The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional text 0507, the terrifying collapsed moon dimension knife

Since it blocked Nie Kong and the others, they could only dock the spacecraft in the endless universe of outer space.

But when Wukong and the others saw a monster in the same battle uniform as Frieza emerge from the front of the huge spaceship, their eyes flashed with surprise.

"Impossible, isn't Frieza already dead in Goku's hands?" They were confused, more shocked.How strong will he be able to survive in the extremely harsh environment of space?

"Goku, be careful when you go. He is Frieza's father, the king of Kurdish more powerful than Frieza. You can't fight in space, please flee as soon as possible." The voice of the King of the West resounded in Wukong's mind again. .It suddenly dawned on him that it was no wonder that he looked so similar to Frieza, it turned out to be a father-son relationship.

"Are you the murderer who killed my son Frieza? How courageous. My son is not as skilled as others, so I will take revenge for him." It was the king of Kurd who spoke.

His voice is very small, but he can actually penetrate the universe and appear in their ears.

"Dare to threaten us, it seems that I really don't want to live! Nie Jun really has a long-term vision, knowing that there will be battles in space in the future." The 18th's tone was full of murderous intent, but helplessly, she could not survive in space.

"Sister No. 18, don't be impulsive, this is the universe! Believe Brother Nie Kong, he will take care of everything!" Seeing No. 18 who was about to rush out, Qiqi hurriedly persuaded.

"It's really an idiot. I dare not be ashamed of such a low strength. If you have any ability, please show it! Your son is a idiot, and I believe his father is too." Nie Kong said lightly.

After listening to Nie Kong's words, King Kurd's expression became extremely ugly.

"It seems that you are the murderer who killed my son. Then you are my enemy. There is no reason for you to leave alive. All die."

The Kurdish king yelled, and the junk meteorite floating in outer space strangely shot Nie Kong and their spacecraft.The densely packed meteorites are simply inevitable.

The terrifying meteorite storm hit Nie Kong and the others like a meteor shower.Looking at the vast disaster, Wukong and the others changed their expressions.There is no way to escape, the meteorite is super fast.

The Kurdish king actually has superpowers, which is exactly the same as Frieza.It seems that Frieza's ability is inherited from his father.

Nie Kong, who had been prepared for a long time, raised his right hand, his pale golden eyes exuded shocking waves, and he looked at the meteorite group rushing over coldly.

"Expelling things." A thrilling scene appeared, and the meteorite group obediently stopped in front of them, which was really incredible!Nie Kong's super powers are estimated to have no opponents in the second dimension.

Perceiving the meteorite out of control, the Kurdish king was shocked on the spot.A terrifying super power, stronger than himself.

The changes did not stop, and the meteorite group bounced back to the spacecraft of the Kurdish King.

"Huh, you want to beat me with superpowers, you are dreaming."

In the surrounding space, as the light gathered from the hands of the Kurdish king passed by, it caused violent storms.The meteorite group in front of him was bombarded and shattered after encountering his qi.

The Namek star next to him caused a tremor.

Originally, the king of Kurdish planned to use the energy bomb to kill the spaceship, but a black hole appeared in front of him.Nie Kong's figure appeared in front of the Kurdish king.Although there is no oxygen in outer space, and the environment is very harsh, Nie Kong walks on the ground as flat as possible.

"What a great guy, he can survive in space. But I am not what Frieza can match, I am stronger than him."

I had known that Nie Kong had great supernatural powers, but Wukong and the others were shocked by stopping the meteorite group so easily.

"Nie Kong's strength is as strong as ever! The 21st Martial Arts Conference is the same, and it will remain the same now and then." Wukong's face had a general meaning, admiring Nie Kong's strength.

"I don't have time to play with you, let's kill you in one move."

"What a joke!" King Kurdish's eyes were covered with blood, and the surrounding universe trembled with the steady improvement of his breath.

As the Kurdish king rushed towards Nie Kong, an energy storm was triggered.The Kurdish king was very angry, twice as strong as Frieza.

"Drink!" The Kurdish king didn't have any unnecessary nonsense, his whole person turned into a fast light and shadow, and the moment his hands condensed the breath, a group of energy formed a circular blade, sharply cut in the direction of Nie Kong!

Nie Kong's body moved, and his whole body disappeared in place, facing the energy light blade.As he shouted, the energy bomb in front of him was blasted away by Nie Kong's sound.

The Kurdish king was stunned, and madly cast energy balls of different shapes. Almost every hidden place was powerful enough to blow the planet into ashes!Just thinking of killing Nie Kong who trampled on his proud universe emperor, so he kept throwing a powerful energy ball towards the ground.But he never expected that the energy bomb would explode around Nie Kong, like a storm of apocalypse.

Suddenly he felt a cold gaze watching him in the distance behind him, and he couldn't help shaking his whole body and twisting his head unbelievably.After tens of thousands of meters, Nie Kong looked at him coldly.

He didn't know when exactly Nie Kong stood behind him.Suddenly, Nie Kong raised a smile like a death god!

"Shoo!" Raising the slender arm, the palm of the hand forms a palm, directly with shocking power, it cuts away at the head of the Kurdish king!

With the rapid sound of breaking through the air, King Kurd could not respond at all. Nie Kongbeng's Moon Dimensional Knife flashed past the wide-open eyes of King Kurd like the sharpest blade in the world!

Even the huge planet dozens of miles away behind him was strangely split in half.The terrifying dimensional knife can now cut the entire planet in half with one blow.

"You..." King Kurd opened his eyes and found that the opponent's Nie Kong was leaning.Looking down, Nie Kong turned out to be one or two sides of his body.Like a slice of tofu, it slid down obliquely, and the mouth of the wound spouted blood like spring water, as if it were originally two unrelated parts!

"Run, the Kurdish king is dead...dead." The spaceship on the opposite side let out a panic cry.They never thought that the number one man in the universe would die in the hands of an ordinary human.

Nie Kong waved at once to cut the grass to remove the roots.The Bengyue Dimensional Knife was issued, and the spaceship in front of him made a big explosion with a thud.

"That's amazing, how strong is his true limit? I originally felt that I was already very strong after leaving the earth to experience, but Nie Kong's performance once again defeated our confidence." Wukong sighed.

"But, isn't it interesting that such a strong person appears on the earth?" Piccolo smiled.

"That's right, I have the motivation to practice." Wukong nodded excitedly and smiled heartily.

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