The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0492, Raditz arrives two in one)

More than five years have passed, and the 25th Budokai has ushered in its opening.While the whole country was in joy, the earth ushered in an unexpected guest.

The three-meter iron ball fell from the sky.It bombarded the ground, creating a pit with a depth of more than 20 meters and a radius of 40 meters.Although it has already started to slow down when passing through the atmosphere, it is still full of smoke and dust, as if a small meteor hit the earth.

When the dust was gone, the hatch opened and a strong black-haired man appeared.He has an apes-like tail and a transparent goggles on his right eye.If you look closely, he actually looks three to four points similar to Wukong.

He slowly opened his eyes and emerged from the sky from the driving cabin.Slowly landing, he pressed the activation device of the temporal detector on his left face, exploring the powerful combat power around the world.

"Sure enough, the people on this planet are still alive, that idiot Kakarot. Oh, there are a few strong people on the weak primitive planet. Fighting power 580, fighting power 530, fighting power 460, fighting power 400, fighting power 330... Distance is five Thousands, eight hundred, is it Kakarot!" Raditz soared towards the sky, the direction of Papaya Island.

The arrogant Raditz seemed to have confidence in his own strength, and actually faced Goku and the Dragon Ball warriors head-on.

Nie Kong did not participate in the twenty-fourth martial arts conference, and the hopeful Wukong was disappointed.Especially Bick, gritted his teeth with hatred.It's just that Piccolo didn't expect that he would be defeated by Goku.

The champion is Goku, the runner-up is Piccolo, and Tianjin Fan is in the third runner-up.Three years later, Wukong returned from practicing hard, and he made an appointment with his friends to participate in the martial arts conference.

Without the fetters of marriage, Wukong is like a free bird.His life is as hard as ever.Therefore, now his combat effectiveness will increase so much.

After he had Kiki in the original book, he was really relaxed.In five years, it only increased from more than 300 to more than 400.Maybe Nie Kong snatched his Qiqi, which is a good thing for both parties.

The competition arena on Papaya Island, at this time the fierce battle is raging.The quarter-finals have been born, and the most surprised one is a weak man with a big beard.He is Satan, the original champion.

It's just that he is very tragic, and they join the war when they meet Goku.As a result, 8 entered 4 and was eliminated by Klin.The current game is the finals, with Piccolo facing Wukong.

The battle in the arena is raging, and both of them are very excited.Although it is a pity that there is no Nie Kong, the two feel that each other's strength has made up for Nie Kong's deficiency.

The air of horror swept through, and the two who should have been fighting stopped one after another.They looked into the distance with solemn expressions, as if they were facing an enemy.

"What's the matter, Wukong?" Klin in the rest area noticed the change in Monkey King's expression. He knew something must happen, so he asked concerned.

"Okay... a strong aura, a terrifying aura is coming at high speed. Is it...who, is it him?" While Piccolo was cautious, his eyes were a little excited.

"It won't be Nie Kong, he can't spread his qi." Wu Kong said solemnly.

The referees didn't know what happened, so they could only urge Wukong to hurry up and play.At the same time, the shadow of the sky is approaching.

"So fast!" Klin exclaimed, and saw that the people coming from a few hundred meters away were shortened to a distance of tens of meters in an instant.

"What is this amazing aura?" Tianjin Fan stared at the figure in the sky through the third eye, and a drop of sweat ran down his forehead.

In the eyes of everyone's surprise, the incoming person fell lightly and stood firmly in the middle of the ring.Because of the frequent killings, he was filled with bloody murderous aura, and he wore a machine to detect combat effectiveness in the part of his right eye.

Raditz sneered and said, "I finally met. Although you have grown up, I recognize you at a glance, Kakarot! That's right, you look exactly like your father."

"Kakarot?" Monkey King was stunned for a moment, and looked left and right in confusion.Then he pointed to Piccolo and asked stupidly: "Piccolo, did you call you. So your name is Kakarot?"

