The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0513, the plot opens

The story of the cyborg is about to begin. Nie Kong released his apprentice Vidili from Dingtianjie to the real world of Dragon Ball, saying that he brought her back more than ten years ago.

Vidili returned to her original dojo, seeing her father alive, tears of joy finally burst into her eyes.What's even more surprising is that Bi Dili actually saw her young self.

Vidili vowed to protect Satan from death in the hands of artificial people.The young Vidili is very weak, but Vidili, who has grown up in three years, will secretly show up to teach her how to use Qi.

It's just that the young Vidili was a little surprised when she saw her, and it was more familiar.As if her face, where I have seen it.Finally, when the young Vidili pressed the question, the mature Vidili told all the truth.

The two Vidili stared at each other, but soon the young Vidili accepted the facts.Hearing that she was going to marry a man who was Nie Kong in the future, Little Lolita was very curious about him, and she clamored for the mature Vidili to show her her husband.

The mature Vidili had no choice but to bring her young to Nie Kong.When Nie Kong saw two Vidili appearing, he felt dumbfounded.The six-year-old Vidili did not reject Nie Kong, but was very curious about him.

"There will be two selves. In that case, will there be two Nie Kongs. In the future, am I going to marry you, or will I meet you in the future? Oh, I really confuse me." Young Vidili Curiously asked.

"It shouldn't be. There is only one in the world. Little Bidili, remember to marry me when you grow up." Nie Kong joked.

"Hmph, you already have a me, how can you marry two me at the same time." Little Vidili pouted.

"It's okay, as long as it is Vidili, I like it." With two Vidili and two No. 18, Nie Kong felt very exciting.The six-year-old Vidili pouted, and she was annoyed whether she would really be his woman in the future when she grew up.

Although there was no clear answer to Nie Kong, Vidili's mouth was loosened a lot.After coming a few times, he finally became familiar with Nie Kong and the others.For Nie Kong, she had no feeling of rejection.

In three years, Bula grew up from a baby to a three-year-old girl.She likes to stick to Nie Kong very much, holding his thigh and crying daddy, daddy milkyly.In that way, don't mention how cute it is.

Nie Kong spends a lot of time with his daughter, and sometimes brings Little Vidili to accompany her.And preparing to gather to deal with the cyborgs, Nie Kong took a lot of effort to get rid of Xiao Bra.

With the pace of time, the partners who have been practicing for three years have finally reunited.Because they have made an appointment to gather before the cyborg will come.Vidili was already ready to protect Satan's father and daughter.Her fighting power exceeded one million, and she believed that protecting the safety of the two was simple.

After three years of practice, everyone's qi has increased a lot.Especially Wukong, the fighting power is so strong that it is almost close to ten million.But Piccolo was weak, only eight million.Leping 2 million, Kelin 2.5 million, Tianjin Fan 4 million, and dumplings 1.2 million.

What surprised the five members of Tianjin Fan was that Vegeta who accompanied Wukong to come, did not expect him to appear here.After hearing Wukong's explanation, they finally felt relieved.Vegeta's combat effectiveness is very strong. After three years of practice, he is a little weaker than Bik, but he failed to successfully complete the transformation.

Transform into a super game, but in a state of anger.His strength is enough, all he lacks is a little anger.

Nie Kong came with the 18th, and with her, she should be able to win the 18th in the current time and space.He knew very well that the character of No. 18 in this era resembled a human being, except to kill Wukong, she had never thought of hurting others.

Vegeta stood alone in the corner, her hideous murderous sharpness was revealed, and her expression was full of arrogance that refused to others.His body seemed to be much stronger than before he left the earth, and his eyes flashed with fiery fighting intent and shot towards Nie Kong.

It seems that it was Nie Kong's toughness that aroused the warlike blood of the Vegeta Saiyans.Moreover, Nie Kong defeated him a few years ago. Of course, he always wanted to chase after Nie Kong and the last Saiyan Wukong.

For Vegeta's arrival, Leping and the others are naturally welcome.After all, the specific strength of the cyborg is unknown. At this time, one more person has more strength.Besides, aware of Vegeta's anger, they knew he was strong.

"Nie Kong, you brought a girl to participate in such a dangerous battle, it's okay." Klin looked at the beautiful No.18 and asked aloud with worry.

"Little bald head, do you dare to underestimate me? I'm much better than you." No.18 snorted, and the energy inside his body radiated out, making Klin almost breathless.

It was the same when I participated in the first martial arts conference at the age of twelve, and it is the same now.I thought I had hallucinations at that time, but I didn't expect the girl in front of me to be really scary.

At this time, Wukong and the others realized that the beautiful girl who accompanied Nie Kong was really unfathomable, as powerful as Nie Kong.Vegeta's gritted teeth, he was unwilling to appear so many powerful characters.

"There are only five minutes left. Will the two so-called cyborgs appear around here, right?" Tianjin Fan said anxiously.

"They will come, I believe they will come." Monkey King said with a serious expression and a little longing in his eyes.He wants to meet opponents more than anyone, encounters an enemy who is unscrupulous.

"But the time is coming, I didn't feel any strong aura." Piccolo hugged his arms and floated in the air, looking at the bustling city without any strangeness, frowning.

"It's useless to just wait here. The cyborgs are cyborgs, and there are no airless waves. If you want to find them, you must find them separately." Nie Kong said.

"Then you should have said it earlier, because we have been waiting here for a long time." Wukong smiled bitterly.

"Don't worry, the time is not up. When the time comes, we will split our heads to look for suspicious clues, and then immediately notify everyone after we find the artificial human." Nie Kong has spiritual help, and believes that we can find the 18th as soon as possible. Where.

"Okay." Wukong and the others nodded in agreement, and Vegeta just snorted to answer Nie Kong's suggestion, how arrogant he would willingly follow Nie Kong's dispatch.So after the time was up, Vegeta just floated in the air without moving.

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