The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0491, abuse of Piccolo

Piccolo's pupils shrank, his cold face was bloodthirsty, and his whole person was filled with a state of high excitement.Piccolo II is different from Piccolo, he likes to fight.Think of fighting as a pleasure, not to rule the world.

Looking at Nie Kong's amazing performance in the first two games, he knew that his opponent was very powerful.

"I announce, the game has started!" The referee got out of the shoe pile, spit out a few words into the microphone from his dry throat, and left the ring as if running away after speaking.

Piccolo's figure disappeared in faintly, at a terrifying speed!The three of Klin in the rest area had difficulty capturing his trail, and they found that Piccolo had improved beyond their imagination.

"Wukong, who do you think will win?" Tianjin Fan asked.

Wukong shook his head and smiled bitterly, and simply said: "Nie Kong's strength is unfathomable, far beyond my ability. In my game just now, he didn't show half of his strength. As he said, we were too weak. The result of the game was very good. Obviously, he is set to win."

After three years of hard cultivation, I originally came to challenge with the belief of winning.The facts are so harsh, he was defeated in a mess.But Wukong was not discouraged, instead, his fighting spirit became more vigorous.There is a strong person like him in the world, he will not be lonely.

There was a loud bang, and the whole ring trembled.The shock wave visible to the naked eye spread to the surroundings.It was as if the stone was thrown into the calm water surface, the dust was agitated, and the ripples spread around!

In the middle of the ring, Piccolo sank into the marble floor.When he attacked automatically, he received a punch from Nie Kong and rushed into the depths of the mud.

Piccolo spat out a few bites of blood, and he felt that his internal organs were about to break.The power of Nie Kong in front of him was too great, no wonder his father would die in their hands.His eyes were firmly locked on Nie Kong, Piccolo burst out, and his body rose from the ground.

As soon as he ran out, Nie Kong knocked him in the head again.Piccolo sank into the soil again like a nail.He became angry from embarrassment and burst out into the sky.In an instant, a five or six meter deep pit appeared on the originally flat ground.And Piccolo is standing in the middle of the pit.

Before Piccolo could run out, Piccolo's head was repeatedly hit and sank into half of the pit.Piccolo couldn't see through Nie Kong's speed, so he could only be beaten passively.

Seeing the funny scene in front of me, the surrounding audience laughed.Nie Kong is too funny, how can he knock people into the soil again and again, he is not a groundhog.

"Poor Piccolo II, I find that I feel a little sympathetic to him." Tianjin Fan groaned.

"Haha... really bullying, I guess he will be pissed to death." Klin joked with a joy.

Sure enough, as Klin expected, Piccolo's green skin turned red into pig liver.

"Asshole, let you see and see how powerful the demons are!" Piccolo roared, his muscles squirming like loach just after his words fell.The breath of his whole person was constantly overflowing, and the air around him seemed to be drawn away, forming a vacuum state.

A faint red light was emitted from all over his body, and his formidable air was boiling.After sensing Piccolo's anger, Wukong's face changed drastically.If it bursts out for him, I am afraid the entire island will be destroyed.His anger was so terrible, he even felt stronger than himself.

"Nie Kong, stop him quickly." Wukong shouted loudly.

In the deadly atmosphere, the surrounding audience felt the crisis coming.They panicked a bit, but their feet weakened by the pressure and fear of Piccolo.

The terrifying qi has skyrocketed from 340 to 800!Nie Kong looked at him with great interest and didn't mean to stop it.Hundreds of fighting power is still under his control.

"Super-explosive magic wave!" Piccolo gathered his whole body power and spread out around him. Its power could destroy the entire island.His trick is really like God Luo Tianzheng in the eyes of Naruto Reincarnation.

The dazzling white light broke out, and Nie Kong simply stretched out his right hand.The horrible air flow turned out, wrapping a dozen meters of space around it.From the outside, it looks like a giant cocoon.

"Boom!" The huge explosion sounded into the sky, and even the audience could perceive the violent shaking of the island.But the strange thing is that only sound has no power.

Wukong's eyes widened, and they wiped their eyes.Piccolo’s trick, Nie Kong was able to isolate it with his own qi, preventing his spread!In that case, how strong his anger is.

The sealed Piccolo was exploded by his own gas instead.After the dust passed, Piccolo bloody appeared in front of everyone.His breath in front of him was mostly weak, but the Nami star with strong vitality could still persist.

" could it be possible that I actually broke my super-explosive magic wave!" Piccolo lost his eyes and his self-confidence was severely hit.I never thought I would lose, and it was such a terrible defeat.

The whole audience was sucked up and everyone was shocked by the scene in front of them!

"Nie Kong must win, Nie Kong must win." After a moment of silence, the sweet cheering voices of the girls gathered, forming an extremely inspiring melody.

Nie Kong grabbed Piccolo's body and threw him into the mud.

"Damn..." The badly injured Piccolo suddenly roared, and two rays of light came out of his bright red eyes, and he hit Nie Kong.The distance is so close that most people have no way to escape.

Nie Kong did not evade, the extremely powerful light hit his eyes.Piccolo gave a bloodthirsty smile, perhaps thinking he could turn defeat into victory.

Wukong and the others cried out that it was bad, and they didn't expect Piccolo to sneak attack.However, when Piccolo saw Nie Kong's appearance, his smiling face stiffened.His own light was useless at all and couldn't hurt him.

Now Piccolo finally understands the huge gap between him and Nie Space.Maybe Nie Kong would stand in front of him and let him attack, he couldn't hurt Nie Kong.

Nie Kong narrowed his eyes, and stepped forward and stepped on Piccolo's right foot, acting like lightning and thunder.

"Ah..." Piccolo let out a heartbreaking scream, and his right foot broke.But Nie Kong didn't stop, his feet severely crushed Piccolo's remaining limbs.Nie Kong's blood, showing his extremely powerful and almost unmatched horror!

"Ma...The second-generation player was in a coma, and player Nie Kong once again won the game." The referee trembled and announced the result. The quiet square once again resounded with enthusiastic cheers.

"Yeah... Brother Nie Kong won, so happy." Qiqi cheered, rushed to Nie Kong's arms in front of Bouma, arousing envy from the girls around.

"Hey...Qiqi is too unlovable, how can she be ahead of me." Bouma was not to be left behind, and lively, she hugged Nie Kong and kissed fiercely in the crowd.Hao was a little bit shy, she didn't dare to express her emotions in front of so many people.

Nie Kong hugged the two beauties from left to right, the famous beauties of money, he got them all on this day, and envied the men around.

After the game, Wukong and the others said goodbye to Nie Kong and others, saying that they would practice harder in the future and strive to defeat Nie Kong.All of them had such fighting spirit, and they were all brought by Nie Kong.

When Piccolo woke up, he silently glanced at Nie Kong, dragging his seriously injured body and disappearing on Papaya Island.After Nie Kong's blow, some of them may have become stronger than the original.

It was agreed that the game would take a few women around the world to take an adventure, so instead of going back to the Western Capital, they took a 500,000 bonus to travel around the world.

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