The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0509, Little Bra

The baby was staying quietly in Nie Kong's arms at this time, and he did not reject Nie Kong.Holding her, Nie Kong could feel a sense of intimacy connected by blood.That feeling was even worse than that of his descendant Jiaer.

Name the baby?This is so meaningful!The Yingying and Yanyan in the room immediately became happy again.

Nie Kong looked straight, and many names flashed in his mind, but there were still things he was very troubled with.

"If I have a baby, it might be good to call it No. 19." No. 18 tilted his head and looked serious.Nie Kong Khanran, it was lucky that she did not give birth to the child.Otherwise, come to the 19th, it is really laughable.After all, in True Dragon Ball, there is really No. 19, and he is an ugly man.

Qiqi spoke first and said softly: "Nie Kong, brother Nie Kong, listen to me. Why don't you call Nie Shuang, it's nice and easy to remember." The sweat on Nie Kong's forehead became even greater, his old sister's name My name is Nie Shuang, your name is too coincidental.If he was really called Nie Shuang, he would be a little frightened.

Thinking of his sister, Nie Kong showed nostalgia.My three-dimensional mother and sister, I don’t know what’s going on now. Will it really stop time when I travel in the two-dimensional world?

"No, no, let's change one." Nie Kong shook his head, and directly rejected Qiqi's suggestion, causing her to pouting, saying that he was very creative.

Parents all over the world are in the same mood when choosing names for their children!Boomer pondered for a while, she blinked suddenly, smiled and clapped her hands: "It's better to call Bra, I thought about it for a long time, how about it?!"

Nie Kong frowned when he heard it.Is it a coincidence? In the original book, Bouma’s daughter is also named Bra.But my own daughter is definitely much cuter than Bouma.Bra is nice, but his surname is Nie.If you follow Bouma's surname, how can you look like a patriarch?

"It's decided, the nickname is Bra and the big name is Nie Xin." Nie Kong immediately decided.

"Nie Xin, she has a gentle girl temperament. I don't know if the little girl will be like her name when she grows up in the future." No.18 chuckled.

"Since Dad helped you name it, you can call you Nie Xinga from now on, and your nickname is Bra, my cute little Bra." Bouma burst into a happy smile, arousing Qiqi and the others envy.

Nie Kong held his daughter, he felt very warm, just like his daughter's name.Little Xin'er, Dad will take care of you when you grow up. Dad has experience as a daddy.

Think of his righteous daughter Lias, he has personally raised for more than a year, although he finally became his own woman.Seeing Nie Kong's proficiency, the girls around were very surprised.

Even taking care of babies, Nie Jun is really gentle and considerate.

In the gloomy sky, the sun seemed to hide behind the dark clouds forever.The desolate earth, seen from high above, has no vitality, showing a red and yellow scene.The silence is terrible, like the end of the world.

Since Nie Kong left with the 18th for a few years, the entire human race on the earth has been almost extinct, and all the life energy swallowed into Sharu's stomach.

Due to the desperate protection of Boomer’s son, Trunks, she hid safely in the heavens tens of thousands of kilometers high.Having lost his son and racking his brains, Bouma, the only hope that comes to mind is the Temple of Heaven.

Although the gods are dead, Buma knows that there is Bobo, and maybe he has a way.Just very disappointed, Bobo expressed helplessness.

Although in the Temple of Heaven, there is such a strange place.It is filled with countless clocks, large and small. It seems that a clock represents a period of time and can send people to the past.

When Wukong was cultivating in the heavens, he had been sent to a hundred years ago, and he met the turtle immortal who was still a young man, and he also got the guidance of the Wu Taidou at that time to practice Qi.When the Saiyans came, Tianjin Fan, Leping, Dumplings, and Klin were spread to a ruined planet and fought with two lower-level Saiyans.In fact, it only records the real situation of the past, and can even send a person's spirit into this real situation under a kind of deep hypnotic situation, so that people can truly experience the situation at that time.Otherwise, Klin and the others went to fight against the Saiyans in an era when the Saiyans were not extinct. Although they died N times, they were still alive.

The last hope was shattered. Fortunately, Sharu could not find the hidden heavenly temple for a while.Having lost her friend, her husband, and her son, Bouma, who was distraught, wanted to commit suicide.

Boomer can only try to make a time machine again.With the first experience, Boomer is familiar with its principles.What she lacks now is only the materials to make it.

Fortunately, the materials of the temple are very rich, and many can be found.It was a lack of sophisticated machinery, so Bobo could only be told to go out and search carefully.After a few more years, the second time machine was finally announced.

Its performance is better than the original one, and the energy can be charged twice.And the first time machine can only go back and forth once at most.If the sailing time is too long, there may be no return.Even falling in the time tunnel is possible.

Just as Bouma wanted to go back thirty-five years ago with the prepared special heart medicine, to save Wukong and change the future of the world.

Suddenly, an air of horror swept across.To the east in the distance, a fuzzy figure flew over here quickly.Bobo's face changed drastically, and he could clearly feel the appearance of the incoming person.

His green skin was pale, a pair of wings flickered behind his back, and he had a long and slender tail.After several years, it seems that Sharu, who has traveled all over the world, finally found the Temple of Heaven.

"Buma, the big thing is not good. Sharu, who is more evil than a man-made, has been found here. Go back to the past to change the future and save our world." Bobo said solemnly.


"If you don't hurry up, the time machine may be ruined again. Are you willing to give up the hope of saving the world?".

Boomer gritted her teeth, jumped directly into the time machine, and quickly adjusted the time period she went to.

The time machine was spinning and floating in the air, disappearing strangely in Sharu's startled eyes.Compared to the disappearance of the 18th, it is the same strange.Could it be that they used to run away in such a machine?

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