The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0512, the artificial man is ready to appear

"Little Bulla, hurry up and go to bed." Nie Kong was holding a baby bottle in his hands, coaxing the little Bulla in his arms to sleep.Compared to his own mother, Little Bra is more sticky to Nie Kong.

"Nie Jun, Wukong and the others came to see you." It was Piccolo who rushed to the West Capital the fastest, followed by Wukong, and Tianjin Fan and the others.With Bouma's crisp voice, six people squeezed into the spacious hall in a blink of an eye.

When they saw Nie Kong who was skilled at coaxing the baby, they were dumbfounded by the six Wukong who had ran to the west to tell Nie Kong about the future.They never thought that Nie Kong, who had defeated Frieza, became a father with the passage of months.

Wukong leaned in front of Bra, tapped Bra's soft white cheek with his finger, and said strangely: "I didn't expect to see Nie Kong for months, you actually have a child. Haha, and it's good. Lovely daughter."

Inheriting the obvious characteristics of Bouma, the baby girl with light green hair looks very cute, a rare baby, and has a somewhat Nie Kong appearance, I believe that the long meeting is a more beautiful girl than Bouma.

"I really envy Nie Kong for your luck. You have such a lovely daughter. What is the name of the baby?" Klin asked curiously.

"The big name is Nie Xin, and the nickname is Bra." Buma gently took the baby in Nie Kong's arms with her palm, and said.She is gentle and beautiful, making Wukong and the others feel confused.They couldn't believe that Bouma, who was so beautiful in front of them, would really become like that in thirty-five years.

"You are finally willing to come back. I haven't seen the combat effectiveness increase quite quickly for a few months. By the way, is there something to do with me?" Nie Kong glanced at Wukong and several people, and asked casually.

Wukong glanced at Bouma, but did not speak.Nie Kong moved in his heart and realized that the topic might be somewhat sensitive to Bouma.She told Bouma to take Bula back to the bedroom to sleep, saying that she wouldn't be awakened by the conversation.

"Speaking of things, it may be unthinkable. It is that 35 years later, Bouma personally traveled to our time and told us that in three years there will be two unprecedented powerful enemies. Three years later, we will die one after another. Humans will suffer unprecedented destruction." Wu Kong said solemnly.

"We are here on this trip to remind Nie Kong that you work hard and don't die in the hands of the enemy who appears in three years." Le Ping said.If they knew that the blond girl with Nie Kong was one of the artificial people who would appear in the future, they would be shocked.

Nie Kong's expression became cold when he heard the future Boomer coming by the time machine. He didn't expect that she didn't die in Sharu's hands.After taking away her time machine, she will make another one.Although appearing here has no effect on him, Nie Kong is afraid that it will cause a huge change in the future plot.

"Where is she now, I want to ask her in person what is going on."

"She has already gone back, saying that she wants to see if the future has changed." Wukong was very surprised by Nie Kong's performance. He should be incredibly unbelievable to hear such weird things.

"Have you gone back?" Nie Kong breathed a sigh of relief, just reminding this that it should be fine.If Sharu is really attracted, his current strength is enough to deal with him.

Thinking of Sharu who forced him to flee decades ago, Nie Kong now hopes that he will appear in front of him.His combat effectiveness has been improved several times, so who is afraid of whom?

"Hmph, I'm about to make two eighteenths, why should you grab me half-completely?" Nie Kong finally put aside any worries, his expression returned to indifferent.

"We have already said what should be said. Three years later, in the southern island, nine kilometers south, we will go to the place where the artificial humans appear. Nie Kong, what are your plans?" Tianjin Fan asked.

"Since it is something that concerns the safety of the world, I must go there. With me, they cannot cause harm to the earth." Nie Kong nodded.

"Hehe, it's good for you to have confidence. In three years, I want to surpass you." Wukong believes.

After saying things, the six bid farewell to Nie Kong, and each began their own practice.With the oppression of the crisis, they become more motivated than anyone.Especially Klin, seeing Nie Kong's happy life, said he wanted to have a girlfriend after the crisis of cyborgs.

Bick left the team alone and began his own practice, while Tianjin Fan left with dumplings.Kelin and Leping returned to the Guixian House and planned their three-year practice.

The lifting of the gravity chamber is already very slow for them, and their physique has reached a certain bottleneck.So they handed the spaceship to Wukong and left separately.Knowing the practice of qi, they believe they will make greater progress.

Wukong thought for a long time, and felt that he should return to his grandfather's previous residence and stay there for three years and use the gravity room to help him practice.Saiyan's physique has no bottleneck, as long as it works hard, it will improve quickly, especially after breaking through the super game.

And one day later, Vegeta appeared on Earth.He sought Wukong's anger and came to him, to challenge Wukong.Vegeta's eyes widened just when he saw Wukong trying to practice more than two hundred times the gravity.

It's no wonder that Kakarot is ascending so fast, it turned out to be a practice using gravity.When Vegeta suddenly realized, she envied Wukong for such good practice conditions.

Wukong smiled and invited Vegeta to practice together. Vegeta snorted and reluctantly agreed to Wukong's invitation.The two single Saiyans started their practice in the gravity room. After they have opponents, they will improve faster.

The story of the cyborg finally opened. Nie Kong wanted to see how the two 18ths face each other, it would be very interesting.

"They came and went in a hurry, did something serious happen?" No. 18's graceful body appeared in the room, leaning in Nie Kong's arms and asked gently.

"What do you mean, the other one is about to show up, please be happy." Nie Kong kissed her on the cheek and smiled.

"With me here, I will make her obedient." On the 18th, she raised her small fist and looked forward to seeing herself.But Sharu appeared in her mind, she just hoped that Sharu would never show up.

Facing Sharu, she always had an inexplicable shudder.Although she is much stronger than before, she is still very scared.

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