The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0504, Wukong's belated transformation

"Nie Jun, do you want me to kill him?" No.18 stared at Frieza angrily, blaming him for destroying his own man's wishes.Seeing Nie Kong's slowly turning overcast expression, No.18 became angry.

Kiki hid behind Nie Kong, afraid to face the terrifying Frieza.

"If you want you to deal with such a disgusting monster, it will stain your little hands, let me do it. You are responsible for protecting Qiqi from the back to avoid accidents." Nie Kong gently handed Qiqi who was hiding behind to number 18. , And then his eyes turned to Frieza.

"Use your strongest power to come out, I'll give you time to prepare. I want to see what waves you, who claim to be the emperor of the universe can make."

Facing Nie Kong, whose combat effectiveness only showed 1, Frieza suddenly felt an inexplicable oppressive force.He calmed his mind and snorted coldly: "Although you don't know how much your real combat power is, since you want to die, I will perfect you." After Frieza's murderous intent skyrocketed, and after losing the hope of longevity, he was so angry that he wanted to destroy Namek. .Moreover, aware of the oppressive force of Nie Kong's attack, he decided to use 100% of the energy stored in his body.

He roared, and the last third of the power hidden in his body was guided out.The terrifying arrogance swept out, blowing a doomsday storm on Namek.

Such a terrifying aura, Frieza, who is too strong to match, can actually rise again.Several Dragon Ball warriors who were seriously injured and dying looked at Frieza in surprise.

"Nie Kong, hurry... stop his transformation and avenge Wukong." Tianjin Fan shouted.He can't imagine Frieza who possesses this power, who can subdue him.They never thought that the universe would have power levels beyond their cognition.Strong, too strong.They felt as weak as an ant in front of Frieza.

"Haha... It's been a long time since I released all my power. You are proud enough to be able to force me here. Die in the hands of Frieza, the emperor of my universe, and it did not humiliate you." Frieza, who broke out with all his strength, not only had a fighting power of over 120 million. , And he has other special abilities.

Several huge mountains several hundred meters high just floated strangely around him, as if there was no gravity.Following Frieza's command, several large mountains pressed against Nie Kong and the others at a super fast speed.

This is his super power, capable of driving things like Nie Kong.Just performing soul power in front of Nie Kong was really overwhelming.

Nie Kong's mouth showed a mocking smile, quietly waiting for the mountain to hit him.Seeing that Nie Kong had no power to resist, Frieza unknowingly breathed a sigh of relief.What I'm saying is, how could there be someone stronger than me in the universe.

However, just before he grinned, several peaks suddenly forcibly interrupted his control.His smile stiffened, and he looked at the scene before him in disbelief.

Tianjin Fan and his partner were stunned. Nie Kong didn't expect Nie Kong to be able to take the full blow of Frieza.I saw several peaks of several hundred meters, weirdly stopping at a height of ten meters above Nie Kong.

Moreover, with Nie Kong's mental control, several mountain peaks were spinning at high speed, just like DNF Devil May Cry moves."Hmph, your superpower is so weak in front of me, you can return it to you now." The soul power that is stronger than the two-dimensional characters spread out, and several peaks whistled and chased Frieza.

Very fast, several times faster than Frieza's control.

"It turns out that you are a superpower, but how can a few mountains hurt me?" Frieza's breath enveloped him, forming a circle of energy.

With a few loud bangs, the hard rock mountain exploded into dust after hitting Frieza's energy shield.That was the case, the force of the high-speed collision still smashed Frieza into blood and blood.If it is replaced with hard steel, perhaps Frieza may be crushed to death.

Frieza had just stood firm, and before he recovered, he saw Nie Kong rushing over quickly, and his figure came to him just for a flash.

"Bang!" Nie Kong raised his thick fist and broke through the surrounding air, like a thunder hammer, mixed with the roar of howling, slammed Frieza's face fiercely.Suddenly, Frieza screamed, and his facial muscles twitched, like plasticine, weirdly distorted and deformed... it looked very painful.

Under the tremendous strength of Nie Kong, Frieza directly slammed into the distant ground.Just before landing, Nie Kong punched again and hit Frieza on the other side of the face.

After receiving Nie Kong's two punches, Frieza sank like a meteorite into the depths of the mud of Namek.Two simple and neat moves happened within one second, making Klin and the others feel like they were in a dream.

"This...Is this his true strength? Isn't it too strong? Frieza, who rules the universe, was beaten by Nie Kong so that he could not fight back?"

The Realm King, who was far away in the Western Realm King Star, looked at what happened in amazement.He felt that Nie Kong's instantaneous burst of combat power was several times stronger than Frieza.He was in fear, how could such a strong human appear in the universe?

Frieza staggered, squeezing him ten thousand meters into the mud with strong force to stabilize his figure.His bones are about to fall apart, and he never expected that a person with combat effectiveness 1 would be stronger than himself!!

"Boom!" The mud layer was exploding, and Frieza burst out in blood.

"Impossible, how could anyone be stronger than me, Frieza." Frieza roared, his eyes were not only angry, but also unwilling.

Nie Kong's face was full of murder. He looked at Frieza who was embarrassed in front of him. It was a pity that he said, "Although you are better than many people in the universe, there is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world!"

The fighting between the two only lasted for a few seconds, showing their speed.

"Namek's star of hope, please eliminate Frieza." The surrounding Namek stars prayed. How much they hope to replace Nie Kong and avenge their compatriots.

"How could I give up? Even if it is eliminated with Namek, I will kill you." Frieza roared, and he burst out with a terrifying arrogance and rushed towards Nie Kong.

The two fought fiercely, but Frieza's combat effectiveness could not threaten Nie Kong at all.

At this moment, an unfamiliar and powerful air exploded in the sky.This breath is evil and familiar.In the blink of an eye, I saw a golden figure slowly emerging from the depths of an ultra-deep pit.

He hugged the inhuman-shaped Vegeta and floated out slowly.With golden arrogance and golden hair, he is a super Saiyan who has turned into a successful one!!

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