The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0500, Frieza shot

"It's his turn, Vegeta, the culprit." Goku shot Vegeta with his eyes, he wanted to get rid of the harm caused by his negligence.

Vegeta's eyes were full of unwillingness. He is the prince of Saiyans, but he is not as good as the lowest warrior Kakarot!!All this makes Vegeta, who has always been arrogant, feel good.

"It's up to you." Piccolo has lost interest in Vegeta, and now he can detect that his combat effectiveness has surpassed Vegeta.Back to the strange and familiar hometown, Piccolo felt a touch of joy.Six giant dragon balls lay quietly in the soil, emitting a soft light.The light golden brilliance seemed to be contaminated with a lot of blood.Seeing them, Bik feels more familiar.He beckoned to them slightly, six dragon balls floating around Piccolo.As long as they are there, no matter what difficulties are encountered, they can be solved.The four Tianjin Fans were a little surprised to see such a huge dragon ball for the first time.

"Kakarot, you are so naive, do you think that my power can disrupt the planet Namek?" Seeing Goku who was approaching him with anger, Vegeta finally spoke.

"En? So you're just a small soldier?" Wukong stopped his body, his expression changed.

Upon hearing Goku's blunt words, Vegeta's expression was terrifying.His dignity as a Saiyan prince has reached the point where they trample on it at will.

Vegeta hates Goku very much, and hates him to be stronger than the demi-prince.But now he has to tell him the truth, because since Kakarot and the others can easily defeat the Kinuit team, they may have a chance to kill Frieza.

"The one who slaughtered the Namekians this time was the first soldier in the universe! Listen, Kakarot. The hometown where you and I were born, the planet Vegeta was not destroyed by a giant meteor .Our planet Vegeta is Friezagan, and we Saiyans have always been loyal. When his lackey listened to his orders, even if there was no credit, there would be hard work... But he treated us all. Kill! Your father...and my father, all died in his hands. Because he was afraid that the unknown Super Saiyan would be born among the Saiyans at some point! If possible, how I am I want to knock that guy down with my own hands. The Kinyute team you killed just now are his five capable players. After they die, it is estimated that he will take the shot himself." Vegeta gritted his teeth and said with an ugly face.The purpose of Vegeta's survival in the past was to defeat Frieza, who was killing her enemies.

"Frieza?" Goku murmured a few words, and he felt an anger burning in his chest.No wonder that before he came, the king of the world reminded him never to oppose him. Is he Frieza?

"Now I have expressed what I want to say, Kakarot, let's start fighting. As a Saiyan prince, I will never do anything to be done. If you understand the regret in my heart, I After dying in your hands, use your Saiyan's hands to kill Frieza for me." After Vegeta's secret in his heart came out, he looked relaxed.

The guy Kakarot has been promoted to the point where he can defeat Kinho. Will he be the legendary Super Saiyan?Damn it, why isn't I the dignified Saiyan prince.

After Wukong learned the truth of the matter, the killing intent had gradually disappeared.He shook his head and resolutely said: "As long as we carry the dragon ball, I believe we will meet a villain named Frieza. Since it is not your fault, I will forgive you again."

He turned around, ignoring Vegeta whose expression became more angry.

"Is Frieza good?" No.18 curiously pulled Raniekong's clothes corner, bright and lovely big eyes flashing in confusion.

"It's very powerful, but my No. 18 is much better than him." With 120 million combat power, there is no chance of resistance in front of the 800 million combat power No. 18.Wukong and their heads were sweating, thinking Nie Kong was talking nonsense.

"Goku, you should bring Dragon Ball Radar. To avoid accidents, we have to gather seven dragon balls in front of Frieza." Piccolo turned his head and asked.

"It happened to be taken when I made a wish when I collected the dragon balls on the earth. Let me see where the last dragon balls are?" He pressed the clock-like radar, and he saw that in the grid chart, the last bright spot was at a distance of 40,000 miles.As expected, Namek star was N times bigger than the earth, and they were startled by the radar display.

Fortunately, their air dance is very fast, and the speed can exceed thousands of miles an hour.Like Fangfang, the last Wukong's granddaughter, she takes only half a day to travel around the world.

Vegeta's face showed a tomato red, and he gritted his teeth and looked at Nie Kong and the others who were leaving.I didn't know if I wanted to fish in troubled waters, or to see how they deal with Frieza, Vegeta followed them.

"En?" Inside some luxurious spaceship of Namek, in a luxurious floating seat, a man with two horns gave a whisper, as if he had discovered something strange.The sneer that curled up at the corner of his mouth made people feel a wave of disgust and unfounded fear.

"Lord Frieza, what's the matter?" The soldier in a Napa-like combat uniform asked the man with a cold expression on his face.

"Kinuit's anger disappeared. It seems that a few incredible guys are coming. Show me the specific location of Dragon Ball, and I want to take it myself."

"Yes." The cosmic warrior must respectfully replied, and then opened the latest detector in his left eye.

"Report to King Frieza, six dragon balls rushed to the last one at a super fast speed. Among them, there are several humans with a combat power of several thousand nearby. The specific location is sixty thousand miles away from our northeast. "

Frieza leaned on the seat, a mysterious breath of death enveloped all over his body.He didn't expect that the situation would be so urgent, if someone else summoned the Shenlong first, then he would really be nothing in the end.

Frieza said with a cold face and murderously said: "The idiots of the Kinyut team will be defeated by outsiders. In the end, they actually want me to take action. The clowns dare to destroy my good deeds. They tasted the power of my horror." Compared to Goku, Frieza was three times faster than them, and he appeared in the last Dragon Ball display position first.

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