The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0502, make a wish and fight Frieza

Wukong in midair is fighting fiercely.Frieza in a normal state has a combat power of 530,000.Of course, Wukong's only 200,000 won't be his opponent. It's just that Wukong can break through his own limit and use the King's Fist beyond himself!!

He arbitrarily raised the Realm King Fist five times, pushing Frieza to the first stage-1.4 million combat power.Frieza did not expect that Wukong would be strong enough to force him to use his true power.

When Wukong was fighting Frieza, Nie Kong and the others came to the front of the elder.After seeing Piccolo, the Nami star people present all showed surprised expressions, they would not know the same people who appeared.

After the explanation of the great elder, the people suddenly realized.It turned out that he was a genius child of Namek, who was excellent in combat effectiveness and IQ.Due to the bad weather of Namek, his father Cardaz had to send the young Piccolo to Earth.

The terrifying combat power was several times stronger than Neru.Neru, who was on the verge of death, unexpectedly chose to join Piccolo.The Tianjin Fans were taken care of by the great elders, which increased their respective potentials.

Tianjin Fan’s 80,000 to 200,000, Dumpling 30,000 to 70,000, Kelin 60,000 to 150,000, and Leping 140,000.In the blink of an eye, they tripled.

After feeling their powerful strength, they showed ecstatic expressions.What's more abnormal is Piccolo, Neru, who has integrated 50,000 combat power, directly reached 2.2 million!!

"Hey... Nie Kong did you see that our strength has improved a lot. The Great Elder asked the three of you to come over, saying that you want to develop your potential." Klin waved to Nie Kong.

Nie Kong's wish required the spell of the Namek, so he did not refuse.However, Nie Kong knew that his potential did not need to be developed by others.The strength of the soul fits the body very well, and he has been able to exert his strongest power.

"No, my potential will be developed by myself. But I want to make a wish. I wonder if you can help me call out the dragon?" Nie Kong asked.

"Young man, I already feel the terrifying potential in your body. I just wanted to say I'm sorry, but I can't draw your power. Since you can collect seven dragon balls, it should help you to summon the dragon. Dan. Di, go and help him. If I die, Dragon Ball will be scrapped." The big elder lying in the seat said with angrily.

"Yes, elder." The small Dandy crawled out of the crowd timidly. His green skin did not look scary, but rather cute.

After he came in front of Nie Kong, he silently recited a strange spell.In the blink of an eye, seven huge dragon balls glowed dazzlingly.

"Come out, Polunga." Following Dandy's call, a giant dragon several times larger than the earth dragon appeared.The body he raised was a kilometer in size and tens of meters in width.The body shape is different from the slenderness of the East, but the pot-bellied dragon of the West.

"Damn it, don't you want to destroy my wish for immortality. In the second stage, give it to me." After seeing the appearance of the dragon, Frieza was finally anxious.His muscles began to swell and became twice as big as before.

The terrifying combat power was emitted, and it was actually twice as strong as before.The combat power of 2.4 million is ten times stronger than Wukong!

"Go away, don't stop me." Frieza watched Wukong rushing forward, and hated Wukong with all his strength.

"Ten times the realm king fist." As a last resort, Wukong exceeded his limit and used ten times the realm king fist.Even so, the difference in combat power by 400,000 yuan is obvious.

Moreover, Wukong's Realm King's Fist can't last, and Frieza is only the second stage, and the combat power is not used up.

With the booming sound, Wukong's body withstood many attacks from Frieza.Wukong, who had reached his limit, was directly seriously injured.Finally flung Frieza's tail, knocking him out several kilometers.

When he was about to make a wish, Piccolo stopped in front of him.Piccolo, who owns more than two million, is proud enough.In each other's moves, it looks like they are all rivals.

And Klin brought the seriously injured Wukong, fed him a fairy bean, and then called him to develop his potential in front of the elder.Recovering from a serious injury, Wukong has nearly 400,000 combat power, more than 700,000 after development!!

At the same time, Nie Kong began to make a wish.

"Excuse me, the guests from afar, what is your wish?" Dandy asked.

"My wish is to live forever, to live forever." Suddenly a voice yelled, Vegeta hiding behind.He fished in troubled waters and wanted to realize his ambitions.But Polunga didn't pay attention to him, like a deaf man.

"Idiot, the Dragon of Namek uses the unique spell of the Namek. Dandy, my first wish is for me to learn the secret spells and body art of the Medamak, and teach it to others." Nie Kong looked forward to it.

"What..." Vegeta was stupid on the spot, as if petrified.

"*" Dandy said it again with Namek's spell, and then Nie Kong felt that there was more information in his mind, which was the information of the combined skill.

"Asshole, it's been a long time since no one can push me to where I am now. Let you see the true power of my Frieza." Seeing that Shenlong's second wish was about to come out, Frieza roared angrily.

Frieza's 2.4 million combat power in the second stage actually gave Wukong and Piccolo a mess.Especially Wukong's Jiewangquan, beat him so badly.In the end, the four of Tianjin Fan and the others participated in the joyous abuse movement, but they only annoyed Frieza.

Frieza changed into the final form three times, and he was directly condensed from a tall monster into a dwarf like Klin.The muscles that were originally lumpy became slippery, even his head was slippery.

In the final form of transformation, the terrifying air and even the entire Namek star shook violently.The situation changes, as if facing the end of the world.The hurricane roared, blowing the attacking people out of kilometers.

The earth shook and the mountains shook, and the sky caused by it overwhelmed the power of the dragon.

"Goku... Goku, I have long reminded you not to mess with Frieza, you will really die." The king of the West was sweating on his forehead and watching the battle, Frieza's terrifying combat effectiveness was beyond his imagination.I thought that Wukong and the others would win, but who would have thought that he didn't use his full power.

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