The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0483, successful integration

The storm appeared quickly, but disappeared faster.A few days ago, Demon Piccolo, who was known throughout the city, disappeared into everyone's sight.The Western Capital is still safe and sound, and the panicked people returned to their homes cautiously.

Time slowly passed, and there was no news of Piccolo.The former king stepped forward and organized an army to restore the chaotic order of the world.The Big Demon King Piccolo is gradually forgotten by people, and the days of peace remain the same.

As Nie Kong said, Immortal Kalin did know about the resurrection of the dragon.And fortunately, Wukong just met all the conditions to go to the temple.With a pure Wukong, Ruyibang led to the stairs of the Tianshen Temple in the shocking three eyes of Tianjin Fan.Tianjin Fan has no blessings to enjoy the treatment of Wukong. He can only return to the Guixian House and wait for the resurrection of Dragon Ball.

Two days later, the 7 dragon balls of Petrochemical bloomed again.Leping and Tianjin Fan summoned the Shenlong and restored the humans who died due to Piccolo.Through Tianjin Fan’s narration, they learned that it was Nie Kong and the others who had doubled Piccolo.After hearing about Nie Kong's toughness, the eyes of Leping people seemed to be able to burst into flames.

Their arduous practice started, and their goal was only one, defeating Nie Kong and becoming the champions of the world's number one martial arts tournament.The four of them left the Guixian House together and began their adventure to the world.

As for Wukong in the heavens, the hardship of cultivation is not weaker than them.With the guidance of the gods, after three years of cultivation Qi control, he has laid a solid foundation for Wukong to become stronger in the future.

Three years passed in a hurry, as fast as a white horse passing by.

West Capital, inside the research room dedicated to Bouma.At this time, within Nie Kong's body, after a long period of evolution, a tremendous change occurred, and the two strands of blood reached the final stage of fusion.It took six years to finally usher in this moment.

His heartbeat was like the sound of a drum bell, pulsing fiercely in the research room, which showed the vitality of Nie Kong's body.The electronic device girl Buma outside is beating, just about to witness the birth of the most vast moment in history.

When the first drop of new blood was born in Nie Kong's body, Nie Kong was shocked.

After several years of volatilization and fusion in Nie Kong's body, the golden vampire blood and the bright red Saiyan blood were finally completely mixed into one.The new color is bright red, like a burning flame.

Seeing the strange blood displayed on the electronic screen, the gorgeous Boomer was inexplicably excited.She succeeded and really helped Nie Kong merge two different bloodlines.

Without the gold of vampires, it looks redder and brighter than normal humans.It turned out that after the gold was combined with the red, it showed a deeper brilliant red, like a sparkling ruby.

The flaming blood is very sticky and contains terrifying power.After the fusion was completed, Nie Kong's closed eyes suddenly opened, and the terrifying energy fluctuations swept out instantly.The dormant body received the fluctuation of new blood and finally recovered.

The rebirth blood strengthened Nie Kong's body, and the two effects were completely different from those strengthened during double repair.Nie Kong could perceive that the strength in his body had increased geometrically.

As if losing control, he let out a terrifying roar.The sound smashed the ceiling and spread throughout the world.All the people who heard Nie Kong's roar turned pale and bowed in the direction of Nie Kong.Even Wu Kong, who was cultivating in the heavens, vomited blood out of his mouth full of blood, and the energy contained in his voice was horrified and inexplicable.

Nie Kong’s original black hair suddenly changed. First it was silver like a vampire, then golden as super Saiyan, and then bright red like a ruby. The final change was that the fiery red hair stretched to his waist, and The two hidden fangs were exposed.The five states exchanged and changed, and finally the blood in Nie Kong's body slowly cooled and stayed in the black of a normal person.

Because of Nie Kong's blood awakening in the research room, everything except the hundreds of meters around Bouma was destroyed into powder.Nie Kong was able to control his body again, his eyes exuding inexplicable excitement.He closed his eyes silently, feeling the power that his body was about to surging.

Compared to the Super Saiyan who once turned into a Super Saiyan, Nie Kong is now in a stronger normal state.If he has more than 700 million fighting power in the super game state, he now has 1.5 billion, which is the multiplication of his vampire state and the super game state.

The state of integration was really strong, and it was beyond Nie Kong's expectations.Just like Trunks in the original book merged with Goten, the two can directly transform into Super Race III.

And Nie Kong knew that the new born he could transform like a Super Saiyan, but now he didn't have the know-how.He believes that the strength of the transformed self is definitely dozens of times stronger than the current self!!

Race: Undead Saiyan, a bloodline formed by the blood of the true ancestor of the vampire and the blood of the pure Saiyan, with terrifying power!Incarnate immortal, he is a race specially born for fighting.

The Queen's Cultivation Technique: The second layer-the first birth of the soul, the next stage-the shaping of the golden body.

Combat power: 1.5 billion in normal state, other states????

Active skills: immunity to diseases, immunity to toxins, immunity to curses, immortality!

Promising skills: First embrace the contract, can drain human blood, and then inject your own blood into your body, turning it into your own race.The human being embraced for the first time possesses one-tenth the strength of Nie Kong.Moreover, eternal life must not betray the master.

Immortal body: No matter how damaged the body is, it can be restored.The blood will not drain, the body will not die!

Blood sucking: It can use fangs to suck up the blood and soul of human beings, and it can also release bats to swallow it.

Night Demon Flying Attack: Unleash countless bats, each of which is extremely bloodthirsty, possessing greater speed and power than before.Can help devour and collect the blood of the enemy.

The blood whip of sin: Every whip is struck with the power of sinful anger. When hit, you will be infected with sinful emotions and lose yourself. The whip also has powerful power.Now that he has absorbed the two seven deadly sins, he has two states-anger and lust.

Transfer: You can change the trajectory of the enemy and the trick together, and you can also transfer yourself out, but the mental energy is ten times the original.

Trick resolution: able to use mental power to turn all elemental or energy attacks into powder.

Soul Blade: Can use mental power to attack, it is impossible to prevent!

Teleport: Use the powerful soul power to break through the space and reach every position where the spiritual consciousness spreads.

Soul coercion: using a powerful soul can suppress people without moving.

Blood Explosion: It can detonate the blood that you can see, sending out unprecedented destruction.

Qi attack: An attack that can condense the Qi in the body and emit energy bombs.

Fa Tian Xiang Di: Possessing the ability to change weapons and body expansion and contraction is a skill deprived of Monkey King.The increased physical strength turned itself into steel due to the usurped power of the Nordic hero Siegfried.Both the weight and the hardness are unparalleled, and as it becomes larger, Nie Kong's own strength increases.

Steel Forging: Use your own supernatural power to create a blown-breakable steel sword out of thin air. The greater your energy, the stronger the weapon created!

Physical Skills: Bengyue Dimensional Knife, which can cut off everything in front of it, the stronger its strength, the stronger its effect.

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