The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional body text 0482, take the fairy beans again

Wukong didn't pay attention to Bouma, who was making a terrifying aura, so that he didn't find the egg that Piccolo spit out.Nie Kong naturally noticed his sluggishness, but did not prevent the birth of Piccolo II.Piccolo really died, and Dragon Ball would disappear.

"Nie Jun, I'm great. Bick, the demon king who wants to destroy the world, is now defeated by me." Bummer, floating in the air, threw into Nie Kong's arms, her pretty face full of contentment.She had never thought that she would be so powerful, and she could actually wipe out Piccolo.

Nie Kong squeezed Bouma's knee, and said with a little dissatisfaction: "If you react slowly, I guess I will save you. Your fighting power is far more than Piccolo. Is it embarrassing to say that you are so embarrassed?"

Bouma cried out in pain, and it seemed that the knee wound was indeed painful.She complained about her man and wanted Nie Kong to praise herself.Just hearing Nie Kong's caring words, Bouma felt warm and relieved.

"It's just that the strength of the girl next to him has surpassed Piccolo, so how strong is his true strength." Tianjin Fan was a little curious while shocked.Sure enough, there is heaven outside the sky, and there are people outside the world.The blood boiled in Tianjin Fan, and he discovered the meaning of his hard work in the future.

Wukong's mood is similar to Tianjin Fan, and he is looking forward to fighting Nie Kong.In the face of the strong, they did not back down, but pursued bravely.

"Finally defeated the Bick Demon King, thank you for avenging the grandpa and them. You missed this year's martial arts meeting, will you participate in three years, I really want to fight you!" Monkey King looked forward to.

"Let's talk about it then, your strength is too weak, it makes no sense to defeat you." Nie Kong certainly wanted to participate in the final martial arts convention before the Saiyan attack.However, depending on his own situation, he has to wait for the fusion of two streams of blood.

Tianjin Fan blushed, not knowing whether he was ashamed or angry.But he knew that there was a big gap between him and Nie Kong, he could only gritted his teeth and vowed to practice hard and become stronger.In the past, I laughed at others, but now the retribution is on Tianjin Fan.

"Hehe...I am looking forward to your coming." Wukong, the kid, regarded Bouma as his strong opponent.

"I've heard about Dragon Ball. Is Shenlong dead?" Nie Kong seemed to think of something and asked Tianjin Fan next to him.

"Yes, Piccolo killed it after fulfilling his wish." Tianjin Fan's tired face showed a sad expression, and it seemed that the death of dumplings hit him hard.

"It's a pity, I wanted to have the opportunity to accompany Jun Nie to travel around the world in search of Dragon Ball's adventure." Bu Ma, who was shrinking in Nie Kong's arms, didn't bother to use the dance.After she heard the news, Qiao Lian looked very regretful.

"You... are you true? What about Grandpa and the others? Without Dragon Ball, they can't be resurrected." Wukong muttered to himself as if he had lost his soul.

"Well... Immortal Karin didn't tell you before, he has a way to resurrect the dragon. Forget it, I'll accompany you to take a trip, by the way, I want Xiandou for Buuma." Looking at the cloth injured by himself Ma, Nie Kong feels very distressed.

Tianjin Fan was overjoyed and surprised: "Is there really a way to repair the Dragon Ball?" He couldn't help but think of the situation in which the Great Demon King Piccolo killed the Shenlong.After that, the dragon ball became seven ordinary stones.

"I don't know what's going on either, don't worry that Kailin Immortal is a very powerful immortal." Monkey King grinned.

"Nah...Nie Jun, what's the matter with fairy beans?" Bummah pulled Raniekong's collar, as if asked by a curious baby.

"How should I say, it is a miraculous medicine. No matter how severe the injury is, as long as there is a breath, it can restore the wounded to their best condition." Nie Kong explained impatiently.

Although Bouma's injury will recover after a few days, the conversation with fairy beans saves a lot of trouble.Besides, he wants to save some fairy beans so that they will be used in the war later.

Hearing Nie Kong's explanation, Bouma was very happy.He was only slightly injured, and Nie Jun was worried to his death. I was so happy to meet him.After hearing Nie Kong talk about the mysterious things, Tianjin Fan found that today was more surprised than the time he had lived.

The spiritual consciousness of the spreading world swept towards Kalinta, who had been there, and then broke the barriers of space, leading Wukong and the others to disappear into the battlefield.

The cat immortal on the top of Kalinta was originally watching Nie Kong's battle with the puddle, but when he discovered that Nie Kong and the others had disappeared, he was taken aback.When it could react, it had already noticed that Kalinta had a few more people.

Monkey King and Tianjin Fan were shocked. They didn't expect Nie Kong to lead them to move here instantly.

"You... how come you suddenly appeared here, meow?" The white meow appeared in Tianjin Fan's eyes, and he was stunned.Is this the fairy in the legend? He looks curious.

"I'm here to ask for fairy beans. Give me half of the fairy beans you have stored." Nie Kong's eyes swept lightly, and the cat fairy stood up like a frightened cat.

Facing Nie Kong, the cat fairy felt more oppressive than facing God.It seems to feel that he and him are not in the same dimension.The oppressive power of the soul is higher than that of God, who is he?

Seeing them defeated Piccolo with his own eyes, the cat fairy looked respectful in front of him.He lifted the lid of the porcelain jar, took out most of the fairy beans in it and handed it to Nie Kong.

Nie Kong counted a few hundred of the heavy fairy beans.So many fairy beans are enough for him to deal with all kinds of super dangerous battles.Nie Kong handed Buma one, and Buma chewed the crunchy fairy beans with curiosity.After swallowing it into his stomach, Bouma's knee wound healed strangely, and even the qi that had been consumed in the body recovered to its best.

"It's amazing." She jumped slightly, feeling no pain at all.Really healed, my injury really healed.

Tianjin Fan has become numb, and he is now accustomed to the stimulation Nie Kong and the others bring him.

"Kalin should know the situation about the Dragon Ball resurrection. If there is nothing wrong, we will leave. Three years later, if there is a fate, we will meet at the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference." After hugging Bouma, Nie Kong bid farewell to Wukong and the others. The weirdness disappeared.

If it drags on for a long time, Nie Kong is afraid that his physical body will lose its vitality.I couldn't leave the West Capital area, but there was no problem if there were only two or three minutes back and forth, but I had to return to the physical body immediately.

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