The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0508, a daughter is born

Namek's journey is over, which lasted four months.When they returned to Earth in the spaceship, Wukong and the others said halfway through the journey that they wanted to practice well outside the universe, so they smiled and said that the resurrection of Namek was handed over to Nie Kong.

They witnessed Nie Kong's strength with their own eyes, and they had to practice harder to catch up with Nie Kong.The earth can no longer meet their needs, and outer space can provide them with richer conditions and a harsher environment.

For example, this time the Namike Star departed, their combat effectiveness has been increased by dozens of times, or even a hundred times, compared to a few months ago.Moreover, if you return to the earth, the distribution of the gravity chamber is a problem.

Of course, Wukong and the others must master the rare opportunity to become stronger.I believe that with one or two years of cosmic experience, they will increase several times.When there is pressure, there is motivation.They are all looking forward to how strong they will improve after the practice of the universe.

Nie Kong couldn't refuse, and Dandy had helped him. Of course, he would help Dandy realize the wish of Namek star to resurrect.

It took Nie Kong two months to return to Earth. After Nie Kong threw Dandy to the gods, he returned to the Western Capital with the two girls.With the help of the gods, Dandy will realize his wish to resurrect the Namekians.

And the relationship between the Namek and them will be easier than imagined.Dandy talked about the life of Namek, which caused the gods to dream about his hometown.Since he had lost his memory when he hit the earth when he was a child, he completely forgot his life at that time.

Half a year after Namek's return, Dragon Ball can just make a new wish.With Bobo's help to raise the dragon balls, Dandy can easily summon the dragon.When Dandy saw the dragon that was different from Polunga, his immature cheeks were a little surprised.

Dark clouds, lightning and thunder.Its appearance is more powerful than Polunga.Although its ability is weaker than Bolunga, its quality is better than Bolunga.

"Who called me out so that I can realize any of his wishes?" Shenlong uttered a voice, his voice was extremely sacred and majestic.

"I summoned you out. May I ask you to resurrect the Namek who died because of Frieza?" Dandy said cautiously. After all, Polunga can only resurrect one person at a time.

Shenlong's red eyes flashed, and said majesticly: "I will try my best."

"Shenlong, how can you say such a thing, please do it." Bobo said silently.

The dragon was silent, its eyes glowing red, and Bobo and Dandy were waiting for its answer.

"Okay, I have helped you achieve your wish. If there is nothing, I should go." Shenlong has brewed a lot, and it is estimated that the alien must use its full power to come out.

"Thank you, Shenlong." Dandy didn't expect the earth's dragon ball to be so powerful, it really fulfilled his wish.When he thought that his people would be resurrected, his eyes flashed with excitement.

The capital of the west, the home of Bouma.For a year, Bouma quietly kept Nie Kong from nurturing their children.

Bouma belongs to her own secret research institute, which has a nutrition training cabin.Today, the birth of a child is finally ushered in.The embryo gradually matures, showing the appearance of a human baby.

She has light green hair like Boomer, and her lovely cheeks are seven points like Boomer and three points like Nie Kong.In her small body, there is a stronger power than Bouma.With Nie Kong's fusion blood, she will be the strongest girl in the world.

Buma whispered: "I'm so nervous, the baby should be awake today. Nie Jun, bless our baby is born!" She stared at the incubation cabin, and refused to move her for a long time. Bright eyes.Once upon a time, the lively and cunning Boomer was also preparing to be the child's mother.

"Wow, wow--" The baby in the culture solution was crying.The nutrient solution poured into her mouth, she thumped hard, trying to run out of it, looking for her mother.

Booma's eyebrows were delighted when he heard the crisp baby cry.She pressed the front button and pulled the nutrient solution out of the incubation chamber.She opened the incubator and took the baby out of it.

"My baby, mom is here." But Bouma, who has no mom experience, no matter how Bouma coaxed, the baby still cried.

The baby's cry was very loud and attracted Nie Kong and the others.

"Hey... Sister Bouma, why would you suddenly have the mind to adopt a baby and come back to raise it?" Qiqi was surprised when she saw the baby girl in her arms.No wonder she thought so, after all, Bouma had never been pregnant.

Bouma blushed and didn't know how to explain the situation.

"Could it be that she is our child? But... But when I was in H, I clearly refined the essence of life, and you didn't show signs of pregnancy, Bouma, how could it be..." The shadow of the baby girl, Nie Kong's eyes widened.

"Yes, it's... our child. She is the baby I collected Nie Jun's essence and cultivated in the training warehouse." Bu Ma said with a shy expression of her own experience of seeding.

Several people looked at the training room in the research room, and suddenly showed a suddenly realized expression.Nie Kong's mood is very complicated. He didn't expect that he already had his own blood without knowing it, and became a father himself.

Mrs. Bulma chuckled and said, "Little Buma, you are already going to be a mother. Don't be shy and feed your baby quickly. She is almost starving to death."

"Is it hungry? I thought she couldn't stop crying." Bu Ma glanced at Nie Kong, shyly revealing a more majestic and plump chest than before, and handed it to her child's mouth.It's just that he has never experienced actual childbirth. Although Bouma has a large breast, she does not have breast milk to feed her baby.

Helpless, they can only use milk instead.The little guy has a good appetite. Although he can't compare to Saiyans, he still has three or four times the appetite of other babies.

"Brother Nie Kong, let's give the baby a name, this is a big deal!" Qiqi eagerly said as she looked at the sleeping baby after she was full..

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