourteen or five years old, and exudes a fresh Xiaojiabiyu temperament.She is a girl-Kiki, who has become more and more gorgeous in a few years.Within ten seconds of knocking on the door, the iron gate opened automatically.Qiqi is familiar with the road and is already familiar with Bouma's home.

In three years, Kiki has changed a lot.Compared with the past, Loli's youthfulness is a bit less, and the purity reveals a bit of youthful and lovely girl.Especially the figure is very slim, big and big, thin and thin.

After arriving in the living room, Qiqi found that the two women were eating breakfast.Crystal-like black diamond eyes rolled around, Jiao Han asked, "Buma, where is Brother Nie Kong." After speaking, Qiqi sat opposite the two women.

Bouma still watched the breakfast with relish. After hearing what Kiki said, her gorgeous face lifted up and smiled: "Kiki, morning. Come here so early today, don't you need to go to school?"

Compared to Qiqi, Bouma has changed even more.The skin is like crystal clear jade, the pretty face is energetic, and the plump body is beautiful and moving.Because of Nie Kong's long-term hard work, Bouma has a happier life than the original.At the age of eighteen, she has matured and has been developed by Nie Kong.And the beautiful No. 18, the icy temperament is gone forever, and she has a bit of a lady temperament.Her combat effectiveness has increased to 700 million, which is stronger than the real Dragon Ball No. 18.

Qiqi murmured: "There are no classes today, but the school's home visit day is coming, so I have to ask Brother Nie Kong to accompany me to school like last year." In the first year, Qiqi Taking the huge monster-like Bull Demon to the school attracted ridicule from the students.In the second year, Qiqi had to beg Nie Kong to be her brother.

She found that the situation was surprisingly good, and the female students in the class showed a lot of enthusiasm for her.The female teacher in Liande school often cares about her situation.It's the third year now, and Kiki is about to graduate from junior high school.

"It turns out that Qiqi was surprised by a student with excellent academic performance. Don't worry, Nie Jun will come out soon." No.18 smiled warmly.

"Oh." Qiqi nodded, and sat quietly in the living room watching the two women finish their breakfast.

Two or three minutes later, Nie Kong came out.He basically hasn't changed, and the long years have not left any traces on him.Seeing Qiqi in the room, Nie Kong's face flashed in surprise.

"Huh... Kiki, don't you have to go to class today?"

Qiqi was speechless again, and said coquettishly: "Brother Nie Kong, Qiqi's school has come to the annual home visit day again, so..." Needless to say, Nie Kong already understood what she meant.

"Trouble!" Nie Kong muttered, but Qiqi hugged him and shook his arm.

"Okay..." Qiqi's voice is very magnetic, and Nie Kong's bones are almost crisp.

"I see, I just accompany you." Faced with Qiqi's cute aegyo, Nie Kong did not have the heart to refuse.

Hearing Nie Kong's promise, Qiqi's cute pretty face showed a surprised expression.Of course Qiqi will cherish being able to accompany Nie Kong alone.

Since Nie Kong was the soul, there was nothing to prepare.Kiki took Nie Kong's arm intimately, and the two leaned on like a close couple.In the blink of an eye, their backs disappeared in front of the two women.

"It's broken, I found that Qiqi's little girl has a bad heart for Nie Kong." No.18 seemed to have discovered something, and exclaimed.

"You just found out, I already understood it three years ago." Bouma looked at Number 18 speechlessly, deeply worried about her EQ.Fortunately, it was Nie Kong who met, otherwise she would definitely be deceived in love.

"Huh...Looking at Qiqi's well-behaved appearance in front of us, who knows what she is thinking." No.18 hummed.

"Reassure, I understand Nie Jun's intentions very well, he will not leave us." Bouma calmly picked up the handkerchief and wiped her mouth, smiling.

"Hey...Brother Nie Kong, I'm ready for the summer vacation, will you take Qiqi out to play." On the way to school, Qiqi bounced in front of Nie Kong.She walked backwards with her hands behind her back, looking at Nie Kong with crystal clear eyes.

"Well, after the exam is over, I will take you to have fun in the Western Capital."

"No, I mean leaving the Western Capital to venture around the world, just like collecting dragon balls four years ago. And I heard that the triennial World No. 1 Martial Arts Conference is about to start registration, isn't Brother Nie Kong interested? "Qiqi said excitedly.

"Qiqi's sorry, I have very important things that I can't leave the West Capital for the time being." Nie Kong's primordial spirit cannot stay away from the physical body, he cannot leave the scope of the West Capital.Now the fusion of blood has not been completed, and his body is dormant.

Qiqi's bright eyes were a little disappointed when she heard Nie Kong's answer.

"Well, I will make up for you when you graduate from high school." Nie Kong touched Qiqi's soft black silk, as intimate as a real brother and sister.

"It takes a long time to graduate from high school. Unless... Brother Nie Kong kisses Kiki, Kiki will forgive you." Kiki pointed to her smooth face, her eyes flashed with shame.

Nie Kong looked at Qiqi in front of him funny, lowered his face and kissed her soft lips.Since he wanted to kiss, Nie Kong would certainly choose to take her for the first time.

Qiqi's fair and pretty face flushed instantly, she lowered her head and looked at her toes, her ears were red.Along the way, she was lively and silent, occasionally shyly peeking at Nie Kong.

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