"Your name is Kakarot. Your family is named Kakarot. I don't even know him." Piccolo hummed.

"Are you pretending to be a fool, Kakarot, what's going on with the planet now? Isn't your mission to kill all humans on this planet?" Raditz shouted at Wukong angrily.

"Hello...Mr., what are you talking nonsense? It's time for the game, please leave here." The referee wearing sunglasses appeared with a microphone in front of Raditz and wanted to drive him down.

Only then, Sombra slammed towards the referee.The referee endured such a distance and rammed out 20 meters.A tail like Wukong's childhood, appeared in front of everyone.

"The same tail as Wukong!?" Klin and the others exclaimed, is there really any connection between the two?

Through dialogue, they understand that Wukong is the Saiyan of the universe and his mission is to destroy the human beings on the earth.Seeing his long talk about the great blood of Saiyans, Wukong was angry.

"Even so, I am not a Kakarot, I am the Monkey King who grew up on the earth! I will reject you anyway to destroy the earth. Anyway, please leave."

"Kakarot, you fellow... It seems that you really didn't intend not to listen to your brother, so you can only destroy you and the earth. Although it is not the full moon, but now I am enough to destroy you." Raditz became angry, and the cold killing intent swept across the island.

Killing people like hemp, he at least killed countless creatures in the universe, and then he has the murderous aura now.Just standing in front of them, Wukong felt a shudder.

"What a strong qi, he... who is stronger than Nie Kong?" The militant Wukong was full of enthusiasm, and he was very happy to meet a strong opponent.Before Wukong could make a move, Piccolo was one step ahead.

"Dare to be arrogant in front of me Piccolo, are you here to die?" Piccolo had just finished speaking, and his figure had appeared behind Raditz.The horrible palm slashed towards Raditz's neck.

"The combat power is 530, do you want to challenge me?" Raditz's proud face showed a little disdain, and he elbowed back easily.Piccolo seemed to slam into his elbow automatically, and the attacked Piccolo's facial features exploded several blood.

Just a simple move can actually damage the terrifying Piccolo, how strong is he?

Wukong assumed a fighting pose, but drips of cold sweat broke out on his face.

"With a combat power of 580, you are considered the strongest on the planet. But your brother and I have a combat power of 1500. Why do you resist me?" Raditz did not have the mercy of his brother, and directly attacked the opposite Monkey King.

The speed was so fast that Wukong could not see his shadow at all.Suddenly there was intense pain in the abdomen, and it was Raditz's fist that hit him.

"Trash, it's a shame to our Saiyans!" Raditz cursed coldly, kicking Monkey Wukong's body mercilessly in an instant.Goku fell next to Piccolo, and the two of them stood with difficulty covering their wounds.

"Monkey King, it seems that none of us is his opponent. This demon king reluctantly, join hands with you to kill him. As long as he is there, it is basically hindering my dream of ruling the world."

Monkey King's martial arts suit shattered into holes, and the bloody skin was a bit miserable.One hit wounded Goku, showing the power of Raditz.

"That's right, only when we join forces can we have a chance to win. Seriously, I really didn't expect one day to join you." Goku smiled, like a pair of difficult brothers standing side by side in front of Raditz.

Raditz spit out, seemingly not paying attention to the two teaming up.It's just that Raditz didn't expect that Wukong and the others have the unique skills to improve their combat effectiveness.Wukong’s Super Turtle Style Qigong has increased to more than 1,300 combat power, and Bik’s Moguanguang Killing Cannon is stronger, and the increased combat power unexpectedly exceeds 1,500.The nearly three-fold improvement seriously threatened Raditz.

The three are fighting fiercely in the ring, but Wukong and the two are still at a disadvantage.Although their moves were very strong, they were too slow to hit Raditz.

Seeing Wukong and the others in danger, Tianjin Fan first joined the battle.In the end, Klin and the three of them also came out. After their efforts, Piccolo's magic light kills the cannon to penetrate the arrogant Raditz.

