The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0480, Bouma's first battle

It was Nie Kong who teleported with Bouma. After escaping from the world of Trunks in the future, he now can easily defeat the space barriers of the Dragon Ball world and teleport anywhere in the world.

In the future, Trunks is like a space cage, locking Nie Kong's free movement.Even Wukong, the protagonist of that world, failed to learn the trick of spatial movement, showing how solid the space is.

And now Nie Kong broke through the second layer of the Goddess Cultivation Technique, and his soul power was ten times stronger than before.With the fragile barriers of the current True Dragon Ball world, he finally didn't have to rely on the power of faith in the ring.

Nie Kong's appearance stopped Piccolo who was about to kill Tianjin Fan.Looking at Nie Kong's pale golden pupils, Piccolo felt a sense of trembling inexplicably.As if he was a lion at the top of the food chain, and he was a prey for mermaid meat.

"What a joke, I am the Big Demon King Piccolo who is going to rule the world. How can I be afraid of humans in a small way. Yes, it must have been my illusion." Piccolo roared in his heart, how proud he would believe Nie in front of him. Sora is stronger than him!

Tianjin Fan's three eyes saw the newly-appearing two, and his tired face showed a wry smile.Looking at the appearance of Nie Kong and the others, he had already determined that they had come to die.In his mind, there is no better person in the world than Bik.

"Are there two more human beings who are not afraid of death? Watch me Piccolo tear you to pieces. I want people all over the world to see how serious the fate of daring to resist me Piccolo will be."

Piccolo was ashamed of his fear, and rushed towards Nie Kong in anger.

"Be careful..." Tianjin Fan had just reminded him, the Demon King Piccolo instantly disappeared in midair. When the figure appeared again, he had already come to Nie Kong, moving faster than the sound.

Nie Kong had a mocking look on his face, his pale golden eyes exuded invisible waves.Only two meters away from Nie Kong, Piccolo stiffened and stopped there, as if he had suffered the legendary hold technique.

The horror of the soul is a few dimensions apart from ordinary people.

His face was distorted due to excessive force, but he still couldn't break free from the oppression of Nie Kong's soul power.

What a shock in Tianjin Fan's eyes.Seeing Piccolo's horrified body, his three eyes were full of shock.One move defeated the Demon King Piccolo, where is he sacred?

"You are too weak. I don't need me to fight against you. Your opponent is her. I was just watching the show today." Nie Kong stepped back and let out the gorgeous Boomer.

"Nie... Nie Jun, I... how could I be his opponent? You should solve him quickly." Bouma was very unconfident, she hid behind Nie Kong because of fear.

Without combat experience, Bouma didn't know how terrifying the power she had now.Nie Kong smiled and pushed Bouma hiding behind him, looking at her with encouraging eyes.

"It's okay, you are better than him. If you don't believe me, try my machine. It can show everyone's combat effectiveness with data." Nie Kong didn't know where he took out an excellent spectacle frame and threw it away. In the hands of Bouma.

The glasses that showed the fighting power were brought by Nie Kong from the world of Trunks in the future, and they were the spoils of killing Vegeta.

The machine can be used very quickly in Boomer's hand. She pressed the button of the frame, and then looked at Piccolo.The number on the mirror screen was beating, 5, 10, and finally stopped at 280.The Tianjin Fan lying on the side is relatively weak, only over one hundred and fifty.

After Buma fiddled with it a few times, he actually found out what Nie Kong could not find.She looked at her body and found that the number was beating more than Piccolo, which was 330!!

"Hey...really. It turns out that his combat power is only 280. I...I'm really 50 better than him?" Bouma asked in amazement.The 50 combat effectiveness of Dragon Ball in the early stage, the gap is already very large.

"The combat power is basically more than him, and with the qi that I have taught you for three years, it is easy to defeat him if you can skillfully use the power in your body." Nie Kong nodded jokingly.

"Asshole... are you humiliating me, Big Devil Bick." Pic's green face was distorted with anger, and Nie Kong's few words shattered his pride.The human beings who once let themselves be slaughtered, now actually look down on themselves.It's just that he was helpless, he couldn't break free from Nie Kong's shackles with his strength.

"The strength of the beautiful girl who appeared surpassed Piccolo. How could there be so many powerful people in the world!" Tianjin Fan did not believe Nie Kong's words, thinking he was lying.

"Hmm...Anyway, with Nie Jun, I...I will fight well." Bouma squeezed her small fist, her bright eyes regained her confidence.

"Are you ready? I'm going to release him." Nie Kong withdrew his soul power, and Big Demon King Piccolo finally recovered his freedom.His reason has been burned clean with anger, and his only idea is to tear the two humans in front of him to pieces.

Piccolo exudes a terrifying aura, condensing his fingers at the nasty Nie Kong and the others.The beam of destruction rushed towards Bouma, and the spread of Qi set off a gust of wind pressure.

Bouma screamed in fright, she closed her eyes tightly, and pushed her hands toward the beam unconsciously.In her hands, there was an air that surpassed Piccolo.After the two collided, Boomer bounced Piccolo's gas bomb towards the sky.

" could it be possible to restore my strength to my youth but a few levels higher than the old me." Piccolo was astonished as he looked at Bouma, a weak woman-like opponent, and it was hard to imagine the weak woman in front of him. There will be such a terrifying power.

There was also Tianjin Fan who was horrified. He never dared to imagine that there would be girls with martial arts cultivation skills that surpassed him.I originally thought that apart from Wukong, he was second in the world, but the new powerhouses appeared one after another.

"I...I'm okay, did you... succeeded?" Boomer suddenly opened his eyes without feeling the pain coming.After seeing that she could block Piccolo's attack, Qiao Lian finally looked calmer.

"How can humans be more powerful than my demons, I think you can avoid me a few times." Piccolo's face is full of murderous anger distortions, and he rushes over again, bound to kill Bouma.

Seeing that the energy bomb was useless, Piccolo directly planned to use close combat. He saw through Boomer's weakness of inexperienced combat.

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