The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body text 501, collect seven Namek Star Dragon Balls

The location of the last dragon ball is kept by the Great Elder of Namek - the existence of Mount Elder.And the oldest elder has more peculiar abilities than other Namekians.He can predict and draw out the huge potential of potential humans.

The old elder closed his eyes and leaned quietly on the seat alone, shrouded in a peaceful atmosphere, seeming to predict the future of Namek.Around him, there are dozens of green-skinned "picks".Only a few dozen of the survivors who escaped from Frieza were left.

"Elder, do we really have any hope of being saved?" It was the second elder who said, his fat body is like the realm king.He was anxious, trying to persuade the elder to hide the last dragon ball.If Dragon Ball is used by evil people, it will bring catastrophe to the universe.The Namekians are kind and peace-loving races.Although there are only males, they can reproduce on their own.

"They have a new type of detector, unless they can run out of Namek with it. Please rest assured that the first elder and second elder, I will definitely defend you to the death." The young named Namek, who is as strong as Bick, said firmly.

"Although Namek is facing a crisis, I predict that someone will appear to defeat the evil Frieza and save the Namekites. An hour ago I could detect that a foreigner broke into our Namek and eliminated him. Lisha’s Keinute team. Neru, don’t be impulsive. After this disaster, the future of Namek will depend on you.” The voice of the great elder is very weak, and he has reached his twilight moment.

"No, Great Elder, you will definitely be able to lead our Namek people again." Neru said eagerly.

The Namekians present were silent, they knew that the time limit of the Great Elder was about to come.Losing the Great Elder, this is the biggest loss of the Namek.

"Haha...Don't be sad, I've lived long enough. Get ready now, the enemy is coming right away." The elder chuckled softly.

"Yes, great elder." The old and young Namekians arranged to hide, and the rest of the Namekians were ready to meet the so-called enemies of the great elder.

"Bang..." The slight noise when the object landed on the ground dissipated the quiet Mount Elder.Then a bit of murderous aura filled the air, and a thick evil aura seemed to be a storm, sweeping the surrounding area for several kilometers.

The Namekians are like a big enemy, all eyes are on the strange monster that has landed.He is Frieza, who claims to be the strongest warrior in the universe.

The great elder slowly opened his eyes, and those eyes full of vicissitudes of life reflected the broken Qingming and shot at him.

"You should be Frieza?"

Frieza sneered: "Since you have guessed that I will come here, then hand over the last dragon ball obediently, so I won't waste time!"

"Frieza, you look down on the Namekians too much. We Namekians are a dignified nation, and we will never give the Dragon Ball to an evil invader like you." Neru stood in front of Frieza. , Full of righteous words.

He is the warrior who protects Namek, how can he allow the enemy to invade and destroy his homeland?Although the elder warned him, his dignity did not allow him to be a turtle.

"Haha... don't you want to say, are you going to resist me?" Frieza narrowed his eyes, and his astonishing killing intent enveloped Neru.By the last few words, his tone increased several times.

"Yes, I want to defeat you." Neru is the strongest fighter of Namek, and he has his own pride.

"Neelu!" The Grand Elder wanted to stop, but it seemed to be a step late.

Neru stared at Frieza indifferently, folded his hands and aimed at him.There was a little light shining, and as he continued to gather Qi, the light burst out like flames with dazzling light.

Frieza put his hands on his chest, a cruel sneer from the corners of his mouth, as if he didn't look at him.

Neiru's hands sprayed white light, and the light was like a cannonball, and it whizzed towards Frieza's location.With a boom, the air mass swallowed Frieza.But after the light disappeared, Frieza did not suffer any injuries.

"Damn it, how could it be invalid." Neru roared and rushed towards Frieza, his fists slammed into his armor-like skin.Pompong’s voice, but this little power did not hurt Frieza.

As Frieza flicked his tail slightly, only the sound of broken bones was heard.Neru's feet have been swept off by Frieza's tail.He fell to the ground, but Frieza grabbed his collar with one hand.And the other hand pierced his abdomen.On the other side of his body, Frieza's hand was dripping with blood.

"Neilu..." The Namek who was present exhaled sadly, but the second elder stopped them who were impulsive.

"Hand over the dragon ball, otherwise I will slaughter all of you Neru." He threw the dying Neru out, his narrow and narrow eyes burst out with a powerful murderous intent.

The elder sighed and ordered: "Take out the dragon ball."

The second elder nodded silently, and he walked to the deepest valley with the dragon ball they worshipped.A few minutes later, the second elder appeared holding a shining dragon ball.

After seeing it, Frieza finally smiled.As long as they have the last dragon ball, those people cannot take it away.

Seeing the dragon hand it to Frieza, a faint phantom suddenly flashed past, suddenly appearing in front of the second elder.In just the blink of an eye, the dragon ball was distorted first, and then disappeared into the arms of the second elder.

"En?" With such a rapid change, Frieza did not respond and robbed the tiger's mouth.Suddenly the blindfold on his left eye was ticking, and it turned out that Nie Kong who had killed Jinyu and the others appeared.

Although Neru failed to beat Frieza, he bought them time well.

Nie Kong held the last dragon ball with one hand and looked at Frieza with a playful smile.

"You are so courageous, you dare to take away my dragon balls. But you miscalculated and brought six dragon balls over. Very well, they belong to me." Frieza looked along the sensed position, then See 9 people and 7 dragon balls floating in the air.He greedily stared at the beads around Nie Kong, and it seemed that his heart had already positioned them as his belongings.

"Unfortunately, without your part, Wukong gave him to you, can you deal with it?" After getting seven dragon balls, Nie Kong of course wanted to summon the dragon out. First, give Frieza to Wukong and the others to practice.

"Leave it to me, I want to see the results of two months of cultivation." Wukong was excited, and he looked at the powerful enemy in front of him with passion.

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