The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0506, outer space meets the king of Kurdish

On Frieza's planet, a monster with long horns is sitting on the floating king's chair, leisurely tasting high-quality wine.He was invited by Frieza to see how he could realize his wish of immortality.

The Kurdish king always sneered at the rumor that his son believed in ignorance.If there were such props, the universe would have belonged to others, how could it be their father and son's turn to control it.

Suddenly, he noticed that his son's qi had disappeared, and there was a qi that surpassed his son from a nearby planet.What's going on, it's who can kill his son.

The wine glass in his hand was crushed, and the red ultra-pure wine splashed all over the floor.

"Kord Kurdish, has something happened?" Frieza's men hurriedly came forward and dried their wet body.The Kurdish king looked at the servant who served him coldly, and squeezed his neck severely.

Now he is angry, appearing in front of him is almost dead.

"Come here, get the spaceship ready, I'm going to Namek." The Kurdish king said coldly. He was already angry. Someone dared to kill his son.

"Yes, King Kurdish." A few people blinked and backed away. Two minutes later, a high-speed spacecraft spewed out of Frieza Planet and sailed towards Namek at super high speed.

Kinuit came one night, and the Kurdish king he was faster.A few minutes, it has appeared a few light years later.

Although he killed Frieza who was a disaster for Namek, the Namekians were still not happy.The casualties were heavy, and now there were only twenty or thirty lingering people left.

Now that the elder is dead again, he wanted to gather Dragon Ball to resurrect the tribe, but they could do nothing.The dragon ball has become a stone ball, and it will take a long time to resurrect the second elder.

Wukong suddenly said that the dragon of the earth might be able to save the Namek who was killed by Frieza at one time, attracting their attention.Unexpectedly, the Earth's Dragon Balls were of better quality than the Namekians, and they actually possessed even more powerful abilities from Polunga.Hearing the surprise news, Dandy took on the important task of going to Earth to save his companions.

During the preparation time of the day, all the fellow colleagues went back and prepared the things needed for space travel, such as daily necessities, and food for survival.

Nie Kong's big stomach king needs more ability to supplement.He felt that the disadvantages of the Saiyans were left behind.

Early the next morning, everyone was there, and Monkey King and Klin came to the ground where the spacecraft was parked in a big bag.

"Nie Kong, do you have everything ready?" Klin was surprised when he saw him empty-handed.

Nie Kong smiled and said: "I'm already ready!" The space where food is placed is Dingtian Ring, and you can also hunt food from Dingtian Ring.

Le Ping said: "Klin, you forgot that Nie Kong is storing the universal capsule anyway."

"Hehe, I have prepared food for more than a hundred people, so I can fill my stomach." Wukong's appetite is about the same as Nie Kong, so he dragged a huge dinosaur.

"Okay, let's go back now!" Nie Kong said to the Monkey King around him.

The spacecraft began to shake frizzily, and the ground trembled with the shaking of the spacecraft, like an earthquake.Around them, a group of Namekians were saying goodbye to them.

"Peng!" At the bottom of the two spaceships, a bright red flame burst out, and the temperature suddenly rose to the apex, and the scorching high temperature burned and exploded.In an instant, the spaceship they were riding on was like a sharp off-string arrow.The violent wind howled, accompanied by a bang, and with the help of the pushing force, it rushed straight to the clouds.

The speed of the spacecraft is very fast, almost in a second, it has already opened the sky, broke through the clouds in the sky, and flew out indefinitely.

"Be sure to come back to play!" The Namek star blessed them silently.

At this time, in the spaceship under the sea, the two women on the 18th looked through the glass cabin of the spaceship and looked at the gradually narrowing Namek Star.

The spaceship is slowly approaching the atmosphere, and the surrounding air is very hot due to intense friction.However, because Nie Kong was inside the spaceship, he didn't feel hot!

"Mr. Nie Kong, be careful! We are ready to break through the atmosphere!" Dandy, who leisurely looked at the outer space, opened his squinted eyes.

"Sister No. 18, you can see it when you reminded it." Kiki sitting in the chair said while sipping coffee, reading a book, and looking at the distant space.

To be able to leave the earth with Nie Kong to adventure in various places in the world, she found that it was the luckiest thing in her life!

A huge barrier in the distance was like a waterfall in the sea intercepting in front, always enveloping Namek.

"Don't worry, the spacecraft will adjust its course by itself! What's more, it's all up to me." Nie Kong squinted at the strange stars outside, and couldn't help but yawn.Following his narration, the spaceship finally jumped out of Namek.

The vast and boundless universe once again appeared in front of them, although it was not the first time to see it, but the vastness of the universe still shocked them.

"But... Brother Nie Kong has a meteor hit, is it really okay?" Qiqi asked strangely, blinking her lovely eyes.

"What kind of meteor is clearly a spaceship. But it's really rare to see such a big one. It must be a prominent family in the universe." Number 18 replied faintly.

"Then why aren't you worried at all!?" Hearing this, Dandy, who had a calm face, suddenly jumped up and shouted frantically.

"Hey, isn't it just a spaceship, what are you afraid of! No brother Nie Kong is not anxious at all, indicating that it is not a big problem!" Qiqi said with a relaxed expression.

Dandy thought of Nie Kong's powerful power, and then became a lot easier.

Five minutes later, the "Meteor" was getting closer, and everyone saw its true face.It's really a huge spaceship, almost ten times bigger than the one made by Nie Kong!

"It's strange, they blocked our way forward, who is it?" Nie Kong squinted, his spiritual consciousness spread out hundreds of thousands of miles.During his exploration, he finally saw the owner of the spacecraft.

It was a monster that looked like Frieza, and Nie Kong suddenly realized that it was his father, King Kurd.

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