The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0481, kill Pic

The Big Demon King Piccolo appeared in front of Bouma instantly, forming a hand knife with his right hand, and slashing at her delicate neck without mercy.Boomer struggled to capture Piccolo's speed, and then retreated in a panic and escaped Piccolo's attack.

She didn't have time to dry the cold sweat from her forehead, and Piccolo's follow-up attack struck again.The two punches were like a phantom, and they hit the past one after another.

"Calm down and feel the flow of his Qi." Like Bobo, Nie Kong once taught the use of Bouma Qi.Detect the flow of Qi and capture the position of the enemy.

After receiving Nie Kong's reminder, Bouma slowly closed her eyes.At the moment Pic's fist came, he easily leaned over and flashed his attack.Piccolo gritted his teeth and slammed his fist like crazy.However, Bouma knew of Piccolo's attack every time, just like Bobo from the Temple of Heaven against Goku, he dodged dangerously again and again.

When the two were fighting fiercely, a golden cloud rushed into the distant sky at high speed.It dragged its tail and appeared in front of Nie Kong.Above the clouds is Wukong.

His changes have not changed much, and his face has basically not changed.It's just that the air rushing out of his body is not weaker than Piccolo.

"I thought who could stop the Big Demon King Piccolo, it turned out to be you! But I...I read it right, seeing her very weak three years ago turned out to be so powerful!" Goku looked shocked. Seeing all this, a woman who has no power to bind a chicken, is now able to kill Bick, who is able to kill Grandpa Turtle Immortal, is truly an earth-shaking change.Looking at Boomer who calmly dealt with Piccolo, Goku knew that she was now stronger than herself.

"Wukong...Do you know them?" Tianjin Fan dragged his tired body and asked when he came to Wukong.

"He is Nie Kong, the previous champion of the world's No. 1 martial arts tournament, and he is very strong. But the girl who fought with Piccolo, I...I remember that he was weak three years ago." Wukong hesitated.

After hearing Nie Kong's name, Tianjin Fan finally understood why Wukong would show regret after defeating him.Wukong's goal is to defeat such a strong Nie Kong, with him as the goal of victory.

"It turned out to be Monkey King. Your power is now close to Piccolo. But this battle belongs to Bouma. Don't make trouble by yourself." Nie Kong said coldly.

"I know, but if she fails, I won't let the Demon King Piccolo who killed the Turtle Immortal and Klin." Monkey King stared at Piccolo with angry eyes, wishing to tear him apart.

In the battlefield, Boomer, who was originally inferior, is now pressing Piccolo to beat him.

The longer he fights, the more Bouma's combat experience is purely over. The qi in his body also knows how to control the operation, and Bouma's gradually counterattack.

Suddenly, the fists of Bouma and Pick collided, and the collision of power and strength stirred up a dust on the ground.The strength of the two was equal, but after three years of long-term guidance and practice, Bouma was much stronger than Bik in combat, so he blasted Bik more than ten meters.

The corner of Piccolo's mouth oozes a little bit of bright red, and he can't believe that the weak human girl is actually stronger than him.Roaring, Piccolo's backwards eyes shot two red rays of light toward Boomer's knee.

Facing the despicable and weird moves of the Demon King Piccolo, Bouma was careless for a moment. There was intense pain in his knees. Bouma fell to the ground with a cry of pain, unable to stand again.

"Haha... you have lost the ability to move now, let me kill you next." Bikhaha laughed wildly, kicking his feet hard and rushing into the sky at high speed.Floating in the air, his whole body was boiling violently.

With her strongest explosive magic wave, she can definitely be destroyed.The green skin glowed faintly, and he opened his hands to aim at Bouma, the terrifying arrogance condensed into a ball.The Qi-gathering Piccolo was full of flaws. No wonder Wukong had the advantage in the original work.

It's just that Piccolo missed a little bit, but Boomer had learned the dance from Nie Kong.Although she has no feet, she can still float in the air.She gently controlled her breath and finally stood in front of Piccolo again.

"What a powerful monster, use you to try the power of Qi taught by Jun Nie." Bouma made up his mind, clasping her hands around her waist, gathering the Qi in her hands in her hands.It's just that because Bouma controlled so much true qi in his body for the first time, the qi riot that almost made it uncontrollable broke out in advance.

"It turns out that this is the case. The qi in the body needs to be controlled to exert its power. It's not difficult." Feeling the increasing qi in his hands, Bouma pushed his hands towards Piccolo at a height.

"Qigong wave!" A light beam full of basketball size sprayed out from Buma's hands, and slammed into Bick outside the white rice with bursts of destruction.As soon as Piccolo saw Bouma's movements, he was obviously taken aback.


That's the case, he also knows that he can't avoid the gas bomb that rushes so quickly.Piccolo could only grit his teeth, tie his heels, stretched out his hands and tried his best to block in front, hoping to block this move.The beam hit Piccolo's hands hard.

"Ah..." Accompanied by a scream of exhaustion, Big Devil Piccolo felt his body, as if his invisible giant hand was repeatedly twisted.In the weak muscles, he ran rampantly and unscrupulously, painful.

Bouma's full blow was terrifying.The big devil Bik only felt that he was about to die, his arms were gone, starting from the palms of the five fingers connected to the shoulders, all evaporated in the condensed breath of Boomer.Even Big Demon King Piccolo's chest revealed a horrible blood hole passing through.

The force of terror not only destroyed his entire right arm.Even the passing punch completely destroyed his right chest.

Within a few seconds, Big Demon King Piccolo's scattered eyes suddenly exploded.He exhausted his last breath, his whole body muscles cramped, and his mouth violently opened, with bile and blood, an unwillingness, his anger, and his wicked giant egg spit out from his mouth.

"My child, inherit my strength and take revenge for me, and let the evil descend on the world again. You are just weak now. Remember to practice for a few years so that you don't suffer the same fate as your father." The Great Demon King Piccolo gasped. , Enduring severe pain, hoarse voice, laughed crazy at the thrown egg.

"Boom..." In the sound of the explosion, Big Demon King Piccolo's body was wiped out in the wanton destruction of the air current.

"Bick...Bick actually lost to a girl, I...I didn't dream it." Tianjin Fan was stunned, his soul seemed to have left his body.

"Ok... so awesome, I thought I could defeat Piccolo after drinking Super Divine Water. Now it seems that my path of cultivation is very long." Wukong murmured.

Nie Kong, however, seemed a little dissatisfied with this result.Because if Bouma could perfectly control the qi in the body, it would be easy to kill Piccolo.Now, my legs are hurt.

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