It's just that they learned from Raditz's resentful last words that two Saiyan partners who were ten times stronger than Raditz already knew the news of his death on Earth.They will come to Earth in person to avenge him.Wukong and the others were originally happy, and suddenly poured cold water.

A Raditz is already so powerful, and two partners who are ten times stronger, now they can't fight.

"Enemies ten times stronger than him will land on the earth in half a year. Could it be that our earth is unsaved." Tianjin Fan whispered, unexpectedly powerful enemies appeared one after another, and he found that he was getting weaker and weaker.

Sure enough, as Nie Kong said, it is not that Nie Kong is strong, but they are weak.

"Klin, you are responsible for finding Nie Kong, he may have a way. As for me, I have to go to the temple and see what the gods can do." After Wukong instructed Klin and the others, he rushed toward the sky cautiously.

Piccolo let out a cold snort, his expression full of unwillingness.He clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and left the meeting.With the oppression of the crisis, Bik has the motivation to force himself to practice stronger.

The few people were silent and could only follow Wukong's ideas.The martial arts conference, which should have been lively and extraordinary, came to an end in an instant.The surrounding audience looked at each other, and never thought that due to their departure, it was the eliminated Mr. Satan who won the victory!!!

Wukong came to the Temple of Heaven and found that the God was waiting for him to appear.Unfortunately, the gods have no way to save the earth.Just suddenly thinking of something, he said that there is a way that may be feasible, but there are some risks.

By extracting Wukong's own soul, the gods can bring Wukong to the Temple of Yama, and through the snake path there, he can find a master for Wukong.The legendary supreme god of the galaxy, Lord Realm King.

You must know that if the soul leaves the body for too long, it may lead to his true death.Even Nie Kong did not dare to leave for too long.

Although it was dangerous, Wukong nodded without hesitation.As long as he can become stronger and save the earth, Wukong is willing to do anything.The abilities of the gods are very strange, they can communicate with other gods and do some very interesting things.

When Wukong and the others deployed to deal with the Saiyans, it was in a distant galaxy, a deserted planet.

"Vegeta, that fellow Raditz is dead!" a burly, ugly bald head pressed the detector on his right eye and slowly said.There was no emotional fluctuation in the tone of Raditz's death at all.

Vegeta's expression was gloomy and indifferent. After hearing the words of the bald head, her eyes flashed with a little contempt, and she said coldly: "Like that kind of fighting guy, there are as many talents better than him! They are two brothers. People are the shame of our Saiyan people!"

"Oh... Then, let's not avenge Raditz?"

"Vengeance? Napa, are you kidding? It's just that I want to take a trip to Earth, where the moves that can improve combat effectiveness are very useful." Vegeta said mockingly, then seemed to think of something, his tone changed. , The eyes showed some expectations.

His 20,000 combat power, as if he could really learn the moves of the earth's ascension, might exceed 100,000.Promotion is very important to him, he has his own blood and deep hatred.

Napa touched his bald head and nodded: "It is really useful to be able to gather your combat power and give the enemy a destructive blow."

Vegeta opened the door of the spaceship and said casually: "By the way, if we take over that earth, there will be races from other planets who will buy it at a high price, and then we can make a fortune."

"Hehe, Vegeta, you really are very thoughtful." The two walked into the same orb as Raditz was riding. After a few seconds, the orb began to shake violently and rushed into the endless universe.

After more than five years, the plot of Saiyan finally opened.Nie Kong, who was staying at Bouma's house at this time, looked calm.As early as three years ago, he had already confessed to Bouma that he began to study spacecraft.And he happened to have a sample, the original gravity chamber that Nie Kong had stolen.

What Nie Kong didn't know was that while Buma was studying the gravity room, he even stole Nie Kong's descendants.Since she hadn't been pregnant for several years, Bouma wanted to carry a baby for Nie Kong.So Bouma stole Nie Kong’s treasure and his children and grandchildren secretly.Thinking of his own hardships to get seeds, Bouma was afraid.

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