The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0503, kill Frieza

"You bastards, I'm going to kill you!" Frieza roared angrily, his cruel expression approaching a distorted state.In his flushing evil eyes, he could clearly see the actual killing intent, as well as the bloodshot eyes all around his pupils.

"This breath is so strong..." Monkey King looked at Frieza's shrinking body with a solemn expression.He felt something terrifying, and it was a bit difficult to accept that Frieza would be so strong that he did not resist.

The whole person just stood there, exuding an extremely suffocating breath.The sand was filled with dust, and Frieza's breath distorted the surrounding things.

"I will let you know what the pain of death is." Frieza lightly shook his tail behind him, looking at Wukong and the others with cold eyes.

Tianjin Fan had just caught Frieza's shadow with three eyes, and something seemed to be dangling before his eyes.Then there was a pain in his chest, and a large wound opened.His face was like white paper, spewing out a lot of blood.

"Tianjin Fan." Monkey King was startled and cried out.The wind burst out, and after a "swish".Behind Monkey King, Frieza seemed to be a ghost, quietly standing there.

Monkey King's expression was very ugly, and a trace of cold sweat passed from his forehead.Even when he used five times the Realm King Fist, he couldn't match Frieza's movements.

"Hi..." Piccolo raised his right hand, his middle finger shining brightly.The dazzling energy ball rushed in front of Frieza, rushing out!Frieza allowed the energy ball to hit his body, but failed to injure the full body Frieza with 80 million combat power.

Piccolo quickly fought back when Frieza's figure stayed in place.A fierce attack was launched, and both fists quickly hit Frieza's key.

Looking at Piccolo who had attacked, Frieza sneered and said, "Your movements are too slow!" Frieza was actually standing there, waiting for Piccolo's attack.

Seeing that Piccolo's fist was about to hit Frieza's body, the palms of his three paws outstretched strangely blocking Piccolo's fist, lightly drawing on Piccolo's fist with more than two million powers.

"I don't have time to accompany you ink, I must realize my wish." With a crackling sound, Piccolo's right hand was directly squeezed into minced meat.He threw a kick and kicked Piccolo for several kilometers.

With two simple moves, more than two million Piccolo was seriously injured, and the completed Frieza was really terrifying.

"Ten times the Realm King Fist." In the face of a crisis, Wukong broke out ten times the Real King Fist.700,000 combat power directly mentioned more than 7 million.

"Super Turtle School Qigong." Qi condensed in Wukong's hands, and then sprayed towards Frieza in the air like a fountain.Frieza opened his fingers and shot his own energy bomb at the beam of light.

In Wukong's incredible gaze, Frieza's energy bombs overwhelmed Wukong's turtle qigong.Wukong gritted his teeth, and his muscles doubled again."Twenty Times Realm King Fist."

He exceeded his limit and used the greatest Realm King Fist.Even the King of the West hadn't expected that Wukong had actually brought his Realm King Fist to this level.

More than ten million combat power slowly swallowed Frieza's energy wave.Frieza saw this scene with a little shock in his eyes.He didn't expect that the humans in front of him would be forced to this point.

No, how could he look exactly like the Saiyan who he eliminated more than ten years ago? Could it be said that he was a Saiyan?

Suddenly it seemed to have discovered something, Frieza showed a little surprise, and asked suspiciously: "Are you from Saiyan?"

"So what?" Wukong roared, compared to Frieza's relaxed, Wukong felt that his body was on the verge of collapse.

"No wonder I feel familiar. It seems that you should be his child. Your father is Badak, the lowest-level warrior of the Saiyans. I admire his courage and challenge me alone. It's just less than ten thousand. I easily wiped him out with Vegeta Planet. Haha... I still feel funny even now when I think of your father’s stupid face. Now, I will send you father and son together. If you change it, it’s not before you transformed You may have a chance to defeat me, but now I am in the state of being transformed...So you have no chance of winning at all, go to hell!" After speaking, the energy bounce out of Foley’s sofa rose several times, enveloping A layer of piercing energy whizzed and defeated Wukong's twenty times the Realm King Fist.

"Boom!" The huge energy bomb rushed towards Wukong, but Wukong realized that there was someone in front of him, and the intense light engulfed Wukong and the others.After Frieza defeated Wukong, his gaze shot towards the huge dragon in the sky.

And now, Nie Kong made his second wish.

"My second wish is for the body to survive in the universe, just like Frieza." Nie Kong feared that he would perish after encountering opponents to destroy the planet.With it, you will gradually improve yourself.

Dandy relayed Nie Kong's words to Shenlong. Shenlong's eyes flashed red, realizing Nie Kong's wish.Nie Kong could perceive that a strange change was taking place in his body.Although he did not try, he knew that he could survive outside the universe.

"Say your third wish." Shenlong let out a voice like Hong Zhong, looking at Nie Kong with his majestic eyes.

"How could it be easy for you."

The arrogance burst out of Frieza's palm fiercely, vented at the mid-air dragon!With a loud bang, the dragon in the air exploded into powder.The seven dragon balls fell on the ground without brilliance and turned into seven huge stones.

The boss of Dandy's eyes opened, his expression completely stiff at this moment.After the death of Shenlong, the dying elders closed his eyes forever.

The Namekians all wept, and their angry eyes looked at Frieza who slaughtered and destroyed their home.

"You dare to snatch my desire to live forever, you damn it." Frieza's cold killing intent swept through Nie Kong, and the surroundings were as cold as an ice cave.

"It's over, Wukong and the others are in danger. I have already reminded you not to mess with Frieza, why don't you listen to me." The King of the West was pacing back and forth, seemingly concerned about Wukong's safety.

The realm king who knew Frieza's horror directly believed that Nie Kong would die in Frieza's hands.

Nie Kong had originally planned to let the Dragon Ball of the Earth make a wish immediately, and then resurrect the Namek who died because of Frieza.But he did not expect that Frieza would die and kill the Shenlong.

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