The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0514, the tragedy tower

Several people walked separately in the bustling city, observing the passersby.And Vegeta stayed high in the city to observe the so-called super enemies that would appear, disdaining to be with Goku and others.

"What the hell does the man-made person that Bouma said looks like? I forgot to ask at that time. I was really confused." Wukong scratched his fluffy hair, watching the various people in the city that his eyes scanned. Their every move.There is no clue, Bouma should be saying that during this time, they will come out to destroy mankind.

Like Wukong, Tianjin Fan and the others are blindly looking for the traces of the artificial people.It's just as if the cyborgs had never appeared, they only saw ordinary people.Nie Kong is the easiest one. He who has a vision of vision can see the city thoroughly by scanning a few times.He didn't find any traces of the humanoids. Could it be that the time was wrong.

When Vegeta was feeling bored in the air, suddenly a short fat man and a tall thin man caught his attention.There is no reason, they are flying towards him at high speed.No, it flies towards the city to be correct.

"En?" Although Vegeta didn't feel the slightest aura from these two guys, he had an inexplicable sense of crisis.Vegeta's cold face was tense, and her whole body was mobilized.

"They don't have the fluctuation of anger, and they can actually float in the air. Could it be that they are two super enemies that Kakarot said? Since you meet me here, you are unlucky. I will let you know, I, Vegeta They are the strongest Saiyans in the universe." Vegeta muttered to himself, looking at the two artificial humans approaching.

One of the obese humanoids suddenly twisted his body, his eyes shooting towards Vegeta as if with a sharp light.

"On the twentieth, this person emits strong energy fluctuations. But we don't have his information, it's very strange." A cold voice came from the fat artificial population.

The old man with a white beard and a thin body said coldly: "Since I have encountered it, drain his body's energy before leaving."

"Okay." The robot on the 19th nodded slowly.The two instantly appeared near Vegeta, stopped him back and forth, preventing him from escaping.

A hint of caution flashed in Vegeta's eyes. He had confirmed that the two in front of him were the combination of extremely terrifying humanoids that Kakarot said.So he was already ready to fight when the two appeared in front of him.

What Vegeta didn't expect was that the strength of the two cyborgs he dealt with was far beyond him, and their abilities were very strange.Among them, the fat man-made attacked silently, his speed was very fast.In the blink of an eye, he quickly appeared in front of him.

Between the lightning and flint, the mechanical fist of the obese man-made man was smashed toward Vegeta's head.

Vegeta's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly raised his hands to block the fist.With a bang, the force of terror came like a truck with dozens of tons.Vegeta staggered backwards, feeling that the internal organs in his chest seemed to have moved, completely upside down.

Vegeta only has a combat power of seven million, which is really a big gap compared to the cyborg who is close to 100 million.

And in the position where Vegeta retreated, the taller-No. 20 robot sneered, covering his mouth with his left hand, and hugging Vegeta with his right hand.With a sudden force, Vegeta paled with the sound of bones clicking.He didn't expect the enemy's attack to be so weird, it was impossible to guard against.

"Ah..." Vegeta wanted to call out, but his mouth was sealed.He could detect that his qi was weakening a little bit, as if someone was taking his qi.Vegeta's eyes widened, and he clearly felt that his strength and physical strength were passing by minute by minute.If this continues, he will definitely consume his anger and die.Take Wu Taidou, for example, exhausting his energy and using Demon Fengbo to die of exhaustion.

There was a cold light in the eyes of the robot on the 20th, and he did not stop his movements. A steady stream of energy flowed along Vegeta's body into his palm.

A feeling of unwillingness emerged in his mind, would he die again? He is the prince of Saiyans.

Just as Vegeta's qi dropped to an abnormal state, Tianjin Fan and the others, who were looking for humanoids in the corner of the city, felt that his qi was gradually weakening.

"Vegeta's breath is weakening fast, he is in danger." Wukong noticed the abnormality, and almost immediately moved towards his goal.

Monkey King was the first to appear, followed by the five of them from Tianjin Fan who were teleported.When he saw Vegeta who was dying, his eyes were full of anger.During the three years of getting along day and night, the two had a strong bond.

And the two terrifying humanoids looked at Wukong with very cold eyes.

"Damn it, it seems to be late." Wukong clenched his fists fiercely, and his body was in the middle of the sky, feeling a little pain in his chest, maybe he was angry.

When Tianjin Fan they saw Vegeta's dying appearance, they all showed expressions of surprise.They knew how powerful Vegeta was.But in front of them, there is no resistance.

"Bang..." Vegeta's body was like rubbish that had lost its usefulness. He was dying to the ground that was thrown by the No. 20 robot, stirring up a cloud of dust.

Bick looked coldly at the figures of the two humanoids, and slowly fell to the ground: "It seems that our enemy should be these two guys. It's just that there is a deviation in time. We arrived an hour earlier."

The eyes of the two cyborgs swept over everyone who arrived, and the killing intent of the cyborg on the 20th shot at Monkey King: "You dare to appear in front of us. You are so brave, Monkey King."

Wukong said in a deep voice, "It seems that you are two cyborgs invented by Dr. Gallo, but I must defeat you. Klin, did you bring the fairy beans? Vegeta should be alive, you feed Vegeta One."

"Haha... Do you want to defeat us? We are the robot that Dr. Gallo specially made to kill you." The white-haired robot No.20 gave out a crazy laugh.

"Is that so?" A black hole appeared in the sky, and Nie Kong made his grand debut with the beautiful number 18.

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