The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element body 0518Encounter

The situation seemed to have become more critical, and Piccould held his anger and said to Vegeta eagerly: "Go on, Vegeta. If you are killed here, do you have to be serious?" Picco's attitude made Vegeta very serious. Unhappy, "Shut up quickly, and then disappear for me. With your strength, let's go home and watch TV."

The 18th said indifferently: "If you want to go, let's go. We are not interested in those who run away. If you dare to challenge me, I will give him some color to see." Compared to the future Trunks' No.18 , Now the 18th is more human.Perhaps the current two No. 18s, regardless of mentality and body shape, are very close.

"Are you kidding? I'm going to take care of you all at once." Vegeta looked at Number 18, eyes flashing with anger.He wants to defeat No. 18 and prove that he is better than Nie Kong.

"Papa...", a series of applause appeared. On the 17th, they walked to the middle of them, and Tianjin Fan and Klin backed half a step.Watching number 17 vigilantly.

"That's good." The seventeenth with a scarf around his neck said: "You are so bold and courageous, I am a little surprised. And... you people who think that you admire martial arts, I tell you If someone dares to intervene in their battle, I will not stand by and watch."

"Don't worry, they are cowardly pacifists," Vegeta said, still somewhat disdainful of the people on earth.

Piccolo interrupted suddenly: "What is your purpose? Do you rule the earth or destroy mankind?"

On the 17th, he looked at Piccolo and smiled, and said, "Purpose? Temporarily... Our goal is to kill Monkey King. For the rest, think about it later."

Piccolo hesitated for a while and asked: "Dr. Gallo is dead now, why do you still need to execute his orders?"

On the 18th, after pulling the blond hair of his forehead to the base of his ears, his charming face exuded a charming smile: "This is our game, the meaning of our temporary existence." "Yes, the purpose of our creation is to kill. Monkey King." The 16th, who was always silent, said for the first time.

"I don't care what your purpose is, you can continue." Vegeta stared.

"Of course, you can do it." On the eighteenth, she rolled her shawl's blonde hair, her expression relaxed and relaxed, she didn't seem to take Vegeta seriously.

Vegeta's teeth squeaked and he roared and rushed towards Number 18.He tried his best to hit No. 18 as fast as he could, but No. 18 caught his attack with one move.

Thus, the two began a battle.The air currents rolled up by both sides resembled a gale, and dense white energy bombs appeared from time to time.They even penetrated the solid base and rushed into the air to fight.

The Tianjin fans present and they watched Vegeta's battle on the 18th. Although the two looked equally powerful, the expression on the 18th was very relaxed and they did not put Vegeta in their eyes.Moreover, No. 18 is of permanent energy type, and Vegeta's physical strength is gradually being consumed.Especially in the super game, it consumes a lot of energy.

The whole battle lasted for three minutes. Vegeta only hit No. 18 once, and then he was beaten.In the end, a flying kick on the 18th broke Vegeta's arm.

The Saiyan returned to normal with bright red blood flowing from his mouth, and it seems that the stubborn one was seriously injured.He stood again on Saiyan pride, but his bones seemed to fall apart.

They couldn't stand it anymore, so they directly stopped the 18th, so as not to see Vegeta die in front of them.Seeing them work together against No. 18, No. 17 was angrily shot.

After Piccolo attacked once, he appeared behind him and knocked down Piccolo, who had a combat power of tens of millions, with just one blow.Leping's hair is standing upside down, trying to capture the movement of No. 17, but he is powerless.

Following Piccolo, Leping fell into the fist of No. 17.Tianjin Fan and Dumplings behaved like Piccolo, failing to hold the two moves before the 17th.The dragon ball warriors galloping across the universe are now completely destroyed.

Piccolo laughed bitterly, trying his best to change the future, but now they are facing the same situation in the future.The cyborgs are too strong, one person may be enough to kill them all.

Besides, there are three of them. The enemy is really strong.Perhaps only Wukong and Nie Kong could defeat them.But are you willing to lag far behind them?

Recalling the information that Namek had received, if the divided self reunited, the strength would increase dozens of times!!Pic hated the gods, but the crisis forced him to succumb.

"If the strength improves to challenge us, we will accompany you at any time. We will rush to destroy Wukong. Come here if you have the courage."

When the three cyborgs were about to leave, Nie Kong's voice sounded: "Now... let us take care of the three of you!" He took number 18's little hand and stepped out of the black hole of space.

Ling Sense swept around and found that Piccolo and the others had been wiped out.And when he saw another number 18, Nie Kong seemed very excited again.Eliminating the budding Sharu and receiving another No. 18 was exactly what Nie Kong wanted desperately.I looked at the source of the sound in surprise, a figure they were familiar with.He claims to be stronger than Wukong, and is a weird figure that Dr. Gallo often mentions-Nie Kong, who has defended the martial arts champion twice.

"Hehe, Nie Jun, you want to bully the other me, I don't follow. The other 18th, I have to teach her personally." The girl next to Nie Kong said, and the voice gave them a familiar feeling.

Piccolo's eyes widened, and they saw the most shocking scene of their lives.Two identical girls made their grand debut in front of them.The appearance is exactly the same, and the habit of even stroking the hair is almost the same and at the same time.

"Two...two 18ths, I didn't dream it." 17th stammered, with some illusion of time and space disorder.

"She...she said it was another self, but how come there are two identical cyborgs on the 18th?" Tianjin Fan and the others became confused as they thought about it, and they couldn't figure out the hidden information.

Looking at the other No. 18 who appeared in front of her like a mirror shot backwards, she frowned and asked, "Who are you?" She looked at Nie Kong's No. 18 warily, but did not feel the crisis.

"Who are you, who I am." Number 18 next to Nie Kong smiled lightly, her eyes flashing with mischievous joy.

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